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(=ic _)
(=ic s1 s2)
(=ic s1 s2 & ss)

Like = but ignores casing.

Like = but ignores casing.
sourceraw docstring


(ascending-by? key-fn coll)
(ascending-by? key-fn comparator coll)

Is coll ascending according to the supplied key-fn and comparator?

Is coll ascending according to the supplied key-fn and comparator?
sourceraw docstring


(ascending? coll)
(ascending? comparator coll)

Is coll ascending according to the supplied comparator?

Is coll ascending according to the supplied comparator?
sourceraw docstring


(assoc* m k v)
(assoc* map key val & kvs)

Like assoc, but assumes associng into nil with an integer key means 'I want a vector' and not 'I want a map'

Like assoc, but assumes associng into nil with an integer
key means 'I want a vector' and not 'I want a map'
sourceraw docstring


(assoc-in* m [k & ks] v)

Like assoc-in but with assoc* semantics.

Like assoc-in but with assoc* semantics.
sourceraw docstring


(attempt x)
(attempt x & next)

Returns result of first form that doesn't throw and doesn't return nil.

Returns result of first form that doesn't throw and doesn't return nil.
sourceraw docstring


(backoff max & body)

Runs body up to max times with an exponential backoff strategy.

Runs body up to max times with an exponential backoff strategy.
sourceraw docstring


(backoff-seq max)

Returns an infinite seq of exponential back-off timeouts with random jitter.

Returns an infinite seq of exponential back-off timeouts with random jitter.
sourceraw docstring


(base64->bytes b64)

Converts a base64 encoded string into a byte array.

Converts a base64 encoded string into a byte array.
sourceraw docstring


(basename filename)

Get the filename (without extension) from a filename

Get the filename (without extension) from a filename
sourceraw docstring


(bfs pred form)
(bfs pred form default)

Breadth first search through a form for the first form that matches pred.

Breadth first search through a form for the first form that matches pred.
sourceraw docstring

(binary-search coll x)
(binary-search compare coll x)

Implements a generic binary search algorithm. Find a value in coll for which (compare value x) is 0, else nil. coll should already be sorted.

Implements a generic binary search algorithm. Find a value in coll
for which (compare value x) is 0, else nil. coll should already be
sourceraw docstring


(bytes->base64 bites)

Converts a byte array into a base64 encoded string.

Converts a byte array into a base64 encoded string.
sourceraw docstring


(bytes->hex bites)

Converts a byte array into a hex encoded string.

Converts a byte array into a hex encoded string.
sourceraw docstring


(cartesian-product xs)
(cartesian-product xs ys)
(cartesian-product xs ys & more)


(cascade-by key-fns coll)

Group coll using all prefix lists of key-fns. The result being a map with which you can look up groups to any depth.

Group coll using all prefix lists of key-fns. The
result being a map with which you can look up groups
to any depth.
sourceraw docstring


(clamp start end x)

Returns x if in range or returns start or end (whichever x is nearest).

Both bounds are inclusive.

Returns x if in range or returns start or end (whichever x is nearest).

Both bounds are inclusive.
sourceraw docstring


(collate f+colls)

Given a map or sequence of [key-fn coll] pairs, create a lookup table from disparate data sets. Define how to compute the primary key from each set and it'll give you back a map of primary key to vector of 'columns'.

Given a map or sequence of [key-fn coll] pairs, create a
lookup table from disparate data sets. Define how to compute
the primary key from each set and it'll give you back a map
of primary key to vector of 'columns'.
sourceraw docstring


(concatv & xs)

Returns the concatenation as a vector.

Returns the concatenation as a vector.
sourceraw docstring


(contains-all? coll [k & more :as keys])

Does coll contain every key?

Does coll contain every key?
sourceraw docstring


(contiguous-by f-start f-stop)
(contiguous-by f-start f-stop coll)

Transducer that partitions collections into contiguous segments according to the comparables returned by f-start and f-stop.

Transducer that partitions collections into contiguous segments
according to the comparables returned by f-start and f-stop.
sourceraw docstring


(dedupe-by f)
(dedupe-by f coll)

Like dedupe but according to a key-fn instead of the element itself.

Like dedupe but according to a key-fn instead of the element itself.
sourceraw docstring


(deep-merge & maps)

Merges nested maps.

Merges nested maps.
sourceraw docstring


(default f default)

Wrap f to return a default value if f returns nil.

Wrap f to return a default value if f returns nil.
sourceraw docstring


(defmemo & defnargs)

Define a function with a memoized implementation.

Define a function with a memoized implementation.
sourceraw docstring


(defmethodset symbol dispatch-keys & body)

Like defmethod but allows for specifying implementations of multiple dispatch keys at once.

Like defmethod but allows for specifying implementations of multiple dispatch keys at once.
sourceraw docstring


(defmulti* symbol dispatch-fn)

Like clojure.core/defmulti, but actually updates the dispatch value when you reload it.

