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(async-create conn index mapping-type document)
(async-create conn index mapping-type document opts)

Adds document to the search index and returns a future without waiting for the response. Takes exactly the same arguments as create.

Adds document to the search index and returns a future without waiting
for the response. Takes exactly the same arguments as [[create]].
sourceraw docstring


(async-get conn index mapping-type id)
(async-get conn index mapping-type id opts)

Fetches and returns a document by id or nil if it does not exist. Returns a future without waiting.

Fetches and returns a document by id or `nil` if it does not exist.
Returns a future without waiting.
sourceraw docstring


(async-put conn index mapping-type id document)
(async-put conn index mapping-type id document opts)

Creates or updates a document in the search index using the provided document id and returns a future without waiting for the response. Takes exactly the same arguments as put.

Creates or updates a document in the search index using the provided document id
and returns a future without waiting for the response. Takes exactly the same arguments as [[put]].
sourceraw docstring


(count conn index mapping-type)
(count conn index mapping-type query)
(count conn index mapping-type query opts)

Performs a count query.


(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])
(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.query :as q])

(doc/count conn "people" "person")
(doc/count conn "people" "person" (q/prefix {:username "appl"}))
Performs a count query.


(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])
(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.query :as q])

(doc/count conn "people" "person")
(doc/count conn "people" "person" (q/prefix {:username "appl"}))
sourceraw docstring


(create conn index mapping-type document)
(create conn index mapping-type document opts)

Adds document to the search index and waits for the response. If not given as an option, document id will be generated automatically.


  • :id (string): unique document id. If not provided, it will be generated by Elasticsearch
  • :timestamp (string): document timestamp either as millis since the epoch, or, in the configured date format
  • :ttl (long): document TTL in milliseconds. Must be > 0
  • :refresh (boolean, default: false): should a refresh be executed post this index operation?
  • :version (long): document version
  • :version-type (string, default: "internal"): "internal" or "external"
  • :content-type (string): document content type
  • :routing (string): controls the shard routing of the request. Using this value to hash the shard and not the id
  • :percolate (string): the percolate query to use to reduce the percolated queries that are going to run against this doc. Can be set to "*" which means "all queries"
  • :parent (string): parent document id


(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])

(doc/create conn "people" "person" {:first-name "John" :last-name "Appleseed" :age 28})

(doc/create conn "people" "person" {:first-name "John" :last-name "Appleseed" :age 28} {:id "1825c5432775b8d1a477acfae57e91ac8c767aed"})
Adds document to the search index and waits for the response.
If not given as an option, document id will be generated automatically.


  * `:id` (string): unique document id. If not provided, it will be generated by Elasticsearch
  * `:timestamp` (string): document timestamp either as millis since the epoch,
                                       or, in the configured date format
  * `:ttl` (long): document TTL in milliseconds. Must be > 0
  * `:refresh` (boolean, default: `false`): should a refresh be executed post this index operation?
  * `:version` (long): document version
  * `:version-type` (string, default: `"internal"`): `"internal"` or `"external"`
  * `:content-type` (string): document content type
  * `:routing` (string): controls the shard routing of the request. Using this value to hash the shard
                       and not the id
  * `:percolate` (string): the percolate query to use to reduce the percolated queries that are going to run against this doc.
                        Can be set to `"*"` which means "all queries"
  * `:parent` (string): parent document id


(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])

(doc/create conn "people" "person" {:first-name "John" :last-name "Appleseed" :age 28})

(doc/create conn "people" "person" {:first-name "John" :last-name "Appleseed" :age 28} {:id "1825c5432775b8d1a477acfae57e91ac8c767aed"})
sourceraw docstring


(create-search-template conn id document)
(create-search-template conn language id document)

Adds a search template to the .scripts index the template should be a map of the form: {:template {:filter {:term {:name "{{name}}"}}}} templates can be referenced at search time using their given id

Adds a search template to the .scripts index the template should be
a map of the form:
`{:template {:filter {:term {:name "{{name}}"}}}}`
templates can be referenced at search time using their given id
sourceraw docstring


(delete conn index mapping-type id)
(delete conn index mapping-type id opts)

Deletes document from the index.


(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])

(doc/delete conn "people" "person" "1825c5432775b8d1a477acfae57e91ac8c767aed")
Deletes document from the index.


(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])

(doc/delete conn "people" "person" "1825c5432775b8d1a477acfae57e91ac8c767aed")
sourceraw docstring


(delete-search-template conn id)
(delete-search-template conn language id)

Removes a search template from .scripts index

Removes a search template from .scripts index
sourceraw docstring


(get conn index mapping-type id)
(get conn index mapping-type id opts)

Fetches and returns a document by id or nil if it does not exist. Waits for response.


(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])

(doc/get conn "people" "person" "1825c5432775b8d1a477acfae57e91ac8c767aed")
Fetches and returns a document by id or `nil` if it does not exist.
Waits for response.


