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A Guide to the Parsatron

The Parsatron is a library for building parsers for languages. For an overview of how it works internally you can watch this talk.

This document will show you the basics of how to use the Parsatron as an end user.


Assuming you have the library installed, you can grab all the things you'll need by using it:

(ns myparser.core
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [char])
  (:use [the.parsatron]))

Notice the exclusion of clojure.core/char, which would otherwise collide with the char imported from the parsatron.

You can, of course, use :only if you want, though that can get tedious very quickly.


Let's see how to run a basic parser. It won't do much, but it will get something on the screen so we can try things as we go. Assuming you've got everything imported:

(run (char \H) "Hello, world!")
; \H

The run function takes a parser and some input, runs the parser on that input, and returns the result.

The parser we passed here was (char \H). We'll talk more about parsers in a second, but for now just know that it's a parser that will parse a single "H" character.

Notice that it only parsed the first character, and even though there was more left it still successfully returned. We'll talk about how to make sure that there's no remaining input later.


We passed a string as the input to run in our first example, but the input doesn't necessarily have to be a string. It can be any sequence. For example, this works:

(run (token #{1 2}) [1 "cats" :dogs])
; 1

The (token #{1 2}) is a parser that matches the integer 1 or the integer 2, and we've passed it a vector of things.


If the parser you give to run can't parse the input successfully, a RuntimeException will be thrown:

(run (char \q) "Hello, world!")
; RuntimeException Unexpected token 'H' at line: 1 column: 1 ...

The exception will tell you the line and column of the error, which is usually quite helpful.


Now that we've got the basics, it's time to talk about how to create new parsers.

A "parser" is, technically, a function that takes 5 arguments and returns a special value, but you don't need to worry about that yet. What you do need to worry about is how to create them and combine them.

When we ran (char \H) in the first example, it returned a parser. char itself is a function that, when given a character, creates a parser that parses that character.

Read that again and make sure you understand it before moving on. char is not a parser. It's a function that creates parsers. Character goes in, parser comes out:

(def h-parser (char \h))
(run h-parser "hi")
; \h

Basic Built-In Parsers

There are a few other basic parser-creating functions that you'll probably find useful, which we'll talk about now.


token creates parsers that match single items from the input stream (which are characters if the input stream happens to be a string). You give it a predicate, and it returns a parser that parses and returns items that match the predicate. For example:

(defn less-than-five [i]
  (< i 5))

(run (token less-than-five)
; 3

The predicate can be any function, so things like anonymous functions and sets work well.


We've already seen char, which creates parsers that parse and return a single, specific character.

(run (char \H) "Hello, world!")
; \H


any-char creates parsers that will parse and return any character. Remember that we can use the parsatron to parse more than just strings:

(run (any-char) "Cats")
; \C

(run (any-char) [\C \a \t \s])
; \C

(run (any-char) [1 2 3])
; RuntimeException...

letter and digit

letter and digits create parsers that parse and return letter characters (a-z and A-Z) and digit characters (0-9) respectively.

(run (letter) "Dogs")
; \D

(run (digit) "100")
; \1

Note that digit works with character objects. It won't work with actual integers:

(run (digit) [10 20 30])
; RuntimeException...

If you want a parser that matches numbers in a non-string input sequence, use token and the Clojure builtin function number? to make it:

(run (token number?) [10 20 30])
; 10


string creates parsers that parse and return a sequence of characters given as a string:

(run (string "Hello") "Hello, world!")
; "Hello"

Note that this is the first time we've seen a parser that consumes more than one item in the input sequence.


eof creates parsers that ensure the input stream doesn't contain anything else:

(run (eof) "")
; nil

(run (eof) "a")
; RuntimeException...

On its own it's not very useful, but we'll need it once we learn how to combine parsers.

Combining Parsers

The Parsatron wouldn't be very useful if we could only ever parse one thing at a time. There are a number of ways you can combine parsers to build up complex ones from basic parts.


The >> macro is the simplest way to combine parsers. It takes any number of parsers and creates a new parser. This new parser runs them in order and returns the value of the last one.

Again, >> takes parsers and returns a new parser. We'll see this many times in this section.

Here's an example:

(def my-parser (>> (char \a)

(run my-parser "a5")
; \5

(run my-parser "5a")
; RuntimeException...

(run my-parser "b5")
; RuntimeException...

(run my-parser "aq")
; RuntimeException...

We create a parser from two other parsers with >> and run it on some input. >> runs its constituent parsers in order, and they all have to match for it to parse successfully.

Now that we can combine parsers, we can also ensure that there's no garbage after the stuff we parse by using eof:

(run (>> (digit) (eof)) "1")
; nil

(run (>> (digit) (eof)) "1 cat")
; RuntimeException...