Like clojure.core/defmulti, but actually updates the dispatch value when you reload it.
sourceraw docstring


(defonce-protocol sym & body)

Like defprotocol but won't reload the protocol when you reload the ns.

Like defprotocol but won't reload the protocol when you reload the ns.
sourceraw docstring


(defpatch symbol bindings & body)

An anaphoric macro for patching existing functions. Original function is bound to the symbol 'this'. Safe to execute multiple times, 'this' will always refer to the original implementation and never the previously patched implementation.

An anaphoric macro for patching existing functions. Original function is bound to the symbol 'this'.
Safe to execute multiple times, 'this' will always refer to the original implementation and never
the previously patched implementation.
sourceraw docstring


(defpatchmethod multifn dispatch-val bindings & body)

An anaphoric macro for patching existing multimethods. Original method is bound to the symbol 'this'. Safe to execute multiple times, 'this' will always refer to the original implementation and never the previously patched implementation.

An anaphoric macro for patching existing multimethods. Original method is bound to the symbol 'this'.
Safe to execute multiple times, 'this' will always refer to the original implementation and never
the previously patched implementation.
sourceraw docstring


(defweakmemo & defnargs)

Define a function with a weakly memoized implementation.

Define a function with a weakly memoized implementation.
sourceraw docstring


(delete-file file)

Deletes the file whether it's a file or a directory.

Deletes the file whether it's a file or a directory.
sourceraw docstring


(descending-by? key-fn coll)
(descending-by? key-fn comparator coll)

Is coll descending according to the supplied key-fn and comparator?

Is coll descending according to the supplied key-fn and comparator?
sourceraw docstring


(descending? coll)
(descending? comparator coll)

Is coll descending according to the supplied comparator?

Is coll descending according to the supplied comparator?
sourceraw docstring


(dfs pred form)
(dfs pred form default)

Depth first search through a form for the first form that matches pred.

Depth first search through a form for the first form that matches pred.
sourceraw docstring


(diff-by key-fn a b)

Like when used on sets except keyed by key-fn instead of the elements themselves.

Like when used on sets except keyed by
key-fn instead of the elements themselves.
sourceraw docstring


(dissoc-in m [k & ks])

Dissociate a key/value from a map at a given path.

Dissociate a key/value from a map at a given path.
sourceraw docstring


(distinct-by f)
(distinct-by f coll)

Like distinct but according to a key-fn instead of the element itself.

Like distinct but according to a key-fn instead of the element itself.
sourceraw docstring


(distinct-by? f coll)

Like distinct? but according to a key-fn instead of the element itself.

Like distinct? but according to a key-fn instead of the element itself.
sourceraw docstring


(doforce x)
(doforce x & next)

Execute each top-level form of the body even if they throw, and return nil if there was an error.

Execute each top-level form of the body even if they throw,
and return nil if there was an error.
sourceraw docstring


(dowork bindings & body)

Like clojure.core/doseq but with configurable levels of parallelism for each 'loop'. Right-hand side of bindings should be tuples of [collection parallelism] and left-hand side of bindings can be any binding target (symbol or destructuring). Returns nil after all the work has been completed.

Like clojure.core/doseq but with configurable levels of parallelism for each 'loop'.
Right-hand side of bindings should be tuples of [collection parallelism] and left-hand
side of bindings can be any binding target (symbol or destructuring). Returns
nil after all the work has been completed.
sourceraw docstring


(drop* n coll)

An alternative implementation of clojure.core/drop that provides a more efficient implementation for certain types of coll.

An alternative implementation of clojure.core/drop that
provides a more efficient implementation for certain types
of coll.
sourceraw docstring


(drop-until pred)
(drop-until pred coll)

Like clojure.core/drop-while, except inverted pred.

Like clojure.core/drop-while, except inverted pred.
sourceraw docstring


(drop-upto pred)
(drop-upto pred coll)

Returns a lazy sequence of the items in coll starting after the first item for which (pred item) returns true.

Returns a lazy sequence of the items in coll starting *after* the first item
for which `(pred item)` returns true.
sourceraw docstring


(duration-explain duration)

Converts millis or a java.time.Duration into a human-readable description.

Converts millis or a java.time.Duration into a human-readable description.
sourceraw docstring


(duration-parts duration)

Given millis or a java.time.Duration return a map of time unit to amount of time in that unit. Bucket the duration into larger time units before smaller time units.

Given millis or a java.time.Duration return a map of time unit
to amount of time in that unit. Bucket the duration into larger
time units before smaller time units.
sourceraw docstring


(exclusive? s1 s2 & ss)

Returns true if the provided collections are mutually exclusive.

Returns true if the provided collections are mutually exclusive.
sourceraw docstring


(extrema coll)

Returns a tuple of [smallest largest] element in the collection.

Returns a tuple of [smallest largest] element in the collection.
sourceraw docstring


(extrema-by f coll)

Returns a tuple of [smallest largest] in coll according to some fn of an element.

