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(adjust direction n s)

Left or right-adjust a string.

Left or right-adjust a string.
sourceraw docstring


(clean-code code)

Recursively unqualifies qualified code in the provided form, fully-qualifying back any unqualified symbol with a namespace.

(clean-code `(a (b c)))
=> '(a (b c))
Recursively unqualifies qualified code in the provided form,
 fully-qualifying back any unqualified symbol with a namespace.

(clean-code `(a (b c)))
=> '(a (b c))
sourceraw docstring


(conf form f)
(conf form f unf)


(conform! spec value)


(debug & forms)

Evaluates and prints a debug statement for each form. Returns the value of the last.

(debug (+ 1 2)
       (- 3 4))
; (+ 1 2): 3
; (- 3 4): -1
=> -1
Evaluates and prints a debug statement for each form.
Returns the value of the last.

(debug (+ 1 2)
       (- 3 4))
; (+ 1 2): 3
; (- 3 4): -1
=> -1
sourceraw docstring


(deconstruct binding-form)

Returns a flat sequence of the symbols bound in the binding-form in depth-first order.

(deconstruct '[a & {:keys [x] y :_y :or {x 1} :as m}])
=> '[a x y m]
Returns a flat sequence of the symbols bound in the binding-form
in depth-first order.

(deconstruct '[a & {:keys [x] y :_y :or {x 1} :as m}])
=> '[a x y m]
sourceraw docstring


(deep-doall m)


(deep-merge m & more)

Deep merges two or more nested maps.

(deep-merge {:x {:a :a  :b :b  :c :c}}
            {:x {:a :aa :b :bb}}
            {:x {:a :aaa}})

=> {:x {:a :aaa  :b :bb  :c :c}}
Deep merges two or more nested maps.

(deep-merge {:x {:a :a  :b :b  :c :c}}
            {:x {:a :aa :b :bb}}
            {:x {:a :aaa}})

=> {:x {:a :aaa  :b :bb  :c :c}}
sourceraw docstring


(deflatten-keys m)

Builds a nested map out of a map obtained from flatten-keys.

(deflatten-keys {[:a :b :c] :x
                 [:a :b :d] :y})
=> {:a {:b {:c :x
            :d :y}}}
Builds a nested map out of a map obtained from [[flatten-keys]].

(deflatten-keys {[:a :b :c] :x
                 [:a :b :d] :y})
=> {:a {:b {:c :x
            :d :y}}}
sourceraw docstring


(disentangle binding-form)

Parses one level of destructuring.

(disentangle '[a b & [c]])
=> '{:items [a b], :more [c]}

(disentangle '{:keys [a] b :b [c1 c2] :c :or {d 1} :as m})
=> '{:items [a b [c1 c2]],
     :as m,
     :or {d 1},
     :mapping {a :a, b :b, [c1 c2] :c}}
Parses one level of destructuring.

(disentangle '[a b & [c]])
=> '{:items [a b], :more [c]}

(disentangle '{:keys [a] b :b [c1 c2] :c :or {d 1} :as m})
=> '{:items [a b [c1 c2]],
     :as m,
     :or {d 1},
     :mapping {a :a, b :b, [c1 c2] :c}}
sourceraw docstring


(either & args)


(file-eval code)

Evaluate code in a temporary file via load-file in the local lexical context. Keep the temporary file aside if an error is raised, deleting it on the next run.

(let [a 1]
  (file-eval '(+ 1 a)))

Code evaluated this way will be source-mapped in stacktraces.

Evaluate code in a temporary file via `load-file` in the local
lexical context. Keep the temporary file aside if an error is
raised, deleting it on the next run.

(let [a 1]
  (file-eval '(+ 1 a)))

Code evaluated this way will be source-mapped in stacktraces.
sourceraw docstring


(flatten-keys m)

Transforms a nested map into a map where keys are paths through the original map and values are leafs these paths lead to.

(flatten-keys {:a {:b {:c :x
                       :d :y}}})
=> {[:a :b :c] :x
    [:a :b :d] :y}
(flatten-keys {:a {:b {:c :x
                       :d :y}}})
=> {[:a :b :c] :x
    [:a :b :d] :y}
Transforms a nested map into a map where keys are paths through
the original map and values are leafs these paths lead to.