The next way to combine parsers (or, really, a parser with itself) is the times function.

times is a function that takes a count and a parser, and returns a parser that repeats the one you gave it the specified number of times and returns the results concatenated into a sequence.

For example:

(run (times 5 (letter)) "Hello, world!")
; (\H \e \l \l \o)

This is different than (>> (letter) (letter) (letter) (letter) (letter)) because it returns all of the parsers' results, not just the last one.


many is the first creator of "open-ended" parsers we've seen. It's a function that takes a parser and returns a new parser that will parse zero or more of the one you gave it, and return the results concatenated into a sequence.

For example:

(run (many (digit)) "100 cats")
; (\1 \0 \0)

Now we can start to build much more powerful parsers:

(def number-parser (many (digit)))
(def whitespace-parser (many (token #{\space \newline \tab})))

(run (>> number-parser whitespace-parser number-parser) "100    400")
; (\4 \0 \0)

We still need to talk about how to get more than just the last return value, but that will come later.


many1 is just like many, except that the parsers it creates require at least one item. It's like + in a regular expression instead of *.

(def number-parser (many (digit)))
(def number-parser1 (many1 (digit)))

(run number-parser "")
; []

(run number-parser "100")
; (\1 \0 \0)

(run number-parser1 "")
; RuntimeException...

(run number-parser1 "100")
; (\1 \0 \0)


either is a parser that takes two parsers. If the first one succeeds its value is returned, if it fails, the second parser is tried and it's value is returned.

(def number (many1 (digit)))
(def word (many1 (letter)))

(def number-or-word (either number word))

(run number-or-word "dog")
; (\d \o \g)

(run number-or-word "42")
; (\4 \2)

(run number-or-word "@#$")
; RuntimeException ...


choice takes one or more parsers and creates a parser that will try each of them in order until one parses successfully, and return its result. It is different from either in that it may take more than two parsers while either can only take 2.

For example:

(def number (many1 (digit)))
(def word (many1 (letter)))
(def other (many1 (any-char)))

(def number-or-word-or-anything (choice number word other))

(run number-or-word-or-anything "dog")
; (\d \o \g)

(run number-or-word-or-anything "42")
; (\4 \2)

(run number-or-word-or-anything "!@#$")
; (\! \@ \# \$)

Notice that we used many1 when defining the parsers number and word. If we had used many then this would always parse as a number because if there were no digits it would successfully return an empty sequence.


between is a function that takes three parsers, call them left, right, and center. It creates a parser that parses them in left - center - right order and returns the result of center.

This is a convenient way to handle things like parentheses:

(def whitespace-char (token #{\space \newline \tab}))
(def optional-whitespace (many whitespace-char))

(def open-paren (char \())
(def close-paren (char \)))

(def number (many1 (digit)))

(run (between (>> open-paren optional-whitespace)
              (>> optional-whitespace close-paren)
    "(123    )")
; (\1 \2 \3)

This example is a bit more complicated than we've seen so far, so slow down and make sure you know what's going on.

The three parsers we're giving to between are:

  1. (>> open-paren optional-whitespace)
  2. (>> optional-whitespace close-paren)
  3. number

Once you're comfortable with this example, it's time to move on to the next stage of parsing: building and returning values.

Returning Values

So far we've looked at many ways to parse input. If you just need to validate that input is in the correct format, but not do anything with it, you're all set. But usually the goal of parsing something is to do things with it, so let's look at how that works now.

We've been using the word "returns" in a fast-and-loose fashion so far, but now it's time to look a bit more closely at what it means in the Parsatron.

defparser and always

When we looked at parsers created with char (like (char \H)) we said that these parsers returned that character they parsed. That's not quite true. They actually return a specially-wrapped value.

If you want to know exactly what that special wrapping is, watch the talk. But you don't really need to understand the guts to use the Parsatron. You just need to know how to create them.

This is the first time we're going to be creating parsers that are more than just simple combinations of existing ones. To do that we need to use a special macro that handles setting them up properly: defparser. Look at the following example (don't worry about what always is yet):

(defparser sample []
  (string "Hello")
  (always 42))

First of all, defparser doesn't define parsers. It defines functions that create parsers, just like all of the ones we've seen so far. Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. In practice it's only slightly confusing.

So now we've got a function sample that we can use to create a parser by calling it:

(def my-sample-parser (sample))

Okay, now lets run it on some input:

(run my-sample-parser "Hello, world!")
; 42

There's a bunch of interesting things going on here, so let's slow down and take a look.

First, the parsers created by the functions defparser defines implicitely wrap their bodies in >>, which as we've seen runs its argument parsers in order and returns the last result. So our (sample) parser will run the "Hello" string parser, and then the always parser (which it uses as the result).

So what is this always thing? Well, remember at the beginning of this section we said that parsers return a specially-wrapped value? always is a way to simply stick a piece of data in this special wrapper so it can be the result of a parser.

