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(any-in? pred coll)

Returns true if (pred x) is logical true for any x in coll, else false.

Returns true if (pred x) is logical true for any x in coll, else false.
sourceraw docstring


(average coll)

Gets the average of every element in coll

Gets the average of every element in coll
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(average-by f coll)

Gets the average of (f x) for every x in coll

Gets the average of (f x) for every x in coll
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(defnmem name & fndef)

Defines a memoized function Examples: (defnmem fibonacci [x] (if (or (= 0 x) (= 1 x)) 1 (+ (fibonacci (- x 1)) (fibonacci (- x 2)))))

Defines a memoized function
  (defnmem fibonacci [x]
    (if (or (= 0 x)
            (= 1 x))
      (+ (fibonacci (- x 1))
         (fibonacci (- x 2)))))
sourceraw docstring


(derefable? x)

Returns true if x is an instance of clojure.langIDeref

Returns true if x is an instance of clojure.langIDeref
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(find-first pred coll)

Returns the first x in coll for which (pred x) returns true. returns nil if none is found

Returns the first x in coll for which (pred x) returns true.
returns nil if none is found
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(into-map coll)
(into-map kf coll)
(into-map kf vf coll)

Transforms coll into a hash-map by using (kf x) as the key and (vf x) as the value for each x in coll vf defaults to identity if not provided if only coll is provided, will assume coll is a list of pairs

Transforms coll into a hash-map by using (kf x) as the key and (vf x) as the value for each x in coll
vf defaults to identity if not provided
if only coll is provided, will assume coll is a list of pairs
sourceraw docstring



Gets the time in milliseconds since unix epoch as a Long

Gets the time in milliseconds since unix epoch as a Long
sourceraw docstring


(parse-int s)

Shortcut for Integer/parseInt to make it easier to pass around as an argument

Shortcut for Integer/parseInt to make it easier to pass around as an argument
sourceraw docstring


(sum coll)

Gets the sum of every element in coll

Gets the sum of every element in coll
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(sum-by f coll)

Gets the sum of (f x) for every x in coll

Gets the sum of (f x) for every x in coll
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(update! m k f)

Like update, but for transients

Like update, but for transients
sourceraw docstring

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