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(add-class elements single-class)

Add class to elements collection

Add class to elements collection
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(add-fn-to-event element event-type event-function & [fn-params])

Add function to event for particular element

Add function to event for particular element
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(ancestor element ancestor-level)

Finds ancestor of an element at particular level

Finds ancestor of an element at particular level
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(append-element selector html-content)

Append html string in elements fetched by selector

Append html string in elements fetched by selector
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(cb-checked-values checkbox-group-name)

Checks which values are checked in checkbox group and packs them in vector

Checks which values are checked in checkbox group and packs them in vector
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(checked-value radio-group-name)

Query dom for input html radio group by name and find if the choice was made

Query dom for input html radio group by name and find if the choice was made
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(checked-value-with-index radio-group-elements index)

Iterate through html radio elements and check if any of them is checked, if html radio element is checked, return it's value

Iterate through html radio elements and check if any of them is checked,
if html radio element is checked, return it's value
sourceraw docstring


(contains-class elements single-class)

Remove class from elements collection

Remove class from elements collection
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(content selector html-content)

Empty fetched elements by selector and append html string

Empty fetched elements by selector and append html string
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(convert-to-vector node-list)

Convert html NodeList object to clojure vector

Convert html NodeList object to clojure vector
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(determine-param-type exec-fn param)

Determine if param is string or html type of object

Determine if param is string or html type of object
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(dispatch-event event elem & [window-obj])

Dispatch event on element from window-obj

Dispatch event on element from window-obj
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(element-exists selector)

Check if fade in style exists in DOM

Check if fade in style exists in DOM
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(empty-nodes selector)

Empty elements feched by selector

Empty elements feched by selector
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Hide please wait message

Hide please wait message
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Hide progress bar message

Hide progress bar message
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(event element event-type event-function & [fn-params])

Bind function to event on elements fetched by selector

(event element "onclick" event-function [1 2 3])

element Represents selector or html element event-type Represents html event, like onclick, onload... event-function Represents function name [fn-params] Represents vector that will be passed to event function

Bind function to event on elements fetched by selector

(event element "onclick" event-function [1 2 3])

element         Represents selector or html element
event-type      Represents html event, like onclick, onload...
event-function  Represents function name
[fn-params]     Represents vector that will be passed to event function
sourceraw docstring




(fade-anim-append delay-time

Append fade in style to head

Append fade in style to head
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(fade-in selector
         [style-identification animation-name-class from-opacity to-opacity])

Fade in html string content in elements fetched by selector during delay time

parameters: selector query document with this selector html-content String or HTMLObject that will be inserted delay-time fade-in duration time

style-identification id of style html element that will be generated and appended animation-name-class generating style html element, this parameter will be used for animation and class name from-opacity number from 0.0 to 1.0 that will specify starting opacity of fading element to-opacity number from 0.0 to 1.0 that will specify ending opacity of fading element

Fade in html string content in elements fetched by selector during delay time

 selector              query document with this selector
 html-content          String or HTMLObject that will be inserted
 delay-time            fade-in duration time
 style-identification  id of style html element that will be generated and appended
 animation-name-class  generating style html element, this parameter will be used for
                         animation and class name
 from-opacity          number from 0.0 to 1.0 that will specify starting opacity of
                         fading element
 to-opacity            number from 0.0 to 1.0 that will specify ending opacity of
                         fading element
sourceraw docstring


(fade-in-iteration ch-node sl-node anim-name-class style-id delay-time)

Set class on element to fade in, and and then append element to selected node

Set class on element to fade in, and and then append element to selected node
sourceraw docstring


(fade-out selector
          [style-identification only-content animation-name-class from-opacity

Fade out html string content in elements fetched by selector during delay time

parameters: selector query document with this selector delay-time fade-out duration time

style-identification id of style html element that will be generated and appended only-content when removing faded element true for only for content to be remove false for element, fetched with selector, to be removed animation-name-class generating style html element, this parameter will be used for animation and class name from-opacity number from 0.0 to 1.0 that will specify starting opacity of fading element to-opacity number from 0.0 to 1.0 that will specify ending opacity of fading element

Fade out html string content in elements fetched by selector during delay time

 selector              query document with this selector
 delay-time            fade-out duration time
 style-identification  id of style html element that will be generated and appended
 only-content          when removing faded element
                         true for only for content to be remove
                         false for element, fetched with selector, to be removed
 animation-name-class  generating style html element, this parameter will be used for
                         animation and class name
 from-opacity          number from 0.0 to 1.0 that will specify starting opacity of
                         fading element
 to-opacity            number from 0.0 to 1.0 that will specify ending opacity of
                         fading element
sourceraw docstring


(fade-out-and-fade-in selector anim-duration html-content)

Automation fade in fade out of an element

Automation fade in fade out of an element
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(find-event-type event index)

Find event type of predefined types

Find event type of predefined types
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(get-all-siblings element)

Return all siblings

Return all siblings
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(get-attr element attr-name)

Get attribute's value of element

Get attribute's value of element
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(get-by-class element-class)

Select elements by class returns collection of elements (html nodes)

Select elements by class
returns collection of elements (html nodes)
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(get-by-id element-id)