Returns a tuple of [smallest largest] in coll according to some fn of an element.
sourceraw docstring


(filter-entries pred m)


(filter-groups f m)

Filter items in groups for the groups in a map of category to group.

Filter items in groups for the groups in a map of category to group.
sourceraw docstring


(filter-keys pred m)

Filter a map by a predicate on its keys

Filter a map by a predicate on its keys
sourceraw docstring


(filter-nth n pred coll)

Filters a seq based on a function of the nth position.

Filters a seq based on a function of the nth position.
sourceraw docstring


(filter-vals pred m)

Filter a map by a predicate on its values

Filter a map by a predicate on its values
sourceraw docstring


(filter1 pred coll)

Filters a seq of tuples on a predicate of the first elements.

Filters a seq of tuples on a predicate of the first elements.
sourceraw docstring


(filter2 pred coll)

Filters a seq of tuples on a predicate of the second elements.

Filters a seq of tuples on a predicate of the second elements.
sourceraw docstring


(firsts-by key-fn coll)

Filter a sequence to only the first elements of each partition determined by key-fn.

Filter a sequence to only the first elements of each partition determined by key-fn.
sourceraw docstring


(fixed-point f x)
(fixed-point max f x)

Finds the fixed point of f given initial input x. Optionally provide a max number of iterations to attempt before returning nil, else runs indefinitely if no fixed point is found.

Finds the fixed point of f given initial input x. Optionally
provide a max number of iterations to attempt before returning
nil, else runs indefinitely if no fixed point is found.
sourceraw docstring


(flatten1 coll)

Flattens one level of nested collections.

Flattens one level of nested collections.
sourceraw docstring


(flip f)

Returns a new function that applies the provided arguments in reverse order.

Returns a new function that applies the provided arguments in reverse order.
sourceraw docstring


(get* m k)
(get* m k not-found)

Like clojure.core/get except treats strings and keywords as interchangeable and not-found as the result if there is no found value or if the found value is nil.

Like clojure.core/get except treats strings and keywords
as interchangeable and not-found as the result if there is
no found value *or* if the found value is nil.
sourceraw docstring


(get-extension filename)

Get the file extension from a filename.

Get the file extension from a filename.
sourceraw docstring


(get-field obj field)

Access an object field, even if private or protected.

Access an object field, even if private or protected.
sourceraw docstring


(get-in* m ks)
(get-in* m ks not-found)

Like clojure.core/get-in except built atop get*.

Like clojure.core/get-in except built atop get*.
sourceraw docstring


(get-jar-version dep)

Returns the version of a jar. Dep should be the same symbol that appears in leiningen/deps dependencies.

Returns the version of a jar. Dep should be the same symbol that appears
in leiningen/deps dependencies.
sourceraw docstring


(glob-matcher glob)
(glob-matcher dir glob)

Returns a predicate that will match a file against a glob pattern.

Returns a predicate that will match a file against a glob pattern.
sourceraw docstring


(glob-seq dir & globs)

Returns a sequence of files and directories nested within dir that match one of the provided glob patterns.

Returns a sequence of files and directories nested within dir that match one of the provided glob patterns.
sourceraw docstring


(greatest coll)

Returns the largest element in the collection.

Returns the largest element in the collection.
sourceraw docstring


(greatest-by f coll)

Returns the largest element according to some fn of the element

Returns the largest element according to some fn of the element
sourceraw docstring


(group-by-labels f coll)

Groups elements in coll according to all the submaps of the map returned by f.

Groups elements in coll according to all the submaps of the map returned by f.
sourceraw docstring


(groupcat-by f coll)

Like group-by except f is expected to return a sequence of keys that the element should be bucketed by.

Like group-by except f is expected to return a sequence of keys
that the element should be bucketed by.
sourceraw docstring


(grouping->pairs m)

Turn a map of groupings into a flat sequence of pairs of key and single value.

Turn a map of groupings into a flat sequence of pairs of key and single value.
sourceraw docstring


(gt _)
(gt a b)
(gt a b & more)

Like > but for comparables.

Like > but for comparables.
sourceraw docstring


(gte _)
(gte a b)
(gte a b & more)

Like >= but for comparables.

Like >= but for comparables.
sourceraw docstring


(hex->bytes hex)

Converts a hex encoded string into a byte array.

Converts a hex encoded string into a byte array.
sourceraw docstring


(if-let* bindings then)
(if-let* bindings then else)

Like clojure.core/if-let except supports multiple bindings.

Like clojure.core/if-let except supports multiple bindings.
sourceraw docstring


(if-seq bindings then)
(if-seq bindings then else)

Like if-some* but takes the else branch if seq is empty.

Like if-some* but takes the else branch if seq is empty.
sourceraw docstring


(if-some* bindings then)
(if-some* bindings then else)

Like clojure.core/if-some except supports multiple bindings.

Like clojure.core/if-some except supports multiple bindings.
sourceraw docstring


(if-text bindings then)
(if-text bindings then else)

Like if-some* but takes the else branch if text is blank.

