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Defines the protocols for allocating an manipulating blocks

Defines the protocols for allocating an manipulating blocks
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An abstraction over a block of raw binary data of fixed length

An abstraction over a block of raw binary data of fixed length


(put-longs! this offset len values)

Modifies the longs at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Longs.

Modifies the longs at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Longs.


(get-bytes this offset len)

Returns the bytes at a given offset within the block.

Returns the bytes at a given offset within the block.


(put-byte! this offset value)

Modifies the byte at a given offset within the block.

Modifies the byte at a given offset within the block.


(put-long! this offset value)

Modifies the long at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Longs.

Modifies the long at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Longs.


(get-int this offset)

Returns the integer at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Integers.

Returns the integer at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Integers.


(put-ints! this offset len values)

Modifies the ints at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Integers.

Modifies the ints at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Integers.


(put-bytes! this offset len values)

Modifies the bytes at a given offset within the block.

Modifies the bytes at a given offset within the block.


(get-longs this offset len)

Returns the longs at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Longs.

Returns the longs at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Longs.


(get-byte this offset)

Returns the byte at a given offset within the block.

Returns the byte at a given offset within the block.


(put-block! this offset src)
(put-block! this offset src src-offset length)

Copies the contents of one block into this block.

Copies the contents of one block into this block.


(get-ints this offset len)

Returns the ints at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Integers.

Returns the ints at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Integers.


(get-long this offset)

Returns the long at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Longs.

Returns the long at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Longs.


(copy-over! this src src-offset)

Replace the contents of this block with another (starting at an offset on the source).

Replace the contents of this block with another (starting at an offset on the source).


(put-int! this offset value)

Modifies the integer at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Integers.

Modifies the integer at a given offset within the block. Offset is in Integers.


(get-id this)

Returns the ID of the block.

Returns the ID of the block.
sourceraw docstring


A mutating object for allocating blocks

A mutating object for allocating blocks


(allocate-block! this)

Allocate a new block from the manager's resources.

Allocate a new block from the manager's resources.


(copy-block! this block)

Allocates a new block, initialized with a copy of another block.

Allocates a new block, initialized with a copy of another block.


(copy-to-tx this block)

Returns a block that is in the current transaction, possibly returning the current block

Returns a block that is in the current transaction, possibly returning the current block


(get-block this id)

Returns the block associated with an ID.

Returns the block associated with an ID.


(get-block-size this)

Returns the size of blocks allocated by this manager

Returns the size of blocks allocated by this manager


(write-block this block)

Writes a block into the managed resources. Flushing is not expected.

Writes a block into the managed resources. Flushing is not expected.
sourceraw docstring

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