(flatten-keys {:a {:b {:c :x
                       :d :y}}})
=> {[:a :b :c] :x
    [:a :b :d] :y}

    (flatten-keys {:a {:b {:c :x
                           :d :y}}})
    => {[:a :b :c] :x
        [:a :b :d] :y}
sourceraw docstring


(format-code code)

Returns a string as formatted by clojure.pprint/code-dispatch.

Returns a string as formatted by `clojure.pprint/code-dispatch`.
sourceraw docstring


(fully-qualified? sym)
(fully-qualified? ns sym)

Returns true if the symbol constitutes an absolute reference. See [[fully-qualified]].

Handles namespace aliases. ns defaults to *ns*.

(fully-qualified? 'clojure.lang.IRecord) => true (fully-qualified? 'my-ns/my-var) => true (fully-qualified? 'alias/my-var) => false

Returns true if the symbol constitutes an absolute reference.
See [[fully-qualified]].

Handles namespace aliases.
`ns` defaults to `*ns*`.

(fully-qualified? 'clojure.lang.IRecord) => true
(fully-qualified? 'my-ns/my-var)         => true
(fully-qualified? 'alias/my-var)         => false
sourceraw docstring


(fully-qualify sym)
(fully-qualify ns sym)

Returns the fully-qualified form of the symbol as if resolved from within a namespace. Handles namespace aliases. nsdefaults tp *ns*.

(fully-qualified? 'IRecord) => clojure.lang.IRecord (fully-qualified? 'my-var) => my-ns/my-var (fully-qualified? 'alias/my-var) => actual.namespace/my-var

Returns the fully-qualified form of the symbol as if resolved from
within a namespace.
Handles namespace aliases.
`ns`defaults tp `*ns*`.

(fully-qualified? 'IRecord)      => clojure.lang.IRecord
(fully-qualified? 'my-var)       => my-ns/my-var
(fully-qualified? 'alias/my-var) => actual.namespace/my-var
sourceraw docstring


(import-namespace ns & {:keys [exclude]})


(index-by f coll)
(index-by f strategy coll)

Like group-by except it applies a strategy to each grouped collection. A strategy is a function with signature key, entries) -> entry where entry is the one that will be indexed. The default strategy asserts there is only one entry for the given key and returns it.

(def ms [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4} {:a 5 :b 4}])

(index-by :a ms)
=> {1 {:a 1 :b 2}
    3 {:a 3 :b 4}
    5 {:a 5 :b 4}}

(index-by :b ms)
=> ; clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo (Duplicate entries for key 4)

(index-by :b (fn [key entries]
             (last entries))
=> {2 {:a 1 :b 2}
    4 {:a 5 :b 4}}
Like `group-by` except it applies a strategy to each grouped
A strategy is a function with signature `key, entries) -> entry`
where `entry` is the one that will be indexed.
The default strategy asserts there is only one entry for the given
key and returns it.

(def ms [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4} {:a 5 :b 4}])

(index-by :a ms)
=> {1 {:a 1 :b 2}
    3 {:a 3 :b 4}
    5 {:a 5 :b 4}}

(index-by :b ms)
=> ; clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo (Duplicate entries for key 4)

(index-by :b (fn [key entries]
             (last entries))
=> {2 {:a 1 :b 2}
    4 {:a 5 :b 4}}
sourceraw docstring


(is-form? sym code)

Determines whether code is a form starting with sym.

(is-form? 'a 1)       ; => false
(is-form? 'a '[a :z]) ; => false
(is-form? 'a '(a :z)) ; => true
Determines whether `code` is a form starting with `sym`.

