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(angle line)

Returns the angle of a line

Returns the angle of a line
sourceraw docstring


(angle-between line1 line2)

Calculates the angle between two lines via difference.

Calculates the angle between two lines via difference.
sourceraw docstring


(at line t)

Returns point at a value between 0-1 of a line, 0 being the start and 1 being the end.

Returns point at a value between 0-1 of a line, 0 being the start
and 1 being the end.
sourceraw docstring


(direction line)

Returns the direction of a line as a unit vector

Returns the direction of a line as a unit vector
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(extrude-point point length angle)

Creates a line from centerpoint with the resulting length and angle.

Creates a line from centerpoint with the resulting length and angle.
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(length line)

Calculates the length of a line

Calculates the length of a line
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(line-intersection line1 line2)

Returns a vector with two items. The first is the intersection between two lines. The second is a boolean of whether the intersection occurs on the line segments.

Returns a vector with two items. The first is the intersection
between two lines. The second is a boolean of whether the
intersection occurs on the line segments.
sourceraw docstring

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