Like if-some* but takes the else branch if text is blank.
sourceraw docstring


(index-by key-fn coll)

Index the items of a collection into a map by a key

Index the items of a collection into a map by a key
sourceraw docstring


(index-values-by-paths form)

Returns a map of path => value at path for any data structure

Returns a map of path => value at path for any data structure
sourceraw docstring


(indexcat-by f coll)

Like index-by except f is expected to return a sequence of keys that the element should be indexed by.

Like index-by except f is expected to return a sequence of keys
that the element should be indexed by.
sourceraw docstring


(indexed coll)

Creates a [index item] seq of tuples.

Creates a [index item] seq of tuples.
sourceraw docstring


(indexes-by key-fns coll)

Index coll by multiple keys to create a nested lookup path.

Index coll by multiple keys to create a nested lookup path.
sourceraw docstring


(intersect? s1 s2 & ss)

Returns true if the provided collections overlap.

Returns true if the provided collections overlap.
sourceraw docstring


(iterable? x)

Is collection like or a single value?

Is collection like or a single value?
sourceraw docstring


(iterloop bindings & body)

Used just like loop/recur, but returns a lazy sequence of the bindings from each iteration. The last tuple in the generated sequence will contain only one value (your return value). Does not support nested recur constructs because I am lazy. Recommend that you maintain your accumulator in the first register so that the return value aligns.

Used just like loop/recur, but returns a lazy sequence of the bindings from each iteration.
The last tuple in the generated sequence will contain only one value (your return value).
Does not support nested recur constructs because I am lazy. Recommend that you maintain
your accumulator in the first register so that the return value aligns.
sourceraw docstring


(jaccard-coefficient s1 s2)

Returns a ratio between 0 and 1 representing the degree of overlap between sets.

Returns a ratio between 0 and 1 representing the degree of overlap between sets.
sourceraw docstring


(join-paths & paths)

Join paths together. Accepts string arguments or collections (which will be flattened). '/' delimiters already at the beginning or end of a segment will be removed leaving only a single '/' between each segment.

Join paths together. Accepts string arguments or collections
(which will be flattened). '/' delimiters already at the
beginning or end of a segment will be removed leaving only
a single '/' between each segment.
sourceraw docstring


(keep-entries f m)

Map and only keep entries with non-nil keys and values.

Map and only keep entries with non-nil keys and values.
sourceraw docstring


(keep-keys f m)

Map and only keep non-nil keys.

Map and only keep non-nil keys.
sourceraw docstring


(keep-vals f m)

Map and only keep non-nil values.

Map and only keep non-nil values.
sourceraw docstring


(keepcat f)
(keepcat f & colls)

A transducer like mapcat except removes nil elements.

A transducer like mapcat except removes nil elements.
sourceraw docstring


(key= & more)

Equality after conversion to keywords. Use when you're unsure if the arguments are strings or keywords

Equality after conversion to keywords. Use when you're unsure if the
arguments are strings or keywords
sourceraw docstring


(keyed & keys)

Creates a map of keyword => value from symbol names and the values they refer to.

Creates a map of keyword => value from symbol names and the values they refer to.
sourceraw docstring


(keyset m)

Returns the keys of a map as a set.

Returns the keys of a map as a set.
sourceraw docstring


(last* coll)


(lasts-by key-fn coll)

Filter a sequence to only the last elements of each partition determined by key-fn.

Filter a sequence to only the last elements of each partition determined by key-fn.
sourceraw docstring


(least coll)

Returns the smallest element in the collection.

Returns the smallest element in the collection.
sourceraw docstring


(least-by f coll)

Returns the smallest element according to some fn of the element

Returns the smallest element according to some fn of the element
sourceraw docstring


(left-pad s length pad)

Pad a string on the left until it satisfies a desired width.

Pad a string on the left until it satisfies a desired width.
sourceraw docstring


(letd bindings & body)

Like clojure.core/let except delays and forces each binding value. Use this when you don't want to evaluate potentially expensive bindings until you refer to their value in the body of the code. Supports nesting, dependencies between bindings, shadowing, destructuring, and closures.

Like clojure.core/let except delays and forces each binding value. Use
this when you don't want to evaluate potentially expensive bindings
until you refer to their value in the body of the code. Supports nesting,
dependencies between bindings, shadowing, destructuring, and closures.
sourceraw docstring


(letp bindings & body)

Like clojure.core/let but allows early returns via (preempt return-value)

Like clojure.core/let but allows early returns via (preempt return-value)
sourceraw docstring


(lift-by lift f)

Returns a function that first applies the lift to each argument before applying the original function.

Returns a function that first applies the lift to each argument before applying the original function.
sourceraw docstring


(llast coll)

The complement to clojure.core/ffirst.

The complement to clojure.core/ffirst.
sourceraw docstring


(load-edn-resource path)

Load and parse an edn file from the filesystem if given an absolute path or the classpath otherwise. See read-edn-string for notes on tagged literals.

