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Some functions to ease the usage of Quil for Generative Art.

Getting started

Copy genartgear-0.1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar to the :resource-paths of your Quil project.

..or create a Jar with lein uberjar and copy the (non-standalone) jar to the :resource-paths of your Quil project.


Require genartgear.core (alongside quil.core) in your namespace:

(ns genartgear.example (:require [genartgear.core :as gg] [quil.core :as q]))

Define a draw function for your sketch:

(defn- draw [{:keys [gray] :or {gray 0}}] (q/background gray))

Simply pass the draw function to the sketch macro:

(gg/sketch draw)

You can supply additional setup arguments like :title & :size

(gg/sketch draw :title "another-sketch" :size [800 300])

Arguments passed to the sketch macro will be passed on to your draw fn.

(gg/sketch draw :gray 180)


Copyright © 2024 Stan Verberkt

Distributed under the MIT License.

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