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A storage implementation over in-memory indexing.

A storage implementation over in-memory indexing.
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(as-database graph)

Inputs: [graph :- GraphType] Returns: DatabaseType

Creates a Database around an existing Graph. graph: The graph to build a database around.

Inputs: [graph :- GraphType]
Returns: DatabaseType

Creates a Database around an existing Graph.
 graph: The graph to build a database around. 
sourceraw docstring


(as-of* {:keys [graph history timestamp] :as db} t)

Inputs: [{:keys [graph history timestamp], :as db} :- DatabaseType t :- (s/cond-pre s/Int (s/pred instant?))] Returns: DatabaseType

Retrieves the database as of a given moment, inclusive. The t value may be an instant, or a transaction ID. The database returned will be whatever database was the latest at the specified time or transaction.

Inputs: [{:keys [graph history timestamp], :as db} :- DatabaseType t :- (s/cond-pre s/Int (s/pred instant?))]
Returns: DatabaseType

Retrieves the database as of a given moment, inclusive.
 The t value may be an instant, or a transaction ID.
 The database returned will be whatever database was the latest at the specified time or transaction.
sourceraw docstring


(as-of-t* {history :history :as db})

Inputs: [{history :history, :as db} :- DatabaseType] Returns: s/Int

Returns the as-of point for a database, or nil if none

Inputs: [{history :history, :as db} :- DatabaseType]
Returns: s/Int

Returns the as-of point for a database, or nil if none
sourceraw docstring


(as-of-time* {:keys [timestamp]})

Inputs: [{:keys [timestamp]} :- DatabaseType] Returns: s/Int

Returns the timestamp for a database

Inputs: [{:keys [timestamp]} :- DatabaseType]
Returns: s/Int

Returns the timestamp for a database
sourceraw docstring


(db* connection)

Inputs: [connection :- ConnectionType] Returns: DatabaseType

Retrieves the most recent value of the database for reading.

Inputs: [connection :- ConnectionType]
Returns: DatabaseType

Retrieves the most recent value of the database for reading.
sourceraw docstring




(delete-database* {:keys [state] :as connection})

Inputs: [{:keys [state], :as connection} :- ConnectionType] Returns: s/Bool

Reverts the state of a connection to an empty database, resetting the initialization time.

Inputs: [{:keys [state], :as connection} :- ConnectionType]
Returns: s/Bool

Reverts the state of a connection to an empty database, resetting the initialization time.
sourceraw docstring






(entity* {graph :graph :as db} id nested?)

Inputs: [{graph :graph, :as db} id nested?] Returns: (s/maybe #:s{Any s/Any})

Returns an entity based on an identifier, either the :db/id or a :db/ident if this is available. This eagerly retrieves the entity. Objects may be nested, but references to top level objects will be nil in order to avoid loops.

Inputs: [{graph :graph, :as db} id nested?]
Returns: (s/maybe #:s{Any s/Any})

Returns an entity based on an identifier, either the :db/id or a :db/ident if this is available. This eagerly retrieves the entity.
 Objects may be nested, but references to top level objects will be nil in order to avoid loops.
sourceraw docstring


(get-url* {:keys [name state]})

Inputs: [{:keys [name state]} :- ConnectionType] Returns: s/Str

Inputs: [{:keys [name state]} :- ConnectionType]
Returns: s/Str
sourceraw docstring


(graph* database)

Inputs: [database :- DatabaseType] Returns: GraphType

Returns the Graph object associated with a Database

Inputs: [database :- DatabaseType]
Returns: GraphType

Returns the Graph object associated with a Database
sourceraw docstring


(new-connection name gr)

Inputs: [name :- s/Str gr :- GraphType] Returns: ConnectionType

Creates a memory Connection object

Inputs: [name :- s/Str gr :- GraphType]
Returns: ConnectionType

Creates a memory Connection object
sourceraw docstring


(next-tx* connection)

Inputs: [connection :- ConnectionType] Returns: s/Num

Inputs: [connection :- ConnectionType]
Returns: s/Num
sourceraw docstring


(since* {:keys [graph history timestamp] :as db} t)

Inputs: [{:keys [graph history timestamp], :as db} :- DatabaseType t :- (s/cond-pre s/Int (s/pred instant?))] Returns: (s/maybe DatabaseType)

Returns the value of the database since some point t, exclusive. t can be a transaction number, or instant.

Inputs: [{:keys [graph history timestamp], :as db} :- DatabaseType t :- (s/cond-pre s/Int (s/pred instant?))]
Returns: (s/maybe DatabaseType)

Returns the value of the database since some point t, exclusive.
 t can be a transaction number, or instant.
sourceraw docstring


(since-t* {history :history :as db})

Inputs: [{history :history, :as db} :- DatabaseType] Returns: s/Int

Returns the since point of a database, or nil if none

Inputs: [{history :history, :as db} :- DatabaseType]
Returns: s/Int

Returns the since point of a database, or nil if none
sourceraw docstring


(transact-data* conn updates! generator-fn)
(transact-data* conn updates! asserts retracts)
(transact-data* G__19969 G__19970 G__19971)
(transact-data* G__19962 G__19963 G__19964 G__19965)

Inputs: ([conn :- ConnectionType updates! :- UpdateData asserts :- [Triple] retracts :- [Triple]] [conn :- ConnectionType updates! :- UpdateData generator-fn]) Returns: DBsBeforeAfter

Removes a series of tuples from the latest graph, and asserts new tuples into the graph. Updates the connection to the new graph.

Inputs: ([conn :- ConnectionType updates! :- UpdateData asserts :- [Triple] retracts :- [Triple]] [conn :- ConnectionType updates! :- UpdateData generator-fn])
Returns: DBsBeforeAfter

Removes a series of tuples from the latest graph, and asserts new tuples into the graph.
 Updates the connection to the new graph.
sourceraw docstring


(transact-update* conn update-fn)

Inputs: [conn :- ConnectionType update-fn :- (s/pred fn?)] Returns: DBsBeforeAfter

Updates a graph with a function, updating the connection to the new graph. The function accepts a graph and a transaction ID. Returns a triple containing the old database, the new one, and any adjunect data the statement generator may have created.

Inputs: [conn :- ConnectionType update-fn :- (s/pred fn?)]
Returns: DBsBeforeAfter

Updates a graph with a function, updating the connection to the new graph.
The function accepts a graph and a transaction ID.
Returns a triple containing the old database, the new one, and any adjunect data the statement generator may have created.
sourceraw docstring

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