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Functions for invoking Java processes and invoking tools via the Clojure CLI.

Functions for invoking Java processes and invoking tools via the Clojure CLI.
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(invoke-tool {:keys [tool-name tool-alias fn args preserve-envelope]
              :or {preserve-envelope false}
              :as opts})

Invoke tool using Clojure CLI. Args (one of :tool-alias or :tool-name, and :fn are required): :tool-alias - Tool alias to invoke (keyword) :tool-name - Name of installed tool to invoke (string or symbol) :fn - Function (symbol) :args - map of args to pass to function

Options: :preserve-envelope - if true, return the full invocation envelope, default=false

Invoke tool using Clojure CLI. Args (one of :tool-alias or :tool-name, and :fn
are required):
  :tool-alias - Tool alias to invoke (keyword)
  :tool-name - Name of installed tool to invoke (string or symbol)
  :fn - Function (symbol)
  :args - map of args to pass to function

  :preserve-envelope - if true, return the full invocation envelope, default=false
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