Select element by id returns single element (html node)

Select element by id
returns single element (html node)
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(get-checked element)

Returns elements checked

Returns elements checked
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(get-child-nodes element)

Fetch child nodes of element param

Fetch child nodes of element param
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(get-class-list element)

Get classList property

Get classList property
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(get-inner-html element)

Get innerHTML property of first element feched by selector

Get innerHTML property of first element feched by selector
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(get-next-siblings element)

Return vector of next siblings

Return vector of next siblings
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(get-node-name element)

Get nodeName property

Get nodeName property
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(get-outer-html selector)

Get outerHTML property of first element feched by selector

Get outerHTML property of first element feched by selector
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(get-parent element)

Get parentNode property

Get parentNode property
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(get-previous-siblings element)

Return vector of previous siblings

Return vector of previous siblings
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(get-selected-options element)

Get values of property selectedOptions and pack them in vector

Get values of property selectedOptions and pack them in vector
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(get-src element)

Returns elements src attribute value

Returns elements src attribute value
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(get-type element)

Returns elements type

Returns elements type
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Retrieve URL from address bar

Retrieve URL from address bar
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(get-value element)

Returns elements value

Returns elements value
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(get-value-as-date element)

Returns elements value

Returns elements value
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(get-value-as-number element)

Returns elements value

Returns elements value
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(html? data)

Is data fn parameter HTML element

Is data fn parameter HTML element
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(init-event event & [window-obj])

Initialize event for particular event object

Initialize event for particular event object
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(is-checked? element)

Return value of checked property from html element

Return value of checked property from html element
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(is-valid? element)

Returns elements value

Returns elements value
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(parse-html html-content)

Parses html from string

Parses html from string
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(prepend-element selector html-content)

Prepend html string in elements fetched by selector

Prepend html string in elements fetched by selector
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(query-selector selector)

Select first element of what css selector fetches from document returns single element (html node)

Select first element of what css selector fetches from document
returns single element (html node)
sourceraw docstring


(query-selector-all selector)

Select all element of what css selector fetches from document returns collection of elements (html nodes)

Select all element of what css selector fetches from document
returns collection of elements (html nodes)
sourceraw docstring


(query-selector-all-on-element element selector)

Select all element of what css selector fetches from element param returns collection of elements (html nodes)

Select all element of what css selector fetches from element param
returns collection of elements (html nodes)
sourceraw docstring


(query-selector-on-element element selector)

Select first element of what css selector fetches from element param returns single element (html node)

Select first element of what css selector fetches from element param
returns single element (html node)
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(remove-all-event element event-type)

Remove all functions from executing after an event has occurred on particular element/s

Remove all functions from executing after an event has occurred on particular element/s
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(remove-all-fns-from-event element event-type)

Remove all functions from executing after an event has occurred on particular element

Remove all functions from executing after an event has occurred on particular element
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(remove-class elements single-class)

Remove class from elements collection

Remove class from elements collection
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(remove-element selector)

Remove elements fetched by selector

Remove elements fetched by selector
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(remove-element-content selector)

Remove content from elements fetched by selector

Remove content from elements fetched by selector
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(remove-element-from-element element selector)

Remove elements fetched by selector

Remove elements fetched by selector
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(remove-event element event-type event-function)

Remove function from event on elements fetched by selector

(remove-event element "onclick" event-function))

element Represents selector or html element event-type Represents html event, like onclick, onload... event-function Represents function name

Remove function from event on elements fetched by selector

(remove-event element "onclick" event-function))

element         Represents selector or html element
event-type      Represents html event, like onclick, onload...
event-function  Represents function name
sourceraw docstring


(remove-fn-from-event element event-type event-function)

Remove particular function from executing after an event has occurred

Remove particular function from executing after an event has occurred
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(replace-all str-content replace-this replace-with)

Replace every occurance of supplied string

Replace every occurance of supplied string
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(replace-single str-content replace-this replace-with)

Replace first occurrence of string in first parameter

Replace first occurrence of string in first parameter
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(set-attr element attr-name value)

Set attribute's value of element

Set attribute's value of element
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(set-attrs elements attr-name value)

Set attribute's value of elements collection

Set attribute's value of elements collection
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(set-checked element new-value)

Sets element's checked

Sets element's checked
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(set-inner-html selector html-content)

Set html-content as innerHTML property of elements feched by selector

Set html-content as innerHTML property of elements feched by selector
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(set-outer-html selector html-content)

Set html-content as outerHTML property of elements feched by selector

Set html-content as outerHTML property of elements feched by selector
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(set-src element new-value)

Sets element's src

Sets element's src
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(set-value element new-value)

Sets element's value

Sets element's value
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Display please wait message

Display please wait message
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Display progress bar message

Display progress bar message
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(timeout execute-fn delay-time)

Delay function execution by milliseconds

Delay function execution by milliseconds
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(update-progress-bar progress-value & [color1 color2])

Update percentage of progress bar

Update percentage of progress bar
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(xpath selector)

(xpath '//div[contains(text(), 'Searched text')]')

(xpath '//div[contains(text(), 'Searched text')]')
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