(is-form? 'a 1)       ; => false
(is-form? 'a '[a :z]) ; => false
(is-form? 'a '(a :z)) ; => true
sourceraw docstring


(java-patch & args)

Applies a monkey-patch to a java method.

mode can be either :replace, :before or :after. body can be javassist pseudo-java (a string) or clojure code. In the latter case, args must be specified before body so as to intercept the method's parameters. If :after is used args will include the method's return value. If the method is an instance method, args will also include the instance it is called on (this).

args: [this? return-value? & method-args]

(java-patch [clojure.lang.LispReader "read"
             [ "boolean" Object "boolean" Object]]
  [reader eof-is-error eof-value _is-recursive opts]
    (merge {:eofthrow eof-is-error
            :eof eof-value}

;; or

(java-patch [clojure.lang.LispReader$SyntaxQuoteReader "syntaxQuote"
     $_ = clojure.lang.RT.list(
       clojure.lang.Symbol.intern("clojure.core", "from-syntax-quote"),
Applies a monkey-patch to a java method.

`mode` can be either `:replace`, `:before` or `:after`.
`body` can be javassist pseudo-java (a string) or clojure code.
In the latter case, `args` must be specified before `body` so as to
intercept the method's parameters. If `:after` is used `args` will
include the method's return value. If the method is an instance
method, `args` will also include the instance it is called on

`args`: `[this? return-value? & method-args]`

(java-patch [clojure.lang.LispReader "read"
             [ "boolean" Object "boolean" Object]]
  [reader eof-is-error eof-value _is-recursive opts]
    (merge {:eofthrow eof-is-error
            :eof eof-value}

;; or

(java-patch [clojure.lang.LispReader$SyntaxQuoteReader "syntaxQuote"
     $_ = clojure.lang.RT.list(
       clojure.lang.Symbol.intern("clojure.core", "from-syntax-quote"),
sourceraw docstring


(join-lines lines)

Glues strings together with newlines.

Glues strings together with newlines.
sourceraw docstring


(join-words words)

Glues strings together with spaces.

Glues strings together with spaces.
sourceraw docstring


(lines s)

Splits a string around newlines.

Splits a string around newlines.
sourceraw docstring


(macroexpand-do & args)

(defmacro abc [] `(println "xyz"))

(macroexpand-do (abc))

; -- Macro expansion -- ; (clojure.core/println "xyz") ; ; -- Running macro -- ; xyz

or alternatively:

(macroexpand-do MODE expr)

Where MODE has the following meaning:

nil (the default)macroexpand
:n <number>macroexpand-n
:depth <number>macroexpand-depth
:some <fn>macroexpand-some
(defmacro abc []
  `(println "xyz"))

(macroexpand-do (abc))

; -- Macro expansion --
; (clojure.core/println "xyz")
; -- Running macro --
; xyz

or alternatively:

(macroexpand-do MODE

Where `MODE` has the following meaning:

| `MODE`                        | expansion                        |
| `nil` (the default)           | `macroexpand`                    |
| `:all`                        | `macroexpand-all-eager`          |
| :n  <number>                  | `macroexpand-n`                  |
| :depth <number>               | `macroexpand-depth`              |
| :some <fn>                    | `macroexpand-some`               |
sourceraw docstring


(macroexpand-n n form)

Iteratively call macroexpand-1 on form n times.

Iteratively call `macroexpand-1` on `form` `n` times.
sourceraw docstring


(macroexpand-some pred expr)

Recursively macroexpands seqs in expr whose first element matches pred. Symbols are passed to filter, their namespace stripped. Quoted forms are not expanded.

(macroexpand-some #{'let}
  '(let [a (let [aa 1] aa)
         b '(let [bb 2] bb)]
     (dosync [a b])))
=> (let* [a (let* [aa 1] aa)  ; expanded
          b '(let [bb 2] bb)] ; not expanded since quoted
     (dosync nil))            ; not expanded b/c pred does not match
Recursively macroexpands seqs in `expr` whose first element matches
`pred`. Symbols are passed to `filter`, their namespace stripped.
Quoted forms are not expanded.

(macroexpand-some #{'let}
  '(let [a (let [aa 1] aa)
         b '(let [bb 2] bb)]
     (dosync [a b])))
=> (let* [a (let* [aa 1] aa)  ; expanded
          b '(let [bb 2] bb)] ; not expanded since quoted
     (dosync nil))            ; not expanded b/c pred does not match
sourceraw docstring


(map-difference m & ms)

Returns a map that is the first map without elements of the remaining maps.

Returns a map that is the first map without elements of the
remaining maps.
sourceraw docstring


(map-keys f m)

Applies f to each key of m.

