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License compliance tool. Detect license names and types for Python PyPI packages. Identify license types for given license names obtained by third-party tools. Great coverage of free/libre and open source licenses of all types: public domain, permissive, copyleft.

Check Python dependencies, including in requirements.txt format for pip package installer, without Python and its tooling presence. Check license types for dependencies and their licenses obtained by third-party tools (e.g. JavaScript's license-checker)


You can install pip-license-checker either by pulling a Docker image, builing from the source code or plugging-in GitHub Action to your CI pipeline.

I. Docker

There are two options for getting a docker image:

  1. Pulling an official image from Docker Hub
docker pull pilosus/pip-license-checker:0.21.0

Use specific version tag (it's matching version of the tool in the repo) or just latest.

  1. Building a docker image yourself
git clone
cd pip-license-checker
docker build -t pilosus/pip-license-checker .

II. Compiling from source code

  1. Install Leiningen

  2. Get the source code

git clone
cd pip-license-checker

It's enough to start using the tool with lein. But you can optionally compile a standalone jar-file too:

  1. (Optional) Compile uberjar file
lein uberjar
cd target/uberjar
java -jar pip-license-checker-[version]-standalone.jar [args] [options]

III. GitHub Action for CI integration

If your project is hosted by GitHub, try the GitHub Action based on pip-license-checker.



docker run -it --rm pilosus/pip-license-checker:0.21.0 \
  java -jar app.jar 'aiostream==0.4.3' 'pygit2' 'aiohttp>3.7.1'

In case of checking files (e.g. with --requirements or --external tool's options) mount a host directory containing the files with docker's -v option:

docker run -v `pwd`:/volume \
    -it --rm pilosus/pip-license-checker:0.21.0 \
    java -jar app.jar --exclude 'pylint.*' \
    --requirements '/volume/requirements.txt' \
    --external '/volume/licenses.csv' \
    --fail StrongCopyleft --fails-only

Command line tool

Examples below assume you are using lein tool. If you'd like to use standalone jar file, just substitute lein run with java -jar pip-license-checker-[version]-standalone.jar.

### see usage message
lein run

### check a single package
lein run piny==0.6.0
lein run aiostream

### include pre-release and development versions
lein run --pre aiohttp

### scan all packages in requirements file
lein run --requirements resources/requirements.txt

aiohttp:3.7.2                       Apache Software License                                 Permissive
piny:0.6.0                          MIT License                                             Permissive
aiostream:0.4.3                     GPLv3                                                   StrongCopyleft
mo-collections:4.30.21121           Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)                    WeakCopyleft
aiocache:0.11.1                     BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License                 Permissive
aiokafka:0.6.0                      Apache Software License                                 Permissive
aiopg:122.3.5                       Error                                                   Error
telegram-bot-framework:3.15.2       GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+) NetworkCopyleft
aio-throttle:1.6.2                  MIT License                                             Permissive
workflow-tools:0.6.0                Apache Software License                                 Permissive
Synx:0.0.3                          Other/Proprietary License                               Other

### scan packages matching regex pattern
### e.g. all lines except containing "aio.*" packages
lein run --requirements resources/requirements.txt --exclude 'aio.*'

piny:0.6                       MIT License                    Permissive
workflow-tools:0.5.0           Apache Software License        Permissive
Synx                           Other/Proprietary License      Other


Run application with lein run or use --help option with standalone jar for more details.

lein run

pip-license-checker - check Python PyPI package license

pip-license-checker [options]... [package]...

  package	List of package names in format `name[specifier][version]`

  -r, --requirements REQUIREMENT_NAME  []   Requirement file name to read
  -x, --external FILE_NAME             []   CSV file with prefetched license data in format: package-name,license-name[,...]
  -xcsvh, --[no-]external-csv-headers       CSV file contains header line
  -f, --fail LICENSE_TYPE              #{}  Return non-zero exit code if license type is found
  -e, --exclude REGEX                       PCRE to exclude matching packages. Used only if [package]... or requirement files specified
  -p, --[no-]pre                            Include pre-release and development versions. By default, use only stable versions
  -t, --[no-]with-totals                    Print totals for license types
  -o, --[no-]totals-only                    Print only totals for license types
  -d, --[no-]table-headers                  Print table headers
  -m, --[no-]fails-only                     Print only packages of license types specified with --fail flags
  -h, --help                                Print this help message

pip-license-checker django
pip-license-checker aiohttp==3.7.2 piny==0.6.0 django
pip-license-checker --pre 'aiohttp<4'
pip-license-checker --with-totals --table-headers --requirements resources/requirements.txt
pip-license-checker --totals-only -r file1.txt -r file2.txt -r file3.txt
pip-license-checker -r resources/requirements.txt django aiohttp==3.7.1 --exclude 'aio.*'
pip-license-checker --external resources/external.csv --exclude 'node.*' --external-csv-headers

Valid license types:
NetworkCopyleft, StrongCopyleft, WeakCopyleft, Copyleft, Permissive, Other, Error


General questions

Q1. Does the tool consider the Python package's version? What if a package changes its license over time?

The tool resolves the version for Python packages just pip package manager does. It also checks the license only for the resolved version of the package.

Q2. How do I check all Python dependencies for my project, both explicit and transitive ones?

pip-license-checker checks only explicitly defined dependencies, without transitive ones. The easiest way to check all dependencies is to get them by the pip as the list and then run the tool with that list:

pip freeze > requirements-all.txt
lein run -r requirements-all.txt

Q3. Does the tool consider PEP-508 extras and markers specified for requirements?

PEP508 indeed allows specifying extra packages to be installed for the package as well as markers describing the rules when the dependency should be used:


The tool ignores both extras and markers. Use the recipe for the Q2 if you need extras/markers to have an effect on the final list of dependencies to be checked.


pip-license-checker is provided on an "as-is" basis and makes no warranties regarding any information provided through it, and disclaims liability for damages resulting from using it. Using pip-license-checker does not constitute legal advice nor does it create an attorney-client relationship.

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