(new-rule head body name)
(new-rule head body name downstream)
(new-rule head body name downstream salience)
(new-rule head body name downstream salience status execution-count)
(new-rule G__4662 G__4663 G__4664)
(new-rule G__4668 G__4669 G__4670 G__4671)
(new-rule G__4675 G__4676 G__4677 G__4678 G__4679)
(new-rule G__4683 G__4684 G__4685 G__4686 G__4687 G__4688 G__4689)
Inputs: ([head :- Head body :- Body name :- s/Str] [head :- Head body :- Body name :- s/Str downstream :- [RulePatternPair]] [head :- Head body :- Body name :- s/Str downstream :- [RulePatternPair] salience :- s/Num] [head :- Head body :- Body name :- s/Str downstream :- [RulePatternPair] salience :- s/Num status :- {EPVPattern (s/atom ConstraintData)} execution-count :- (s/atom s/Num)])
Inputs: ([head :- Head body :- Body name :- s/Str] [head :- Head body :- Body name :- s/Str downstream :- [RulePatternPair]] [head :- Head body :- Body name :- s/Str downstream :- [RulePatternPair] salience :- s/Num] [head :- Head body :- Body name :- s/Str downstream :- [RulePatternPair] salience :- s/Num status :- {EPVPattern (s/atom ConstraintData)} execution-count :- (s/atom s/Num)])
Convenience for representing a single key/value pair in a StatusMap
Convenience for representing a single key/value pair in a StatusMap
(strict-map->DynamicRule m4637 & [drop-extra-keys?__682__auto__])
Factory function for class DynamicRule, taking a map of keywords to field values. All keys are required, and no extra keys are allowed. Even faster than map->
Factory function for class DynamicRule, taking a map of keywords to field values. All keys are required, and no extra keys are allowed. Even faster than map->
(strict-map->Rule m4615 & [drop-extra-keys?__682__auto__])
Factory function for class Rule, taking a map of keywords to field values. All keys are required, and no extra keys are allowed. Even faster than map->
Factory function for class Rule, taking a map of keywords to field values. All keys are required, and no extra keys are allowed. Even faster than map->
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