Applies `f` to each key of `m`.
sourceraw docstring


(map-vals f m)

Applies f to each value of m.

Applies `f` to each value of `m`.
sourceraw docstring


(max-by f x)
(max-by f x y)
(max-by f x y & more)

Returns the greatest of the elements by pred.

Returns the greatest of the elements by pred.
sourceraw docstring


(merge-with-plan plan & maps)

Like merge-with except that the combination fn of a specific pair of entries is determined by looking up their key in plan. If not found, falls back to the function found under key :else or if not provided to a function that returns the value in the right-most map, thus providing the behavior of merge. In addition to a map, plan can also be a function accepting a key and returning a combination fn for the two values to merge.

Like `merge-with` except that the combination fn of a specific pair
of entries is determined by looking up their key in `plan`. If not
found, falls back to the function found under key `:else` or if not
provided to a function that returns the value in the right-most map,
thus providing the behavior of `merge`.
In addition to a map, `plan` can also be a function accepting a key
and returning a combination fn for the two values to merge.
sourceraw docstring


(method class name parameter-types)

Returns a method by reflection.

Returns a method by reflection.
sourceraw docstring


(min-by f x)
(min-by f x y)
(min-by f x y & more)

Returns the least of the elements by pred.

Returns the least of the elements by pred.
sourceraw docstring


(monkey-patch name target args & body)
(monkey-patch perfid-incer clojure.core/+ [original & args]
  (inc (apply original args)))

(+ 1 2)
=> 4

Supports reload. Name and target can be vars or symbols. Name can also be a keyword.

(monkey-patch perfid-incer clojure.core/+ [original & args]
  (inc (apply original args)))

(+ 1 2)
=> 4

Supports reload. Name and target can be vars or symbols. Name can also be
a keyword.
sourceraw docstring


(no-print & body)

Binds out to an anonymous writer used as /dev/null and returns the value of the last expr in body.

Binds *out* to an anonymous writer used as /dev/null and returns
the value of the last expr in body.
sourceraw docstring


(only name & body)

Ensures body is executed only once with respect to name. If name is a symbol or a keyword without a namespace, it will be prefixed with the value of *ns*.

(only 'foo (println "bar"))
; prints bar

(only 'foo (println "bar"))
; prints nothing
Ensures `body` is executed only once with respect to `name`.
If `name` is a symbol or a keyword without a namespace, it will be
prefixed with the value of `*ns*`.

(only 'foo (println "bar"))
; prints bar

(only 'foo (println "bar"))
; prints nothing
sourceraw docstring


(order array constraints)

Order a sequence with a collection of constraints of the form:

  • [a b]
  • [a :before b]
  • [a :> b]
  • [b :after a]
  • [b :< a]

Can specify constraints on :all elements. Raises an exception if constraints are contradictory.


(order [1 2 3] {2 1           3 :all})
(order [1 2 3] [[2 1]         [3 :all]])
(order [1 2 3] [[2 :before 1] [:all :after 3]])
(order [1 2 3] [[2 :> 1]      [:all :< 3]])
;; (3 2 1)
Order a sequence with a collection of constraints of the form:
- [a b]
- [a :before b]
- [a :> b]
- [b :after a]
- [b :< a]

Can specify constraints on `:all` elements.
Raises an exception if constraints are contradictory.


(order [1 2 3] {2 1           3 :all})
(order [1 2 3] [[2 1]         [3 :all]])
(order [1 2 3] [[2 :before 1] [:all :after 3]])
(order [1 2 3] [[2 :> 1]      [:all :< 3]])
;; (3 2 1)
sourceraw docstring


(prepostwalk pre-fn post-fn form)

A combination of clojure.walk's prewalk and postwalk. Recursively modifies form with pre-fn when walking in and post-fn when walking out.

A combination of `clojure.walk`'s `prewalk` and `postwalk`.
Recursively modifies `form` with `pre-fn` when walking in and
`post-fn` when walking out.
sourceraw docstring


(prepostwalk-demo form)

Demonstrates the behavior of prepostwalk. Returns form.

