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SWiss ARmy Knife - Your everyday clojure toolbelt!

Clojars Project

This library contains functionality that you might need every single day as a happy clojure(script) developer. The aim is to provide composable functions that you can use everyday, but are just not as trivial as (some (comp #{42} :answer) answers).

All functionality should work in both Clojure and Clojurescript.

Basic usage

Clojure CLI/deps.edn

Add this dependency to the :deps map in deps.edn:

org.clojars.stanv/swark {:mvn/version "0.1.4"}

Require swark.core in your ns form:

(:require [swark.core :as swark])

Then you can use the Swark utility functions:

(swark/key-by :id [{:id 1 :name "one"} {:id 2 :name "two"}])


Let's say you want to store a user record, some credentials and check their credentials. You can use swark.cedric for the persistence part, and swark.authom for the authentication part.

  1. Let's create/connect to a database via the Csv implementation and store db props related to users.
(ns my.ns
   (:require [swark.authom :as authom]
             [swark.cedric :as cedric]))

(def DB (cedric/Csv. "db.csv"))
(def PROPS (merge authom/CEDRIC-PROPS {:primary-key :user/id}))
  1. Create a new user record with cedric/upsert-items:
(def USER (-> DB (cedric/upsert-items PROPS [{:user/name "Readme User"}]) first))
  1. Store credentials (generated with authom/with-token) by upserting the user with cedric/upsert-items
(let [user (authom/with-token USER :user/id "pass" "SECRET")]
    (cedric/upsert-items DB PROPS [user]))
  1. Retrieve the user with cedric/read-items and check their credentials with authom/check:
(let [user (-> DB (cedric/read-items {::cedric/primary-key #{:user/id}}) first)]
    (-> user (authom/check :user/id "pass" "SECRET") assert))


Run the tests with clojure -X:test/run


Start a repl with clojure -M:repl/reloaded

Local installation

Install Swark locally with clj -X:install

Jar creation

Create an uberjar with clj -X:uberjar :jar swark-0.1.4.jar


Swark by Stan Verberkt is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal

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