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You can add tags to the caches. You can run actions on caches with specific tags.

You can specify them via :memento.core/tags key (also mc/tags value), or you can simply specify them instead of conf map, which creates a tagged cache of noop type (that you can replace later).

(m/memo {mc/tags [:request-scope :person]} #'get-person-by-id)
(m/memo [:request-scope :person] #'get-person-by-id)
(m/memo :person #'get-person-by-id)


You can fetch tags on a memoized function.

(m/tags get-person-by-id)
=> [:person]

You can fetch all mount points of functions that are tagged by a specific tag:

(m/mounts-by-tag :person)
=> #{#memento.mount.TaggedMountPoint{...}}

Change / update cache within a scope

(m/with-caches :person (constantly (m/create cache/inf-cache))
  (get-person-by-id db-spec 1 12)
  (get-person-by-id db-spec 1 12)
  (get-person-by-id db-spec 1 12))

Every memoized function (mountpoint) inside the block has its cache updated to the result of the provided function. In this example, all the :person tagged functions will use the same unbounded cache within the block. This effectively stops them from using any previously cached values and any values added to cache are dropped when block is exited.

This is extremely useful to achieve request scoped caching.

Updating / changing cache instance permanently

You can update Cache instances of all functions tagged by a specific tag. This will modify root binding if not inside with-caches, otherwise it will modify the binding.

(m/update-tag-caches! :person (constantly (m/create cache/inf-cache)))

All :person tagged memoized functions will from this point on use a new empty unbounded cache.

Applying operations to tagged memoized functions

Use mounts-by-tag to grab mount points and then apply any of the core functions to them.

(doseq [f (m/mounts-by-tag :person)]
  (m/memo-clear! f))

Invalidate entries by a tag + ID combo

You can add tag + ID pairs to cached values. This can be later used to invalidate these entried based on that ID.

ID can be a number like 1 or something complex like a [1 {:region :us}]. You can attach multiple IDs for same tag.

You can add the tag ID pair inside the cached function or in the ret-fn:

(defn get-person-by-id [db-conn account-id person-id]
  (if (nil? person-id)
    {:status 404}
    (-> {:status 200}
        (m/with-tag-id :person person-id)
        (m/with-tag-id :account account-id))))

(m/memo #'get-person-by-id [:person :account] cache/inf-cache)

Now you can invalidate all entries linked to a specified ID in any correctly tagged cache:

(m/memo-clear-tag! :account 1)

This will invalidate entries with tag id :account, 1 in all :account tagged functions.

As mentioned, you can move code that adds the id information to a ret-fn:

; first argument is args, second is the returned value
(defn ret-fn [[_ account-id person-id :as args] resp]
  (if (<= 400 (:status resp) 599)
    (m/do-not-cache resp)
    (-> resp
        ; we can grab the data from arg list
        (m/with-tag-id :account account-id)
        (m/with-tag-id :person person-id)
        ; or we can grab it from the return value
        (m/with-tag-id :person (:id resp)))))

(defn get-person-by-id [db-conn account-id person-id]
  (if (nil? person-id)
    {:status 404}
    {:status 200 :id person-id :name ....}))

(m/memo #'get-person-by-id [:person :account] (assoc cache/inf-cache mc/ret-fn ret-fn))

Later you can invalidate tagged entries:

(m/memo-clear-tag! :person 1)

;; get better atomicity with bulk operation

(m/memo-clear-tags! [:person 1] [:user 33])

Invalidation atomicity

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