Demonstrates the behavior of [[prepostwalk]]. Returns form.
sourceraw docstring


(read-field x name)

Returns the value of a field, static if x is a class, or on the passed instance otherwise. All fields, private, protected or public, are accessible.

Returns the value of a field, static if x is a class, or on the
passed instance otherwise. All fields, private, protected or public,
are accessible.
sourceraw docstring


(refresh-only name)

Reset only statements by name. Next time one is called, the associated code will be evaluated. If name is a symbol or a keyword without a namespace, it will be prefixed with *ns*.

(only 'foo (println "bar"))
; prints bar

(refresh-only 'foo)
(only 'foo (println "bar"))
; prints bar
Reset `only` statements by name. Next time one is called, the
associated code will be evaluated.
If `name` is a symbol or a keyword without a namespace, it will be
prefixed with `*ns*`.

(only 'foo (println "bar"))
; prints bar

(refresh-only 'foo)
(only 'foo (println "bar"))
; prints bar
sourceraw docstring


(restructure binding-form mapping)

Undoes what destructure does.

(restructure [x & {:keys [a b] c :cc d :d :or {d 3}}]
             {x 0 a 1 b 2 c 3})
=> [0 :a 1 :b 2 :cc 3 :d nil]
Undoes what destructure does.

(restructure [x & {:keys [a b] c :cc d :d :or {d 3}}]
             {x 0 a 1 b 2 c 3})
=> [0 :a 1 :b 2 :cc 3 :d nil]
sourceraw docstring


(separate pred coll)

Returns a vector of [(filter pred coll) (remove pred coll)].

(let [coll [1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0]]
  (separate zero? coll)
  => [(1 1 1 1 1) (0 0 0 0)])
Returns a vector of `[(filter pred coll) (remove pred coll)]`.

(let [coll [1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0]]
  (separate zero? coll)
  => [(1 1 1 1 1) (0 0 0 0)])
sourceraw docstring


(silence target expr)
(silence substitute target expr)

Returns substitute if expr raises an exception that matches target. If not provided, substitute is nil. Target can be:

  • a class
  • a sequence of classes
  • a predicate
  • a string
(silence ArithmeticException (/ 1 0))
=> nil

(silence "Divide by zero" (/ 1 0))
=> nil

(silence [ArithmeticException]
  (do (println "watch out !")
      (/ 1 0)))
;; watch out !
=> nil

(silence :substitute
         (fn [x]
           (isa? (class x) ArithmeticException))
         (/ 1 0))
=> :substitute
Returns `substitute` if `expr` raises an exception that matches
If not provided, `substitute` is `nil`.
Target can be:
  - a class
  - a sequence of classes
  - a predicate
  - a string

(silence ArithmeticException (/ 1 0))
=> nil

(silence "Divide by zero" (/ 1 0))
=> nil

(silence [ArithmeticException]
  (do (println "watch out !")
      (/ 1 0)))
;; watch out !
=> nil

(silence :substitute
         (fn [x]
           (isa? (class x) ArithmeticException))
         (/ 1 0))
=> :substitute
sourceraw docstring


(slice delimiter?
       {:keys [include-delimiter include-empty]
        :or {include-delimiter false include-empty false}})

Slice a seq using a delimiter predicate. There are two options:

- :include-delimiter  false | :left | :right
                        whether to include the delimiter and where
- :include-empty      true | false
                        whether to create empty seqs between
                        successive delimiters
(let [coll [1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1]]
  ;; the default
  (slice zero? coll) ;; by default, :include-delimiter false,
                                    :include-empty     false
  => ((1 1) (1) (1 1))

  (slice zero? coll :include-empty true)
  => ((1 1) (1) () (1 1))

  (slice zero? coll :include-delimiter :left)
  => ((1 1) (0 1) (0 1 1))

  (slice zero? coll :include-delimiter :right)
  => ((1 1 0) (1 0) (1 1))

  (slice zero? coll :include-delimiter :right :include-empty true)
  => ((1 1 0) (1 0) (0) (1 1))
Slice a seq using a delimiter predicate. There are two options:
- :include-delimiter  false | :left | :right
                        whether to include the delimiter and where
- :include-empty      true | false
                        whether to create empty seqs between
                        successive delimiters

