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The implements the Block storage version of a Graph/Database/Connection

The implements the Block storage version of a Graph/Database/Connection
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(as-of* {{:keys [tx-manager] :as connection} :connection
         bgraph :bgraph
         timestamp :timestamp
         t :t
         :as database}

Inputs: [{{:keys [tx-manager], :as connection} :connection, bgraph :bgraph, timestamp :timestamp, t :t, :as database} :- DatabaseType t-val] Returns: DatabaseType

Returns a database value for a provided t-value. If t-val is the transaction number for an older database, then returns that database. Otherwise, will return this database If t-val is a timestamp then returns the most recent database that was valid at that time.

Inputs: [{{:keys [tx-manager], :as connection} :connection, bgraph :bgraph, timestamp :timestamp, t :t, :as database} :- DatabaseType t-val]
Returns: DatabaseType

Returns a database value for a provided t-value.
If t-val is the transaction number for an older database, then returns that database. Otherwise, will return this database
If t-val is a timestamp then returns the most recent database that was valid at that time.
sourceraw docstring


(create-database name)

Inputs: [name :- s/Str] Returns: ConnectionType

This opens a connection to an existing database by the name of the location for resources. If the database does not exist then it is created.

Inputs: [name :- s/Str]
Returns: ConnectionType

This opens a connection to an existing database by the name of the location for resources.
If the database does not exist then it is created.
sourceraw docstring


(db* {:keys [name tx-manager grapha] :as connection})

Inputs: [{:keys [name tx-manager grapha], :as connection} :- ConnectionType] Returns: DatabaseType

Returns the most recent database value from the connection.

Inputs: [{:keys [name tx-manager grapha], :as connection} :- ConnectionType]
Returns: DatabaseType

Returns the most recent database value from the connection.
sourceraw docstring


(db-exists? store-name)

Inputs: [store-name :- s/Str] Returns: s/Bool

Tests if this database exists by looking for the transaction file

Inputs: [store-name :- s/Str]
Returns: s/Bool

Tests if this database exists by looking for the transaction file
sourceraw docstring




(delete-database* {:keys [name grapha tx-manager] :as connection})

Inputs: [{:keys [name grapha tx-manager], :as connection} :- ConnectionType]

Delete the graph, which will recursively delete all resources

Inputs: [{:keys [name grapha tx-manager], :as connection} :- ConnectionType]

Delete the graph, which will recursively delete all resources
sourceraw docstring






(entity* {bgraph :bgraph :as database} id nested?)

Inputs: [{bgraph :bgraph, :as database} id nested? :- s/Bool] Returns: (s/maybe #:s{Keyword s/Any})

Inputs: [{bgraph :bgraph, :as database} id nested? :- s/Bool]
Returns: (s/maybe #:s{Keyword s/Any})
sourceraw docstring



Inputs: [] Returns: TxRecordPacked

Inputs: []
Returns: TxRecordPacked
sourceraw docstring


(pack-tx {:keys [r-spot r-post r-ospt r-pool nodes timestamp]})

Inputs: [{:keys [r-spot r-post r-ospt r-pool nodes timestamp]} :- TxRecord] Returns: TxRecordPacked

Packs a transaction into a vector for serialization

Inputs: [{:keys [r-spot r-post r-ospt r-pool nodes timestamp]} :- TxRecord]
Returns: TxRecordPacked

Packs a transaction into a vector for serialization
sourceraw docstring


(release* {:keys [name grapha tx-manager] :as connection})

Inputs: [{:keys [name grapha tx-manager], :as connection} :- ConnectionType]

Closes the transaction manager, and the graph, which will recursively close all resources

Inputs: [{:keys [name grapha tx-manager], :as connection} :- ConnectionType]

Closes the transaction manager, and the graph, which will recursively close all resources
sourceraw docstring


(since* {{tx-manager :tx-manager :as connection} :connection
         timestamp :timestamp
         bgraph :bgraph
         t :t
         :as database}

Inputs: [{{tx-manager :tx-manager, :as connection} :connection, timestamp :timestamp, bgraph :bgraph, t :t, :as database} :- DatabaseType t-val] Returns: (s/maybe DatabaseType)

Returns the next database value after the provided t-value. If t-val is a transaction number for an older databse, then it returns the next database. If it refers to the current database or later, then returns nil (even if more recent databases exist, since this database is stateless. If t-val is a timestamp, then it returns the next database after that time, unless the timestamp is at or after the timestamp on the current database.

Inputs: [{{tx-manager :tx-manager, :as connection} :connection, timestamp :timestamp, bgraph :bgraph, t :t, :as database} :- DatabaseType t-val]
Returns: (s/maybe DatabaseType)

Returns the next database value after the provided t-value.
If t-val is a transaction number for an older databse, then it returns the next database. If it refers to the current
database or later, then returns nil (even if more recent databases exist, since this database is stateless.
If t-val is a timestamp, then it returns the next database after that time, unless the timestamp is at or after
the timestamp on the current database.
sourceraw docstring


(transact-data* conn generator-fn)
(transact-data* conn asserts retracts)
(transact-data* G__19091 G__19092)
(transact-data* G__19085 G__19086 G__19087)

Inputs: ([conn :- ConnectionType asserts :- [Triple] retracts :- [Triple]] [conn :- ConnectionType generator-fn]) Returns: DBsBeforeAfter

Removes a series of tuples from the latest graph, and asserts new tuples into the graph. Updates the connection to the new graph.

Inputs: ([conn :- ConnectionType asserts :- [Triple] retracts :- [Triple]] [conn :- ConnectionType generator-fn])
Returns: DBsBeforeAfter

Removes a series of tuples from the latest graph, and asserts new tuples into the graph.
 Updates the connection to the new graph.
sourceraw docstring


(transact-update* {:keys [tx-manager grapha nodea] :as connection} update-fn)

Inputs: [{:keys [tx-manager grapha nodea], :as connection} :- ConnectionType update-fn :- UpdateFunction] Returns: DBsBeforeAfter

Updates a graph according to a provided function. This will be done in a new, single transaction.

Inputs: [{:keys [tx-manager grapha nodea], :as connection} :- ConnectionType update-fn :- UpdateFunction]
Returns: DBsBeforeAfter

Updates a graph according to a provided function. This will be done in a new, single transaction.
sourceraw docstring










(unpack-tx {[r-spot r-post r-ospt r-pool nodes] :tx-data timestamp :timestamp})

Inputs: [{[r-spot r-post r-ospt r-pool nodes] :tx-data, timestamp :timestamp} :- TxRecordPacked] Returns: TxRecord

Unpacks a transaction vector into a structure when deserializing

Inputs: [{[r-spot r-post r-ospt r-pool nodes] :tx-data, timestamp :timestamp} :- TxRecordPacked]
Returns: TxRecord

Unpacks a transaction vector into a structure when deserializing
sourceraw docstring



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