Load and parse an edn file from the filesystem if given an absolute path or the classpath otherwise.
See read-edn-string for notes on tagged literals.
sourceraw docstring


(locate-file path)

Given a path attempts to find the best matching file. file: prefix to mandate file system path classpath: prefix to mandate classpath leading slash presumes file system otherwise, check classpath first, then filesystem

Given a path attempts to find the best matching file.
file:      prefix to mandate file system path
classpath: prefix to mandate classpath
leading slash presumes file system
otherwise, check classpath first, then filesystem
sourceraw docstring


(lstrip s strip)

Strip a prefix from a string.

Strip a prefix from a string.
sourceraw docstring


(lt _)
(lt a b)
(lt a b & more)

Like < but for comparables.

Like < but for comparables.
sourceraw docstring


(lte _)
(lte a b)
(lte a b & more)

Like <= but for comparables.

Like <= but for comparables.
sourceraw docstring


(map-entries f m)

Transform the entries of a map

Transform the entries of a map
sourceraw docstring


(map-entry k v)

Creates a map entry from key k and value v.

Creates a map entry from key k and value v.
sourceraw docstring


(map-groups f m)

Map items in groups for the groups in a map of category to group.

Map items in groups for the groups in a map of category to group.
sourceraw docstring


(map-keys f m)

Transform the keys of a map

Transform the keys of a map
sourceraw docstring


(map-nth n f coll)

Updates the nth position of each element in a seq of tuples.

Updates the nth position of each element in a seq of tuples.
sourceraw docstring


(map-vals f m)

Transform the values of a map

Transform the values of a map
sourceraw docstring


(map1 f coll)

Updates the first position of each element in a seq of tuples.

Updates the first position of each element in a seq of tuples.
sourceraw docstring


(map2 f coll)

Updates the second position of each element in a seq of tuples.

Updates the second position of each element in a seq of tuples.
sourceraw docstring


(mapcat-groups f m)

Mapcat items in groups for the groups in a map of category to group.

Mapcat items in groups for the groups in a map of category to group.
sourceraw docstring


(maps->rows coll)
(maps->rows coll all-keys?)

Converts a sequence of maps into a sequence of vectors with a header.

Converts a sequence of maps into a sequence of vectors with a header.
sourceraw docstring


(maximums-by key-fn coll)
(maximums-by key-fn comparator coll)

Returns the set of maximum elements in coll according to key-fn. Elements are compared using comparator (defaults to compare).

Returns the set of maximum elements in coll according to key-fn.  Elements
are compared using comparator (defaults to compare).
sourceraw docstring


(md5-checksum bites)

Hashes a byte array and returns the md5 checksum (hex encoded)

Hashes a byte array and returns the md5 checksum (hex encoded)
sourceraw docstring


(merge-sort colls)
(merge-sort comparator colls)

Lazily produces a sorted sequence from many sorted input sequences according to comp.

Lazily produces a sorted sequence from many sorted input sequences according to comp.
sourceraw docstring


(merge-sort-by key-fn colls)
(merge-sort-by key-fn comparator colls)

Lazily produces a sorted sequence from many sorted input sequences according to key-fn and comp.

Lazily produces a sorted sequence from many sorted input sequences according to key-fn and comp.
sourceraw docstring


(minimums-by key-fn coll)
(minimums-by key-fn comparator coll)

Returns the set of minimum elements in coll according to key-fn. Elements are compared using comparator (defaults to compare).

Returns the set of minimum elements in coll according to key-fn. Elements
are compared using comparator (defaults to compare).
sourceraw docstring


(n? n pred coll)

Are there exactly n things in coll that satisfy pred?

Are there exactly n things in coll that satisfy pred?
sourceraw docstring


(nor & more)

Expands to (and (not form1) (not form2) ...)

Expands to (and (not form1) (not form2) ...)
sourceraw docstring


(not-blank? s)


(not-empty? coll)


(once & body)

Runs a piece of code that evaluates only once (per ns) until the source changes.

Runs a piece of code that evaluates only once (per ns) until the source changes.
sourceraw docstring


(one? pred coll)

Is there exactly one thing in coll that satisfies pred?

Is there exactly one thing in coll that satisfies pred?
sourceraw docstring


(only coll)

Returns the only item from a collection if the collection only consists of one item, else nil.

Returns the only item from a collection if the collection only consists of one item, else nil.
sourceraw docstring


(paging f)
(paging limit f)
(paging offset limit f)

A function that returns a lazily generating sequence backed by a paged source. Takes a function that receives an offset and limit and returns the page for those parameters.

:f A function of two arguments (offset and limit) that fetches some kind of results.

:limit A number representing how many objects to fetch per page. Defaults to 512.

:offset A number representing what index to start getting results from. Defaults to 0.

A function that returns a lazily generating sequence
backed by a paged source. Takes a function that receives
an offset and limit and returns the page for those parameters.

  :f A function of two arguments (offset and limit) that fetches some kind of results.

  :limit A number representing how many objects to fetch per page. Defaults to 512.

