Top-level main function for Clojure REPL and scripts.
Top-level main function for Clojure REPL and scripts.
(demunge fn-name)
Given a string representation of a fn class, as in a stack trace element, returns a readable version.
Given a string representation of a fn class, as in a stack trace element, returns a readable version.
(err->msg e)
Helper to return an error message string from an exception.
Helper to return an error message string from an exception.
(ex-str {:clojure.error/keys [phase source path line column symbol class cause
:as triage-data})
Returns a string from exception data, as produced by ex-triage. The first line summarizes the exception phase and location. The subsequent lines describe the cause.
Returns a string from exception data, as produced by ex-triage. The first line summarizes the exception phase and location. The subsequent lines describe the cause.
(ex-triage datafied-throwable)
Returns an analysis of the phase, error, cause, and location of an error that occurred based on Throwable data, as returned by Throwable->map. All attributes other than phase are optional: :clojure.error/phase - keyword phase indicator, one of: :read-source :compile-syntax-check :compilation :macro-syntax-check :macroexpansion :execution :read-eval-result :print-eval-result :clojure.error/source - file name (no path) :clojure.error/path - source path :clojure.error/line - integer line number :clojure.error/column - integer column number :clojure.error/symbol - symbol being expanded/compiled/invoked :clojure.error/class - cause exception class symbol :clojure.error/cause - cause exception message :clojure.error/spec - explain-data for spec error
Returns an analysis of the phase, error, cause, and location of an error that occurred based on Throwable data, as returned by Throwable->map. All attributes other than phase are optional: :clojure.error/phase - keyword phase indicator, one of: :read-source :compile-syntax-check :compilation :macro-syntax-check :macroexpansion :execution :read-eval-result :print-eval-result :clojure.error/source - file name (no path) :clojure.error/path - source path :clojure.error/line - integer line number :clojure.error/column - integer column number :clojure.error/symbol - symbol being expanded/compiled/invoked :clojure.error/class - cause exception class symbol :clojure.error/cause - cause exception message :clojure.error/spec - explain-data for spec error
(load-script path)
Loads Clojure source from a file or resource given its path. Paths beginning with @ or @/ are considered relative to classpath.
Loads Clojure source from a file or resource given its path. Paths beginning with @ or @/ are considered relative to classpath.
(main & args)
Usage: java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main [init-opt*] [main-opt] [arg*]
With no options or args, runs an interactive Read-Eval-Print Loop
init options: -i, --init path Load a file or resource -e, --eval string Evaluate expressions in string; print non-nil values --report target Report uncaught exception to "file" (default), "stderr", or "none", overrides System property
main options: -m, --main ns-name Call the -main function from a namespace with args -r, --repl Run a repl path Run a script from a file or resource
Run a script from standard input
-h, -?, --help Print this help message and exit
The init options may be repeated and mixed freely, but must appear before any main option. The appearance of any eval option before running a repl suppresses the usual repl greeting message: "Clojure ~(clojure-version)".
Paths may be absolute or relative in the filesystem or relative to classpath. Classpath-relative paths have prefix of @ or @/
Usage: java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main [init-opt*] [main-opt] [arg*] With no options or args, runs an interactive Read-Eval-Print Loop init options: -i, --init path Load a file or resource -e, --eval string Evaluate expressions in string; print non-nil values --report target Report uncaught exception to "file" (default), "stderr", or "none", overrides System property main options: -m, --main ns-name Call the -main function from a namespace with args -r, --repl Run a repl path Run a script from a file or resource - Run a script from standard input -h, -?, --help Print this help message and exit operation: - Establishes thread-local bindings for commonly set!-able vars - Enters the user namespace - Binds *command-line-args* to a seq of strings containing command line args that appear after any main option - Runs all init options in order - Calls a -main function or runs a repl or script if requested The init options may be repeated and mixed freely, but must appear before any main option. The appearance of any eval option before running a repl suppresses the usual repl greeting message: "Clojure ~(clojure-version)". Paths may be absolute or relative in the filesystem or relative to classpath. Classpath-relative paths have prefix of @ or @/
(renumbering-read opts reader line-number)
Reads from reader, which must be a LineNumberingPushbackReader, while capturing the read string. If the read is successful, reset the line number and re-read. The line number on re-read is the passed line-number unless :line or :clojure.core/eval-file meta are explicitly set on the read value.
Reads from reader, which must be a LineNumberingPushbackReader, while capturing the read string. If the read is successful, reset the line number and re-read. The line number on re-read is the passed line-number unless :line or :clojure.core/eval-file meta are explicitly set on the read value.
