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Integrated LUFS Meter in Clojure. Implements EBU R 128 standard.

Clojars Project

(ns lufsomer.core
    (:require [lufs.core :refer [lufs lufs*]]))

; Measure LUFS from file or filename

(lufs "audio.wav")
; => -18.860580104601013

; Measure LUFS of provided sample arrays and sample-rate.
; All values in arrays must be doubles between -1 and 1.

(defn gen-data [len rate]
      	(* len rate)
      	#(-> 	(rand-int 2000)
      			(- 1000)
      			(/ 1000.0))))

(let [sr 44100 len 10]
    (lufs* [(gen-data len sr)
      		(gen-data len sr)]
; => 1.4325250705544224

For now it's relatively slow and processes 1 min of 44.1k audio for about 1.5 sec. Works only with 2-channel stereo WAV.

Algorithm is copied from csteinmetz1/pyloudnorm.

WAV to double arrays converter copied from kunstmusik/pink with a bugfix.

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