  :offset A number representing what index to start getting results from. Defaults to 0.
sourceraw docstring


(parse-best-guess s)


(parse-number s)


(partition-all* n coll)

An alternative implementation of clojure.core/partition-all that provides a more efficient implementation for certain types of coll.

An alternative implementation of clojure.core/partition-all that
provides a more efficient implementation for certain types
of coll.
sourceraw docstring


(partition-with pred)
(partition-with pred coll)

Returns a lazy sequence of partitions where a new partition is created every time pred returns true. Returns a transducer when only provided pred.

Returns a lazy sequence of partitions where a new
partition is created every time pred returns true.
Returns a transducer when only provided pred.
sourceraw docstring


(paths form)

Returns all the paths into a data structure. Paths are compatible with (get-in form path).

Returns all the paths into a data structure. Paths are compatible
with `(get-in form path)`.
sourceraw docstring


(pfilter pred coll)

Like filter, but with the predicate executed concurrently.

Like filter, but with the predicate executed concurrently.
sourceraw docstring


(pgroup-by f coll)

Like group-by, but with the key function executed concurrently.

Like group-by, but with the key function executed concurrently.
sourceraw docstring


(piecewise f & colls)

Applies f to respective elements across each provided collection. f should be an associative function of two arguments.

Applies f to respective elements across each provided
collection. f should be an associative function of two
sourceraw docstring


(pindex-by f coll)

Lke index-by, but with the key function executed concurrently.

Lke index-by, but with the key function executed concurrently.
sourceraw docstring


(pivot-grouping m)

Take a map of categories to items and turn it into a map of items to categories.

Take a map of categories to items and turn it into a map of items to categories.
sourceraw docstring


(pmapcat f coll)
(pmapcat f coll & colls)

Like mapcat, but with f executed concurrently.

Like mapcat, but with f executed concurrently.
sourceraw docstring


(pp x)

Prints the argument and returns it.

Prints the argument and returns it.
sourceraw docstring


(preempt result)

To be used inside of a preemptable. Call preempt within a preemptable to deliver a return value for the entire preemptable and abort further computation by interrupting the thread.

To be used inside of a preemptable. Call preempt within a preemptable
to deliver a return value for the entire preemptable and abort further
computation by interrupting the thread.
sourceraw docstring


(preemptable & body)

Mark a point in the stack that can be the target of a preemption. Calling preempt within a preemptable will result in the value of the preemptable being the value passed to preempt if called, otherwise the value of the preemptable will be the result of the complete evaluation of the interior.

Mark a point in the stack that can be the target of a preemption.
Calling preempt within a preemptable will result in the value of
the preemptable being the value passed to preempt if called, otherwise
the value of the preemptable will be the result of the complete evaluation
of the interior.
sourceraw docstring


(prefixes coll)

Returns all prefixes of coll.

Returns all prefixes of coll.
sourceraw docstring


(premove pred coll)

Like remove, but with the predicate executed concurrently.

Like remove, but with the predicate executed concurrently.
sourceraw docstring


(qualify-ident prefix k)

Adds a namespace prefix to a given key.

Adds a namespace prefix to a given key.
sourceraw docstring


(qualify-keys prefix form)

Adds a namespace prefix to all map keys throughout form.

Adds a namespace prefix to all map keys throughout form.
sourceraw docstring


(qualify-top-keys prefix m)

Adds a namespace prefix to all top level keys in m.

Adds a namespace prefix to all top level keys in m.
sourceraw docstring


(quietly & body)

Execute the body and return nil if there was an error

Execute the body and return nil if there was an error
sourceraw docstring

(range-search coll x)

From an ordered set of ranges, find the range which contains x, else nil.

From an ordered set of ranges, find the range which contains x, else nil.
sourceraw docstring


(range? coll)


(read-edn-string s)

Reads a string of edn and returns the parsed data. Applies all loaded data readers and falls back to blindly forwarding tagged literals when no applicable reader exists. Be careful to only call this when you either trust the input or know that you have no data readers loaded that can invoke dangerous code for arbitrary input.

Reads a string of edn and returns the parsed data. Applies all loaded data
readers and falls back to blindly forwarding tagged literals when no applicable
reader exists. Be careful to only call this when you either trust the input
or know that you have no data readers loaded that can invoke dangerous code
for arbitrary input.
sourceraw docstring


(reduce-groups f m)
(reduce-groups f val m)

Reduce items in groups for the groups in a map of category to group.

Reduce items in groups for the groups in a map of category to group.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-groups f m)

Remove items from groups in a map of category to group.

Remove items from groups in a map of category to group.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-keys pred m)

Filter a map by the complement of predicate on its keys

Filter a map by the complement of predicate on its keys
sourceraw docstring


(remove-vals pred m)

Filter a map by the complement of predicate on its values

Filter a map by the complement of predicate on its values
sourceraw docstring


(reset-var! v value)

Sets the root value of a var.

