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A super-quick way to bootstrap a CLJS Reagent project.

Provide a top-level app-view to QuickCLJS and it takes care of the rest (figwheel config, index.html, reloading, etc.)

Get Started

  1. Create a project.clj with the QuickCLJS dependency, and a reference to your top-level function (reagent component):
(defproject myapp "0.0.1"
  :dependencies [[org.clojars.rafd/quickcljs "0.0.2"]]
  :quickcljs-view myapp.core/app-view)
  1. Create that namespace and view (ex. src/myapp/core.cljs)
(ns myapp.core)

(defn app-view []
  "Hello World")
  1. Launch a Leiningen REPL:
lein repl
  1. Require QuickCLJS:
(require 'quickcljs.go)
  1. Navigate to the printed server URL (a random available port is chosen the first time you run)

  2. Enjoy!

  3. To stop or restart the build:


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