(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])

(doc/get conn "people" "person" "1825c5432775b8d1a477acfae57e91ac8c767aed")
sourceraw docstring


(get-search-template conn id)
(get-search-template conn language id)


(multi-get conn queries)
(multi-get conn index queries)
(multi-get conn index mapping-type queries)

Multi get returns only documents that are found (exist).

Queries can passed as a collection of maps with three keys: :_index, :_type and :_id:

(doc/multi-get conn [{:_index index-name :_type mapping-type :_id "1"}
                     {:_index index-name :_type mapping-type :_id "2"}])

2-argument version accepts an index name that eliminates the need to include :_index in every query map:

(doc/multi-get conn index-name [{:_type mapping-type :_id "1"}
                                {:_type mapping-type :_id "2"}])

3-argument version also accepts a mapping type that eliminates the need to include :_type in every query map:

(doc/multi-get conn index-name mapping-type [{:_id "1"}
                                             {:_id "2"}])
Multi get returns only documents that are found (exist).

Queries can passed as a collection of maps with three keys: `:_index`,
`:_type` and `:_id`:

(doc/multi-get conn [{:_index index-name :_type mapping-type :_id "1"}
                     {:_index index-name :_type mapping-type :_id "2"}])

2-argument version accepts an index name that eliminates the need to include
`:_index` in every query map:

(doc/multi-get conn index-name [{:_type mapping-type :_id "1"}
                                {:_type mapping-type :_id "2"}])

3-argument version also accepts a mapping type that eliminates the need to include
`:_type` in every query map:

(doc/multi-get conn index-name mapping-type [{:_id "1"}
                                             {:_id "2"}])
sourceraw docstring


(present? conn index mapping-type id)

Returns true if a document with the given id is present in the provided index with the given mapping type.

Returns true if a document with the given id is present in the provided index
with the given mapping type.
sourceraw docstring


(put conn index mapping-type id document)
(put conn index mapping-type id document opts)

Creates or updates a document in the search index using the provided document id and waits for the response.

Creates or updates a document in the search index using the provided document id
and waits for the response.
sourceraw docstring


(put-search-template connid id document)
(put-search-template connid language id document)

Updates a search template in the .scripts index. Templates are expressed as maps similar to: {:template {:filter {:term {:name "{{name}}"}}}}

Updates a search template in the .scripts index. Templates are expressed
as maps similar to:
`{:template {:filter {:term {:name "{{name}}"}}}}`
sourceraw docstring


(replace conn index mapping-type id document)

Replaces document with given id with a new one

Replaces document with given id with a new one
sourceraw docstring


(scroll conn scroll-id)
(scroll conn scroll-id opts)

Performs a scroll query, fetching the next page of results from a query given a scroll id

Performs a scroll query, fetching the next page of results from a
query given a scroll id
sourceraw docstring


(scroll-seq conn prev-resp)
(scroll-seq conn prev-resp {:keys [search_type]})

Returns a lazy sequence of all documents for a given scroll query

Returns a lazy sequence of all documents for a given scroll query
sourceraw docstring

(search conn index mapping-type)
(search conn index mapping-type opts)

Performs a search query across one or more indexes and one or more mapping types.

Multiple indexes or types can be passed in as a seq of strings.


(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])
(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.query :as q])

(doc/search conn "people" "person" {:query (q/prefix {:username "appl"})})
Performs a search query across one or more indexes and one or more mapping types.

Multiple indexes or types can be passed in as a seq of strings.


(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])
(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.query :as q])

(doc/search conn "people" "person" {:query (q/prefix {:username "appl"})})
sourceraw docstring


(search-all-indexes-and-types conn)
(search-all-indexes-and-types conn opts)

Performs a search query across all indexes and all mapping types. This may put very high load on your Elasticsearch cluster so use this function with care.

Performs a search query across all indexes and all mapping types. This may put very high load on your
Elasticsearch cluster so use this function with care.
sourceraw docstring


(search-all-types conn index)
(search-all-types conn index opts)

Performs a search query across one or more indexes and all mapping types.

Multiple indexes can be passed in as a seq of strings.

Performs a search query across one or more indexes and all mapping types.

Multiple indexes can be passed in as a seq of strings.
sourceraw docstring


(suggest conn indices suggest-type term opts)

Suggests similar looking terms based on a provided text by using a suggester. Usage: (suggest es-conn "locations" :completion "Stockh" {:field "suggest" :size 5})

Suggests similar looking terms based on a provided text by using a suggester.
`(suggest es-conn "locations" :completion "Stockh" {:field "suggest" :size 5})`
sourceraw docstring


(update-with-partial-doc conn index mapping-type id partial-doc)
(update-with-partial-doc conn index mapping-type id partial-doc opts)

Updates an existing document in the search index with given partial document

Updates an existing document in the search index with given partial document
sourceraw docstring


(update-with-script conn index mapping-type id script)
(update-with-script conn index mapping-type id script params)
(update-with-script conn
                    {upsert :upsert :as optional-params})

Updates a document using a script

Updates a document using a script
sourceraw docstring


(upsert conn index mapping-type id doc)
(upsert conn index mapping-type id doc opts)

Updates or creates a document using provided data

Updates or creates a document using provided data
sourceraw docstring

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