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Check Python PyPI package license


  1. Install Leiningen

  2. Get the source code

git clone
cd pip-license-checker


Option 1. Run the code with lein:

### see usage message
lein run

### check a single package
lein run piny==0.6.0
lein run aiostream

### include pre-release and development versions
lein run --pre aiohttp

### scan all packages in requirements file
lein run -r resources/requirements.txt

aiohttp:3.7.2                  Apache Software License        Permissive
piny:0.6                       MIT License                    Permissive
aiostream                      GPLv3                          Copyleft
aiocache:0.11.1                                               Other
aiokafka:0.6                   Apache Software License        Permissive
aiopg:122.3.5                  Error                          ???
workflow-tools:0.5.0           Apache Software License        Permissive
Synx                           Other/Proprietary License      Other

### scan packages matching regex pattern
### e.g. all lines except containing "aio.*" packages
lein run -r resources/requirements.txt -e 'aio.*'

piny:0.6                       MIT License                    Permissive
workflow-tools:0.5.0           Apache Software License        Permissive
Synx                           Other/Proprietary License      Other

Option 2. Compile and run an uberjar standalone:

lein uberjar
cd target/uberjar
java -jar pip-license-checker-[version]-standalone.jar [args]


Run application with lein run or use --help option with standalone jar for more details.

$ lein run

pip-license-checker - check Python PyPI package license

pip-license-checker [options]... [package]...

  package	List of package names in format `name[specifier][version]`

  -r, --requirements REQUIREMENT_NAME  []   Requirement file name to read
  -f, --fail LICENSE_TYPE              #{}  Return non-zero exit code if license type is found
  -e, --exclude REGEX                       PCRE to exclude matching packages. Used only if [package]... or requirement files specified
  -p, --[no-]pre                            Include pre-release and development versions. By default, use only stable versions
  -t, --[no-]with-totals                    Print totals for license types
  -o, --[no-]totals-only                    Print only totals for license types
  -d, --[no-]table-headers                  Print table headers
  -h, --help                                Print this help message

pip-license-checker django
pip-license-checker aiohttp==3.7.2 piny==0.6.0 django
pip-license-checker --pre 'aiohttp<4'
pip-license-checker --with-totals --table-headers --requirements resources/requirements.txt
pip-license-checker --totals-only -r file1.txt -r file2.txt -r file3.txt
pip-license-checker -r resources/requirements.txt django aiohttp==3.7.1 --exclude 'aio.*'


App can also be run in docker container.

  1. Build docker image
cd pip-license-checker
docker build -t pip-license-checker .
  1. Run app in docker container, mount current host directory with requirements.txt file to container predefined volume directory /volume
docker run -v `pwd`:/volume \
              -it --rm --name pip-check pip-license-checker \
              java -jar app.jar 'aiohttp>=3.6.1,<3.8' \
              -r /volume/requirements.txt


pip-license-checker is provided on an "as-is" basis and makes no warranties regarding any information provided through it, and disclaims liability for damages resulting from using it. Using pip-license-checker does not constitute legal advice nor does it create an attorney-client relationship.

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