Here's a little drawing that might help:

raw input --> (run ...) --> raw output
              |      ^
              |      |
              |  wrapped output
              v      |
           (some parser)

run takes the wrapped output from the parser and unwraps it for us before returning it, which is why our run calls always gave us vanilla Clojure data structures before.

We're almost to the point where we can create full-featured parsers. The final piece of the puzzle is a way to intercept results and make decisions inside of our parsers.


The let->> macro is the magic glue that's going to make creating your parsers fun. In a nutshell, it lets you bind (unwrapped) parser results to names, which you can then use normally. Let's just take a look at how it works:

(defparser word []
  (many1 (letter)))

(defparser greeting []
  (let->> [prefix (string "Hello, ")
           name (word)
           punctuation (choice (char \.)
                               (char \!))]
    (if (= punctuation \!)
      (always [(apply str name) :excited])
      (always [(apply str name) :not-excited]))))

(run (greeting) "Hello, Cat!")
; ["Cat" :excited]

(run (greeting) "Hello, Dog.")
; ["Dog" :not-excited]

There's a lot happening here so let's look at it piece-by-piece.

First we use defparser to make a word function for creating word parsers. We could have done this with (def word (many1 (letter))) and then used it as word later, but I find it's easier to just use defparser for everything. That way we always get parsers the same way: by calling a function.

Next we have our greeting parser (technically a function that makes a parser, but you get the idea by now). Inside we have a let->> that runs three parsers and binds their (unwrapped) results to names:

  1. (string "Hello, ") parses a literal string. prefix gets bound to the string "Hello, ".
  2. (word) parses one or more letters. name gets bound to the result, which is a sequence of chars like (\C \a \t).
  3. (choice (char \.) (char \!)) parses a period or exclamation point. punctuation gets bound to the character that was parsed, like \. or \!.

That's it for the binding section. Next we have the body of the let->>. This needs to return a wrapped value, but we can do anything we like with our bound variables to determine what to return. In this case we return different things depending on whether the greeting ended with an exclamation point or not.

Notice how the return values are wrapped in (always ...). Also notice how all the bound values have been unwrapped for us by let->>. name really is just a sequence of characters which can be used with (apply str ...) as usual.

You might wonder whether you can move the (apply str ...) into the let->> binding form, so we don't have to do it twice. Unfortunately you can't. Every right hand side in a let->> binding form has to evaluate to a parser.

If you tried to do something like (let->> [name (apply str (word))] ...) it wouldn't work for two reasons. First, let->> evaluates the right hand side and expects the result to be a parser, which it then runs. So it would call (apply str some-word-parser) and get a string back, which isn't a parser.

Second, let->> unwraps the return value of (word) right before it binds it, so even if the first problem weren't true, (apply str ...) would get a wrapped value as its argument, which is not going to work.

Of course, you can do anything you want in the body of a let->>, so this is fine:

(let->> [name (word)]
  (let [name (apply str name)]
    (always name)))

let in this example is a vanilla Clojure let.

Binding forms in a let->> are executed in order, and importantly, later forms can refer to earlier ones. Look at this example:

(defparser sample []
  (let->> [sign (choice (char \+)
                        (char \-))
           word (if (= sign \+)
                  (string "plus")
                  (string "minus"))]
    (always [sign word])))

(run (sample) "+plus")
; [\+ "plus"]

(run (sample) "-minus")
; [\- "minus"]

(run (sample) "+minus")
; RuntimeException...

In this example, sign gets bound to the unwrapped result of the choice parser, which is a character. Then we use that character to determine which parser to use in the next binding. If the sign was a \+, we parse the string "plus". Likewise for minus.

Notice how mixing the two in the last example produced an error. We saw the \+ and decided that we'd used the (string "plus") parser for the next input, but it turned out to be "minus".

Tips and Tricks

That's about it for the basics! You now know enough to parse a wide variety of things by building up complex parsers from very simple ones.

Before you go, here's a few tips and tricks that you might find helpful.

You can parse more than just strings

Remember that the Parsatron operates on sequences of input. These don't necessarily have to be strings.

Maybe you've got a big JSON response that you want to split apart. Don't try to write a JSON parser from scratch, just use an existing one like Cheshire and then use the Parsatron to parse the Clojure datastructure(s) it sends back!

You can throw away let->> bindings

Sometimes you're writing a let->> form and encounter a value that you don't really need to bind to a name. Instead of stopping the let->> and nesting a >> inside it, just bind the value to a disposable name, like _:

(defparser float []
  (let->> [integral (many1 (digit))
           _ (char \.)
           fractional (many1 (digit))]
    (let [integral (apply str integral)
          fractional (apply str fractional)]
      (always (Double/parseDouble (str integral "." fractional))))))

(run (float) "1.4")
; 1.4

(run (float) "1.04")
; 1.04

(run (float) "1.0400000")
; 1.04

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