where a = :a { or b like :b }
在参数:b为nil时,输出where a = :a
where a=1 { and b = :b }
在参数:b为nil时,输出结果为where a=1
{where a=1 and b = :b }
或 简写 :l:value
, 会将传入的value
转变为 %value%
或简写 :ll:value
, 会将传入的value
转变为 value%
或简写 :rl:value
, 会将传入的value
转变为 %value
形式注意:动态部分,主要靠双{ }大括号来确定,大括号的使用规则如下,可以参见sql文件中使用的例子进行理解。
本次重大调整是将参数块的分隔符由 双中括号 [[
改为 {
, 主要原因是发现大括号在一般的sql语句中被使用的更少。特别是postgresql中,中括号在数组类型中很常用,但是大括号可以放心使用。
lein依赖中添加:[org.to.victory.db/hugwhere "1.0.0"]
(require '[org.tovictory.db.hack-hugsql :as hh])
按hugsql约定,在resources/xxx.sql里面写明你的函数,下面是几个例子 注意在 :name 行的最后增加 :D 是打开动态where的开关。 而 --~ where ... 是单行动态where的写法, /~ where ... ~/ 是多行动态where的写法
-- :name test1 :? :* :D
select * from users
--~ where a = 100 { and b = :b } { or c like :c }
-- :name list-users :? :* :D
select * from users
--~ where { id = :id and } { name like :l:name and } is_valid = 1
-- :name test2 :? :* :D
select * from users
--~ where { a = 100 { and b = :b } { or c like :c } }
-- :name list-users2 :? :* :D
select * from users
--~ where { { id = :id and } { name like :l:name and } is_valid = 1 }
-- :name test-influence :? :* :D
select * from users
--~ where a = 1 { and b like :ll:b and c = 1 } { and d = :d and e != 0 }
-- :name test-func :? :* :D
select * from users
--~ where a = 1 { and b = f( :b ,1) } { and c = fs( :c , :d ) }
(hugsql.core/def-sqlvec-fns "xxx.sql")
(test1-sqlvec nil) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 100"]
(test1-sqlvec {:b nil}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 100"]
(test1-sqlvec {:b 1}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 100 and b = ?" 1]
(test1-sqlvec {:c "name"}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 100 or c like ?" "name"]
(test1-sqlvec {:b 1, :c "x"}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 100 and b = ? or c like ?" 1 "x"]
(list-users-sqlvec nil) =>
["select * from users\nwhere is_valid = 1"]
(list-users-sqlvec {:id 1}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere id = ? and is_valid = 1" 1]
(list-users-sqlvec {:name "nezha"}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere name like ? and is_valid = 1" "%nezha%"]
(list-users-sqlvec {:id 1, :name "nezha"}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere id = ? and name like ? and is_valid = 1" 1 "%nezha%"]
(test2-sqlvec nil) =>
["select * from users"]
(test2-sqlvec {:b nil}) =>
["select * from users"]
(test2-sqlvec {:b 1}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 100 and b = ?" 1]
(test2-sqlvec {:c "name"}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 100 or c like ?" "name"]
(test2-sqlvec {:b 1, :c "x"}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 100 and b = ? or c like ?" 1 "x"]
(list-users2-sqlvec nil) =>
["select * from users"]
(list-users2-sqlvec {:id 1}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere id = ? and is_valid = 1" 1]
(list-users2-sqlvec {:name "nezha"}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere name like ? and is_valid = 1" "%nezha%"]
(list-users2-sqlvec {:id 1, :name "nezha"}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere id = ? and name like ? and is_valid = 1" 1 "%nezha%"]
(test-influence-sqlvec nil) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 1"]
(test-influence-sqlvec {:b "x"}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 1 and b like ? and c = 1" "x%"]
(test-influence-sqlvec {:d 100}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 1 and d = ? and e != 0" 100]
(test-influence-sqlvec {:b "x", :d 100}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 1 and b like ? and c = 1 and d = ? and e != 0" "x%" 100]
(test-func-sqlvec nil) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 1"]
(test-func-sqlvec {:b "name"}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 1 and b = f( ? ,1)" "name"]
(test-func-sqlvec {:c 100}) =>
;; error :d must exists
(test-func-sqlvec {:c 100, :d 1}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 1 and c = fs( ? , ? )" 100 1]
(test-func-sqlvec {:b "name", :c 100}) =>
;; error :d must exists
(test-func-sqlvec {:b nil, :c 100, :d 1}) =>
["select * from users\nwhere a = 1 and c = fs( ? , ? )" 100 1]
Copyright © 2019 xiao-ne-zha
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
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