Sets the root value of a var.
sourceraw docstring


(returning value & body)

A macro that computes value, executes body, then returns value.

A macro that computes value, executes body, then returns value.
sourceraw docstring


(reverse* coll)

An alternative implementation of clojure.core/reverse that provides a more efficient implementation for certain types of coll.

An alternative implementation of clojure.core/reverse that
provides a more efficient implementation for certain types
of coll.
sourceraw docstring


(reverse-grouping m)

Take a map of categories to items and turn it into a map of item to category.

Take a map of categories to items and turn it into a map of item to category.
sourceraw docstring


(reverse-map m)

Invert a map

Invert a map
sourceraw docstring


(right-pad s length pad)

Pads a string on the right until it satisfies a desired width.

Pads a string on the right until it satisfies a desired width.
sourceraw docstring


(rstrip s strip)

Strip a suffix from a string.

Strip a suffix from a string.
sourceraw docstring


(run-par! f coll)

Like run! but executes each element concurrently.

Like run! but executes each element concurrently.
sourceraw docstring


(seek pred coll)
(seek pred coll not-found)

Find the first element in the collection that matches pred, else returns not-found. Note that using seek can lead to poor performance. You should always use indexed data structures instead of multiple seeks over the same data.

Find the first element in the collection that matches pred,
else returns not-found. Note that using seek can lead to
poor performance. You should always use indexed data
structures instead of multiple seeks over the same data.
sourceraw docstring


(seek-indexed pred coll)

Returns [index item] for the first item that matches pred.

Returns [index item] for the first item that matches pred.
sourceraw docstring


(single? x)

Is this a collection of a single value?

Is this a collection of a single value?
sourceraw docstring


(sliding-iterate f init)

Iterate, but each new term is a function of the last N terms.

f should be a function of N arguments that computes the next term. init should be a sequence of length N containing the first N terms.

Iterate, but each new term is a function of the last N terms.

f should be a function of N arguments that computes the next term.
init should be a sequence of length N containing the first N terms.
sourceraw docstring


(sorted-map-by-value m)
(sorted-map-by-value m comparator)

Returns a sorted map with entries sorted by values. Supply your own comparator if you want to reverse order or customize the sort.

Returns a sorted map with entries sorted by values. Supply
your own comparator if you want to reverse order or customize
the sort.
sourceraw docstring


(split-at* index coll)

An alternative implementation of clojure.core/split-at that provides a more efficient implementation for certain types of coll.

An alternative implementation of clojure.core/split-at that
provides a more efficient implementation for certain types
of coll.
sourceraw docstring


(stringed & keys)

Creates a map of string => value from symbol names and the values they refer to.

Creates a map of string => value from symbol names and the values they refer to.
sourceraw docstring


(stringify-ident ident)

Converts a keyword / symbol into a full string representation (including namespaces if qualified).

Converts a keyword / symbol into a full string
representation (including namespaces if qualified).
sourceraw docstring


(stringify-keys form)

Converts all map keys into strings throughout form.

Converts all map keys into strings throughout form.
sourceraw docstring


(submap? m1 m2)

Is m1 a submap of m2?

Is m1 a submap of m2?
sourceraw docstring


(submaps m)

Returns all the submaps of a map

Returns all the submaps of a map
sourceraw docstring


(subsets coll)

Returns all the subsets of a collection

Returns all the subsets of a collection
sourceraw docstring


(subvec* vec start)
(subvec* vec start end)

Like clojure.core/subvec but clamped.

Like clojure.core/subvec but clamped.
sourceraw docstring


(supermap? m1 m2)

Is m1 a supermap of m2?

Is m1 a supermap of m2?
sourceraw docstring


(symmetric-difference s1 s2)

Returns the union of the exclusive portions of s1 and s2.

Returns the union of the exclusive portions of s1 and s2.
sourceraw docstring


(take* n coll)

An alternative implementation of clojure.core/take that provides a more efficient implementation for certain types of coll.

An alternative implementation of clojure.core/take that
provides a more efficient implementation for certain types
of coll.
sourceraw docstring


(take-until pred)
(take-until pred coll)

Like clojure.core/take-while, except inverted pred.

Like clojure.core/take-while, except inverted pred.
sourceraw docstring


(take-upto pred)
(take-upto pred coll)

Returns a lazy sequence of successive items from coll up to and including the first item for which (pred item) returns true.

Returns a lazy sequence of successive items from coll up to and including
the first item for which `(pred item)` returns true.
sourceraw docstring


(tap f)
(tap f coll)

A transducer that applies side-effects to each element.

A transducer that applies side-effects to each element.
sourceraw docstring


(template text context)

A simple string templating function that replaces {x.y.z} placeholders with values from the context.

A simple string templating function that replaces {x.y.z} placeholders
with values from the context.
sourceraw docstring


(timing & body)

Returns a vector of [millis-taken result]

Returns a vector of [millis-taken result]
sourceraw docstring


(together & expressions)

Executes each top level form in body concurrently and returns a sequence of the results.

