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Creates some entities for DICE-like simulation model

Creates some entities for DICE-like simulation model
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(capital-stock gross-gdp ssp ts)

Returns capital stock series corresponding to time points ts based on GDP series and SSP baseline; measured in trillion 2010 USD

Returns capital stock series corresponding to time points ts based on GDP
series and SSP baseline; measured in trillion 2010 USD
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(capital-stock-capita capital-stock ssp ts)

Returns capital stock per capita series corresponding to time points ts based on capital stock series and SSP baseline; measured in thousands 2010 USD per year

Returns capital stock per capita series corresponding to time points ts
based on capital stock series and SSP baseline; measured in thousands 2010 USD
per year
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(consumption net-gdp investment ssp ts)

Returns consumption per capita series corresponding to time points ts based on net-GDP and investment series and SSP baseline; measured in thousands 2010 USD per year

Returns consumption per capita series corresponding to time points ts based
on net-GDP and investment series and SSP baseline; measured in thousands
2010 USD per year
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(costs cost-function net-emissions cdr-emissions ssp ts)

Returns abatement cost corresponding to time points ts based on SSP baseline; measures the ratio of the abatement cost to the output. Supported cost functions: DICE2013 (:dice2013), DICE2016 (:dice2016), Su et al. 2017 (:su2017)

[1] DICE2013 [2] DICE2016 [3] Su, X., Takahashi, K., Fujimori, S., Hasegawa, T., Tanaka, K., Kato, E., Shiogama, X., Masui, T, & Emori, S. (2017). Emission Pathways to Achieve 2.0C and 1.5C Climate Targets. Earth's Future, 5: 592–604

Returns abatement cost corresponding to time points ts based on SSP baseline;
measures the ratio of the abatement cost to the output. Supported cost
functions: DICE2013 (:dice2013), DICE2016 (:dice2016), Su et al. 2017 (:su2017)

[1] DICE2013
[2] DICE2016
[3] Su, X., Takahashi, K., Fujimori, S., Hasegawa, T., Tanaka, K., Kato, E.,
Shiogama, X., Masui, T, & Emori, S. (2017). Emission Pathways to Achieve 2.0C
and 1.5C Climate Targets. Earth's Future, 5: 592–604
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(damages damage-function temperature gross-gdp ssp ts)

Returns collection of global climate damages corresponding to specified damage function. Supported damage functions: Howard and Sterner 2017 (Howard & Sterner 2017; Hansel et al. 2020) (:howard-sterner2017), Burke et al. 2015 (Burke et al. 2015; Glanemann et al. 2020) (:burke2015). For :burke2015, damages start at the value estimated with :howard-sterner2017

[1] Howard, P., & Sterner, T. (2017). Few and Not So Far Between: A Meta-analysis of Climate Damage Estimates. Environmental and Resource Economics, 68. [2] Hansel, M., Drupp, M., Johansson, D., Nesje, F., Azar, C, Freeman, M., Groom, B., & Sterner, T. (2020). Climate Economics Support for the UN Climate Targets. Nature Climate Change, 10. [3] Burke, M., Hsiang, S., & Miguel, E. (2015). Global Non-linear Effect of Temperature on Economic Production. Nature, 527: 235-239. [4] Glanemann, N., Willner, S., & Levermann, A. (2020). Paris Climate Agreement Passes the Cost-benefit Test. Nature Communications, 11: 110.

Returns collection of global climate damages corresponding to specified
damage function. Supported damage functions: Howard and Sterner 2017 (Howard &
Sterner 2017; Hansel et al. 2020) (:howard-sterner2017), Burke et al. 2015
(Burke et al. 2015; Glanemann et al. 2020) (:burke2015). For :burke2015, damages
start at the value estimated with :howard-sterner2017

[1] Howard, P., & Sterner, T. (2017). Few and Not So Far Between: A
Meta-analysis of Climate Damage Estimates. Environmental and Resource
Economics, 68.
[2] Hansel, M., Drupp, M., Johansson, D., Nesje, F., Azar, C, Freeman, M.,
Groom, B., & Sterner, T. (2020). Climate Economics Support for the UN Climate
Targets. Nature Climate Change, 10.
[3] Burke, M., Hsiang, S., & Miguel, E. (2015). Global Non-linear Effect of
Temperature on Economic Production. Nature, 527: 235-239.
[4] Glanemann, N., Willner, S., & Levermann, A. (2020). Paris Climate Agreement
Passes the Cost-benefit Test. Nature Communications, 11: 110.
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(gross-gdp net-emissions cdr-emissions ssp ts)

Returns gross GDP series corresponding to time points ts based on SSP baseline; measured in trillion 2010 USD

Returns gross GDP series corresponding to time points ts based on SSP
baseline; measured in trillion 2010 USD
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(infill-net-emissions-land-use net-emissions-curve ssp)

Returns SSP expected radiative forcing in the year 2100 scenario for which euclidian distance between net FFI emissions curve and scenario net FFI emissions is minimal

Returns SSP expected radiative forcing in the year 2100 scenario for which
euclidian distance between net FFI emissions curve and scenario net FFI
emissions is minimal
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(investment capital-stock ts)

Returns investment series corresponding to time points ts based on capital stock series; measured in thousands 2010 USD per year

Returns investment series corresponding to time points ts based on capital
stock series; measured in thousands 2010 USD per year
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(net-gdp gross-gdp damages costs)

Returns gdp net of damages and abatement costs; measured in trillion 2010 USD

Returns gdp net of damages and abatement costs; measured in trillion 2010
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(net-gdp-capita net-gdp ssp ts)

Returns net gdp per capita; measured in thousands 2010 USD per year

Returns net gdp per capita; measured in thousands 2010 USD per year
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(parameterize-net-emissions-ffi y_s x1s logistic-pars)

Returns a map of all ordered pairs (y_ x1 K midpoint-offset dt), where y_ is in y_s, x1 is in x1s and (K, midpoint-offset, dt) is in logistic-pars. The set of nth items of map values represents a single net FFI emissions curve

Returns a map of all ordered pairs (y_ x1 K midpoint-offset dt), where y_ is
in y_s, x1 is in x1s and (K, midpoint-offset, dt) is in logistic-pars. The set
of nth items of map values represents a single net FFI emissions curve
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