(let [coll [1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1]]
  ;; the default
  (slice zero? coll) ;; by default, :include-delimiter false,
                                    :include-empty     false
  => ((1 1) (1) (1 1))

  (slice zero? coll :include-empty true)
  => ((1 1) (1) () (1 1))

  (slice zero? coll :include-delimiter :left)
  => ((1 1) (0 1) (0 1 1))

  (slice zero? coll :include-delimiter :right)
  => ((1 1 0) (1 0) (1 1))

  (slice zero? coll :include-delimiter :right :include-empty true)
  => ((1 1 0) (1 0) (0) (1 1))
sourceraw docstring


(split-map m & kss)

Returns a series of maps built by splitting m along each sequence of keys in kss: the first map has (first kss) as keys, the second one (second kss), etc ... while the last map has the remaining keys from m.

Returns a series of maps built by splitting `m` along each sequence
of keys in `kss`: the first map has `(first kss)` as keys, the second
one `(second kss)`, etc ... while the last map has the remaining keys
from `m`.
sourceraw docstring


(static-method class name parameter-types)

Returns a static method by reflection.

Returns a static method by reflection.
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(submap? map1 map2)

Determines whether map1 is a subset, keys and values wise, of map2.

Determines whether `map1` is a subset, keys and values wise, of
sourceraw docstring


(tabulate s pad)

Left-pad a string with pad, taking newlines into account.

Left-pad a string with `pad`, taking newlines into account.
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(thrown? target expr)


(tree-seq-breadth branch? children root)

Like tree-seq, but in breadth-first order

Like tree-seq, but in breadth-first order
sourceraw docstring


(truncate s length)
(truncate s length pad)

Truncate a string with pad beyond a certain length. By default, pad is "...".

Truncate a string with `pad` beyond a certain length. By default,
`pad` is `"..."`.
sourceraw docstring


Alias of vals.

Alias of `vals`.
sourceraw docstring


(unqualify sym)
(unqualify ns sym)

Returns the unqualified form of sym. Handles namespace aliases. ns defaults to *ns*.

(unqualifiy 'clojure.lang.IRecord) => IRecord (unqualifiy 'my-ns/my-var) => my-var (unqualifiy 'alias/my-var) => alias/my-var (unqualifiy 'some.path.Class/staticMeth => Class/staticMeth

Returns the unqualified form of sym.
Handles namespace aliases.
`ns` defaults to `*ns*`.

(unqualifiy 'clojure.lang.IRecord)      => IRecord
(unqualifiy 'my-ns/my-var)              => my-var
(unqualifiy 'alias/my-var)              => alias/my-var
(unqualifiy 'some.path.Class/staticMeth => Class/staticMeth
sourceraw docstring


(unwrap-form sym code)

Unwraps code if it is a form starting with sym. Returns code otherwise.

(unwrap-form 'a '(a :z))                        ; a
(->> '(a :z) (unwrap-form 'a) (unwrap-form 'a)) ; a
Unwraps `code` if it is a form starting with `sym`. Returns `code`

(unwrap-form 'a '(a :z))                        ; a
(->> '(a :z) (unwrap-form 'a) (unwrap-form 'a)) ; a
sourceraw docstring


(with-ns ns & body)

Evaluates body in another namespace. ns is either a namespace object or a symbol. Useful to define functions in namespaces other than *ns*.

Evaluates body in another namespace. ns is either a namespace
object or a symbol.  Useful to define functions in namespaces other
than `*ns*`.
sourceraw docstring


(without-meta x)

Sets meta of x to nil.

Sets meta of `x` to `nil`.
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(words s)

Splits a string around whitespaces.

Splits a string around whitespaces.
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(wrap-form sym code)

Wraps code in a form begining with sym unless it is already the case.

(wrap-form 'a :z)                      ; => (a :z)
(->> :z (wrap-form 'a) (wrap-form 'a)) ; => (a :z)
Wraps `code` in a form begining with `sym` unless it is already
the case.

(wrap-form 'a :z)                      ; => (a :z)
(->> :z (wrap-form 'a) (wrap-form 'a)) ; => (a :z)
sourceraw docstring

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