(repl & options)
Generic, reusable, read-eval-print loop. By default, reads from in, writes to out, and prints exception summaries to err. If you use the default :read hook, in must either be an instance of LineNumberingPushbackReader or duplicate its behavior of both supporting .unread and collapsing CR, LF, and CRLF into a single \newline. Options are sequential keyword-value pairs. Available options and their defaults:
:init, function of no arguments, initialization hook called with bindings for set!-able vars in place. default: #()
:need-prompt, function of no arguments, called before each read-eval-print except the first, the user will be prompted if it returns true. default: (if (instance? LineNumberingPushbackReader in) #(.atLineStart in) #(identity true))
:prompt, function of no arguments, prompts for more input. default: repl-prompt
:flush, function of no arguments, flushes output default: flush
:read, function of two arguments, reads from in:
:eval, function of one argument, returns the evaluation of its argument default: eval
:print, function of one argument, prints its argument to the output default: prn
:caught, function of one argument, a throwable, called when read, eval, or print throws an exception or error default: repl-caught
Generic, reusable, read-eval-print loop. By default, reads from *in*, writes to *out*, and prints exception summaries to *err*. If you use the default :read hook, *in* must either be an instance of LineNumberingPushbackReader or duplicate its behavior of both supporting .unread and collapsing CR, LF, and CRLF into a single \newline. Options are sequential keyword-value pairs. Available options and their defaults: - :init, function of no arguments, initialization hook called with bindings for set!-able vars in place. default: #() - :need-prompt, function of no arguments, called before each read-eval-print except the first, the user will be prompted if it returns true. default: (if (instance? LineNumberingPushbackReader *in*) #(.atLineStart *in*) #(identity true)) - :prompt, function of no arguments, prompts for more input. default: repl-prompt - :flush, function of no arguments, flushes output default: flush - :read, function of two arguments, reads from *in*: - returns its first argument to request a fresh prompt - depending on need-prompt, this may cause the repl to prompt before reading again - returns its second argument to request an exit from the repl - else returns the next object read from the input stream default: repl-read - :eval, function of one argument, returns the evaluation of its argument default: eval - :print, function of one argument, prints its argument to the output default: prn - :caught, function of one argument, a throwable, called when read, eval, or print throws an exception or error default: repl-caught
(repl-caught e)
Default :caught hook for repl
Default :caught hook for repl
(repl-exception throwable)
Returns the root cause of throwables
Returns the root cause of throwables
Default :prompt hook for repl
Default :prompt hook for repl
(repl-read request-prompt request-exit)
Default :read hook for repl. Reads from in which must either be an instance of LineNumberingPushbackReader or duplicate its behavior of both supporting .unread and collapsing all of CR, LF, and CRLF into a single \newline. repl-read:
Default :read hook for repl. Reads from *in* which must either be an instance of LineNumberingPushbackReader or duplicate its behavior of both supporting .unread and collapsing all of CR, LF, and CRLF into a single \newline. repl-read: - skips whitespace, then - returns request-prompt on start of line, or - returns request-exit on end of stream, or - reads an object from the input stream, then - skips the next input character if it's end of line, then - returns the object.
A sequence of lib specs that are applied to require
by default when a new command-line REPL is started.
A sequence of lib specs that are applied to `require` by default when a new command-line REPL is started.
(report-error t & {:keys [target] :or {target "file"} :as opts})
Create and output an exception report for a Throwable to target.
Options: :target - "file" (default), "stderr", "none"
If file is specified but cannot be written, falls back to stderr.
Create and output an exception report for a Throwable to target. Options: :target - "file" (default), "stderr", "none" If file is specified but cannot be written, falls back to stderr.
(root-cause t)
Returns the initial cause of an exception or error by peeling off all of its wrappers
Returns the initial cause of an exception or error by peeling off all of its wrappers
(skip-if-eol s)
If the next character on stream s is a newline, skips it, otherwise leaves the stream untouched. Returns :line-start, :stream-end, or :body to indicate the relative location of the next character on s. The stream must either be an instance of LineNumberingPushbackReader or duplicate its behavior of both supporting .unread and collapsing all of CR, LF, and CRLF to a single \newline.
If the next character on stream s is a newline, skips it, otherwise leaves the stream untouched. Returns :line-start, :stream-end, or :body to indicate the relative location of the next character on s. The stream must either be an instance of LineNumberingPushbackReader or duplicate its behavior of both supporting .unread and collapsing all of CR, LF, and CRLF to a single \newline.
(skip-whitespace s)
Skips whitespace characters on stream s. Returns :line-start, :stream-end, or :body to indicate the relative location of the next character on s. Interprets comma as whitespace and semicolon as comment to end of line. Does not interpret #! as comment to end of line because only one character of lookahead is available. The stream must either be an instance of LineNumberingPushbackReader or duplicate its behavior of both supporting .unread and collapsing all of CR, LF, and CRLF to a single \newline.
Skips whitespace characters on stream s. Returns :line-start, :stream-end, or :body to indicate the relative location of the next character on s. Interprets comma as whitespace and semicolon as comment to end of line. Does not interpret #! as comment to end of line because only one character of lookahead is available. The stream must either be an instance of LineNumberingPushbackReader or duplicate its behavior of both supporting .unread and collapsing all of CR, LF, and CRLF to a single \newline.
(stack-element-str el)
Returns a (possibly unmunged) string representation of a StackTraceElement
Returns a (possibly unmunged) string representation of a StackTraceElement
(with-bindings & body)
Executes body in the context of thread-local bindings for several vars that often need to be set!: ns warn-on-reflection math-context print-meta print-length print-level compile-path command-line-args *1 *2 *3 *e
Executes body in the context of thread-local bindings for several vars that often need to be set!: *ns* *warn-on-reflection* *math-context* *print-meta* *print-length* *print-level* *compile-path* *command-line-args* *1 *2 *3 *e
(with-read-known & body)
Evaluates body with read-eval set to a "known" value, i.e. substituting true for :unknown if necessary.
Evaluates body with *read-eval* set to a "known" value, i.e. substituting true for :unknown if necessary.
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