Executes each top level form in body concurrently and returns
a sequence of the results.
sourceraw docstring


(touch x)

Realizes all delays within a structure.

Realizes all delays within a structure.
sourceraw docstring


(touch-realized x)

Unwraps all realized delays within a structure.

Unwraps all realized delays within a structure.
sourceraw docstring


(tree-seq-bf branch? children root)

Like clojure.core/tree-seq, but breadth first.

Like clojure.core/tree-seq, but breadth first.
sourceraw docstring


(trie coll)

Returns a trie structure as a map. coll must be a collection of sequentials.

Returns a trie structure as a map. coll must be a collection
of sequentials.
sourceraw docstring


(trie-by f coll)

Returns a trie structure as a map. f is a function of an element in coll that returns an ordered sequence by which the element will be positioned in the trie.

Returns a trie structure as a map. f is a function
of an element in coll that returns an ordered sequence
by which the element will be positioned in the trie.
sourceraw docstring


(try-root & body)

Used just like the special form try, except pulls out the root cause and catches on that instead of whatever exception might wrap it. Useful for catching exceptions surrounding futures and the like.

Used just like the special form try, except pulls out the root
cause and catches on that instead of whatever exception might
wrap it. Useful for catching exceptions surrounding futures and
the like.
sourceraw docstring


(tuxt & fns)

Returns a new function that applies each fn against respective positions in a tuple.

Returns a new function that applies each fn against respective positions in a tuple.
sourceraw docstring


(update! m k f)
(update! m k f x)
(update! m k f x y)
(update! m k f x y z)
(update! m k f x y z & more)

Like clojure.core/update but for transients.

Like clojure.core/update but for transients.
sourceraw docstring



Get a uuid as string

Get a uuid as string
sourceraw docstring


(walk-keys f form)

Applies f to all keys in all maps within form.

Applies f to all keys in all maps within form.
sourceraw docstring


(walk-seq form)

Returns a lazy depth-first sequence of all forms within a data structure.

Returns a lazy depth-first sequence of all forms within a data structure.
sourceraw docstring


(walk-seq-bf form)

Returns a lazy breadth-first sequence of all forms within a data structure.

Returns a lazy breadth-first sequence of all forms within a data structure.
sourceraw docstring


(walk-vals f form)

Applies f to all vals in all maps within form.

Applies f to all vals in all maps within form.
sourceraw docstring


(weakly-memoize f)
(weakly-memoize f cache-key-fn)

Returns a memoized version of f with weak retention of return values. As long as a strong reference to the return value remains, further invocations with the same cache key will return the cached value. However, once no strong references to the value are retained the value will become a candidate for garbage collection and a future invocation with the same arguments will necessarily recompute f.

The cache key defaults to the arguments provided but a custom cache-key-fn may be supplied instead. A cache-key-fn is a function that will be invoked with the sequence of arguments and should return the desired cache key.

Returns a memoized version of f with weak retention of return values.
As long as a strong reference to the return value remains, further
invocations with the same cache key will return the cached value.
However, once no strong references to the value are retained the
value will become a candidate for garbage collection and a future
invocation with the same arguments will necessarily recompute f.

The cache key defaults to the arguments provided but a custom
cache-key-fn may be supplied instead. A cache-key-fn is a function
that will be invoked with the sequence of arguments and should return
the desired cache key.
sourceraw docstring


(when-let* bindings & body)

Like clojure.core/when-let except supports multiple bindings.

Like clojure.core/when-let except supports multiple bindings.
sourceraw docstring


(when-seq bindings & body)

Like if-seq but there's only one branch with an implicit do

Like if-seq but there's only one branch with an implicit do
sourceraw docstring


(when-some* bindings & body)

Like clojure.core/when-some except supports multiple bindings.

Like clojure.core/when-some except supports multiple bindings.
sourceraw docstring


(when-text bindings & body)

Like if-text but there's only one branch with an implicit do

Like if-text but there's only one branch with an implicit do
sourceraw docstring


(with-temp-files symbols & body)

Binds temporary files to each symbol in the symbols vector and then executes body using those bindings. All bound temporary files are deleted before returning with the return value of body.

Binds temporary files to each symbol in the symbols vector and
then executes body using those bindings. All bound temporary
files are deleted before returning with the return value of body.
sourceraw docstring


(with-timeout millis & body)

Run body on a separate thread subject to a timeout. If reaches timeout a vector of [false nil] will be returned, otherwise [true result]

Run body on a separate thread subject to a timeout. If reaches timeout
a vector of [false nil] will be returned, otherwise [true result]
sourceraw docstring


(zip & colls)

Create tuples from sequences.

Create tuples from sequences.
sourceraw docstring


(|intersection| s)
(|intersection| s1 s2)

Computes the cardinality of the intersection.

Computes the cardinality of the intersection.
sourceraw docstring


(|union| s)
(|union| s1 s2)

Computes the cardinality of the union.

Computes the cardinality of the union.
sourceraw docstring

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