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Make research tool as a service.

Many tools are used in the research, but located in each computer. e.g. xps to pdf, convert rnaseq results to a report etc.

Why can't we do all these things in one place? TService is the answer.

Latest Release Docker Image License

For user


Configuration File Mode

{:port 8089
 ;; when :nrepl-port is set the application starts the nREPL server on load
 :nrepl-port 7000
 ;; :database-url "postgresql://localhost:5432/tservice_dev?user=postgres&password=password"
 :database-url "jdbc:sqlite:./tservice/tservice_dev.db"
 :external-bin "/Users/choppy/Documents/Code/ClinicoOmics/ReportEngine/tservice-plugins/external:/Users/choppy/miniconda3/envs/multiqc/bin"
 :tservice-workdir "./tservice"
 :tservice-plugin-path "./tservice/"
 :tservice-run-mode "dev"
 :fs-services [{:fs-service             "minio"
                :fs-endpoint            "http://localhost:9000"
                :fs-access-key          "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
                :fs-secret-key          "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
                :fs-rootdir             "/data/minio"}
               {:fs-service             "oss"
                :fs-endpoint            ""
                :fs-access-key          "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
                :fs-secret-key          "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
                :fs-rootdir             ""}]
 :default-fs-service "minio"
 :tasks {:sync-reports {:cron "0 */1 * * * ?"}}}

Environment Mode

# Port
export PORT=3000
# NREPL Port
export NREPL_PORT=7000

# Database(Support PostgreSQL, H2, SQLite)
## PostgreSQL
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://localhost:5432/tservice_dev?user=postgres&password=password"

## H2
export DATABASE_URL="jdbc:h2:./tservice_dev.db"

## SQLite
export DATABASE_URL="jdbc:sqlite:./tservice_dev.db"

# TService Working Directory

# TService Plugin Path

Using docker image

  1. Go to the Packages page in the
  2. Choose a version
  3. Pull your expected package with the following command
docker pull

Download jar package


For Developer


  1. You will need Leiningen 2.0 or above installed.

  2. Clone the tservice repo

    git clone
    cd tservice
  3. Prepare a configuration file and save as dev-config.edn into the tservice directory

    ;; WARNING
    ;; The dev-config.edn file is used for local environment variables, such as database credentials.
    ;; This file is listed in .gitignore and will be excluded from version control by Git.
    {:port 3000
     ;; when :nrepl-port is set the application starts the nREPL server on load
     :nrepl-port 7000
     :database-url "postgresql://localhost:5432/tservice_dev?user=postgres&password=password"
     :external-bin "~/miniconda3/envs/multiqc/bin"
     :tservice-workdir "~/Downloads/tservice"
     :tservice-plugin-path "~/Downloads/tservice/"
     :tservice-run-mode "dev"
     :fs-services [{:fs-service             "minio"
                     :fs-endpoint            ""
                     :fs-access-key          "test"
                     :fs-secret-key          "4gmPNjG5JKRXXXXXuxTqO"
                     :fs-rootdir             "/data/minio"}
                   {:fs-service             "oss"
                     :fs-endpoint            ""
                     :fs-access-key          "LTAI4Fi5MEXXXXXzhjEEF43a"
                     :fs-secret-key          "hQhPB8tRFloXXXXXXhKv1GOLdwFVLgt"
                     :fs-rootdir             ""}]
     :default-fs-service "minio"
     :tasks {:sync-reports {:cron "0 */1 * * * ?"}}}
  4. Install PostgreSQL and create the tservice_dev database for development

Install Dependencies

lein deps


To start a web server for the application, run:

lein run 

How to reload application without the need to restart the REPL itself

(require '[user :as u])

How to get a tservice plugin?


How to develop a tservice plugin?

TService Plugin Manifest

  name: Quartet DNA-Seq Report
  version: v1.0.1
  description: Parse the results of the quartet-dna-qc app and generate the report.
  category: Tool
  source: PGx
  short_name: quartet-dnaseq-report
    - src: ""
      type: image/png
      sizes: 192x192
  author: Jingcheng Yang
  name: quartet-dnaseq-report
  display-name: Quartet DNA-Seq Report
  lazy-load: false
  # Unpack environment file to the directory, repository/envs/quartet-dnaseq-report
  - step: unpack-env
    envname: quartet-dnaseq-report
  - step: load-namespace
    namespace: tservice.plugins.quartet-dnaseq-report
  - step: register-plugin
    entrypoint: tservice.plugins.quartet-dnaseq-report/metadata
  - step: init-event
    entrypoint: tservice.plugins.quartet-dnaseq-report/events-init

How to auto-generate docs?

  1. Commit all code modifications

  2. Give a tag for the latest commit

  3. Build your documentation with lein codox

  4. To publish your docs to Github Pages, run the following commands

    cd docs
    git add .
    git commit -am "Update docs."
    git push -u origin gh-pages
    cd ..

How to build docker image?

make build-docker

How to create a database for development?

make dev-db


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