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(a & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of a tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of a tag
sourceraw docstring


(anmtn animation-name from-props to-props)

Generate map that represents animation in css style

animation-name Is animation name from-props Is map of properties at the start of animation {:width "50px"} to-props Is map of properties at the end of animation {:width "100px"}

Generate map that represents animation in css style

animation-name Is animation name
from-props Is map of properties at the start of animation
 {:width "50px"}
to-props Is map of properties at the end of animation
 {:width "100px"}
sourceraw docstring


(article & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of article tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of article tag
sourceraw docstring


(aside & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of aside tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of aside tag
sourceraw docstring


(audio & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of audio tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of audio tag
sourceraw docstring


(b & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of b tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of b tag
sourceraw docstring


(blockquote & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of blockquote tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of blockquote tag
sourceraw docstring


(body & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of body tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of body tag
sourceraw docstring


(button & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of button tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of button tag
sourceraw docstring


(crt el & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Create clojure map that represents HTML element

el String that represents HTML element cont Content of HTML that can be string, new crt fn call or vector of crt fn calls attrs Attrs is a map of attributes for particular HTML element {:style {:width "50px"} :id "id"} events Events is a map of events on particular HTML element {:onclick {:evt-fn <fn-name> :evt-p <fn-param-name>}}

Create clojure map that represents HTML element

el String that represents HTML element
cont Content of HTML that can be string, new crt fn call or vector of crt fn calls
attrs Attrs is a map of attributes for particular HTML element
 {:style {:width "50px"}
  :id "id"}
events Events is a map of events on particular HTML element
 {:onclick {:evt-fn <fn-name>
            :evt-p <fn-param-name>}}
sourceraw docstring


(del & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of del tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of del tag
sourceraw docstring


(div & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of div tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of div tag
sourceraw docstring


(em & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of em tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of em tag
sourceraw docstring


(fieldset & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of fieldset tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of fieldset tag
sourceraw docstring

(footer & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of footer tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of footer tag
sourceraw docstring


(form & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of form tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of form tag
sourceraw docstring


(form-style-content data)

Generate string that represents selector or animation of style HTML element

Generate string that represents selector or animation of style HTML element
sourceraw docstring


(gen data & [tag-type])

Generate HTML element from map generated by crt or stl fns

Generate HTML element from map generated by crt or stl fns
sourceraw docstring


(generate-html data)

Generates HTML element out of clojure map created by crt fn

Generates HTML element out of clojure map created by crt fn
sourceraw docstring


(generate-style data)

Generates style HTML element from clojure map generated by stl fn

Generates style HTML element from clojure map generated by stl fn
sourceraw docstring


(h1 & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of h1 tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of h1 tag
sourceraw docstring


(h2 & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of h2 tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of h2 tag
sourceraw docstring


(h3 & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of h3 tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of h3 tag
sourceraw docstring


(h4 & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of h4 tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of h4 tag
sourceraw docstring


(h5 & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of h5 tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of h5 tag
sourceraw docstring


(h6 & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of h6 tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of h6 tag
sourceraw docstring

(head & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of head tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of head tag
sourceraw docstring

(header & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of header tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of header tag
sourceraw docstring


(html & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of html tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of html tag
sourceraw docstring


(html? data)

Is data of HTML type

Is data of HTML type
sourceraw docstring


(i & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of i tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of i tag
sourceraw docstring


(img & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of img tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of img tag
sourceraw docstring


(input & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of input tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of input tag
sourceraw docstring


(ins & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of ins tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of ins tag
sourceraw docstring


(label & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of label tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of label tag
sourceraw docstring


(legend & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of legend tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of legend tag
sourceraw docstring


(li & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of li tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of li tag
sourceraw docstring


(mark & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of mark tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of mark tag
sourceraw docstring

(menu & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of menu tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of menu tag
sourceraw docstring

(menuitem & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of menuitem tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of menuitem tag
sourceraw docstring

(nav & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of nav tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of nav tag
sourceraw docstring


(ol & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of ol tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of ol tag
sourceraw docstring


(option & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of option tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of option tag
sourceraw docstring


(p & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of p tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of p tag
sourceraw docstring


(pre & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of pre tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of pre tag
sourceraw docstring


(q & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of q tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of q tag
sourceraw docstring


(script & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of script tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of script tag
sourceraw docstring


(section & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of section tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of section tag
sourceraw docstring


(select & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of select tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of select tag
sourceraw docstring


(slctr selector props-map)

Generate map that represents selector and it's properties

selector Is a css selector props-map Is map of properties applied to element selected by selector

Generate map that represents selector and it's properties

selector Is a css selector
props-map Is map of properties applied to element selected by selector
sourceraw docstring


(small & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of small tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of small tag
sourceraw docstring


(source & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of source tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of source tag
sourceraw docstring


(span & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of span tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of span tag
sourceraw docstring


(stl id & cont)

Generate map that represents style HTML element

id Is identification of style HTML element cont Is a content of style HTML element that can be map generated by anmtn or slctr fns or vector of these maps

Generate map that represents style HTML element

id Is identification of style HTML element
cont Is a content of style HTML element that can be map generated by anmtn or slctr fns
 or vector of these maps
sourceraw docstring


(strong & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of strong tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of strong tag
sourceraw docstring


(style & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of style tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of style tag
sourceraw docstring


(sub & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of sub tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of sub tag
sourceraw docstring


(sup & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of sup tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of sup tag
sourceraw docstring


(table & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of table tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of table tag
sourceraw docstring


(tbody & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of tbody tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of tbody tag
sourceraw docstring


(td & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of td tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of td tag
sourceraw docstring


(textarea & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of textarea tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of textarea tag
sourceraw docstring


(th & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of th tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of th tag
sourceraw docstring


(thead & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of thead tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of thead tag
sourceraw docstring


(title & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of title tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of title tag
sourceraw docstring


(tr & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of tr tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of tr tag
sourceraw docstring


(ul & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of ul tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of ul tag
sourceraw docstring


(video & [cont attrs events dynamic-attrs])

Shortcut for clojure map representation of video tag

Shortcut for clojure map representation of video tag
sourceraw docstring

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