A collection of macros and combinators for defining composable function graphs. Graph traversals are precomputed during macroexpansion so there is no runtime performance penalty.
[org.clojars.rutledgepaulv/topofuncs "0.1.0"]
For composing byte conversions.
(require '[topofuncs.transcoding :as tf])
(tf/def-transcoding-graph convert)
(tf/def-transcoding-graph-impl convert
{:inputs #{"image/png" "image/jpeg"}
:output "image/jpeg"}
[^InputStream input-stream ^OutputStream output-stream options]
(tf/def-transcoding-graph-impl convert
{:inputs #{"application/pdf"}
:output "image/png"}
[^InputStream input-stream ^OutputStream output-stream options]
(def pdf->jpeg (convert "application/pdf" "image/jpeg"))
(pdf->jpeg input-stream output-stream {})
For composing dependent middleware.
(require '[topofuncs.middleware :as tm])
(tm/def-middleware-graph middleware)
(tm/def-middleware-graph-impl middleware
{:name :query-params}
(fn [request] (handler (assoc request :qp {}))))
(tm/def-middleware-graph-impl middleware
{:name :authentication
:after #{:query-params :form-params}}
(fn [request]
(if (or (contains? (:qp request) :authenticated)
(contains? (:fp request) :authenticated))
(handler request)
{:status 401 :body "Unauthorized!"})))
(tm/def-middleware-graph-impl middleware
{:name :form-params}
(fn [request] (handler (assoc request :fp {}))))
(def endpoint-mw (middleware :authentication))
(def app (endpoint-mw (fn [request] {:status 200 :body "Authenticated!"}))
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