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A port of clojure/tools.analyzer.jvm to ClojureCLR.

From the parent's README:

An analyzer for Clojure code, written on top of tools.analyzer, providing additional jvm-specific passes.

Please see the JVM version's README for more details.


Fully functional except for two minor variations

  • analyze-ns is not yet implemented. (The JVM version involves classpath searching and related techniques that are not relevant on the CLR. This needs some thought.
  • The earmuff-warning pass is not included in the analysis. That code is defined in tools.analyzer and contains some interop not CLR-compatible. We await a patch.


Nuget reference:

    PM> Install-Package -Version 1.2.2 

Leiningen/Clojars reference:

   [org.clojure.clr/tools.analyzer.clr "1.2.2"]


Copyright (C) 2022 Rich Hickey, David Miller & ClojureCLR contributors Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

The parent project has this:

Copyright � 2013-2021 Nicola Mometto, Rich Hickey & contributors. Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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