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(printerrln & msgs)

println to err

println to *err*
sourceraw docstring


(read-edn reader)

Read the edn file from the specified reader. This file should contain a single edn value. Empty files return nil. The reader will be read to EOF and closed.

Read the edn file from the specified `reader`.
This file should contain a single edn value. Empty files return nil.
The reader will be read to EOF and closed.
sourceraw docstring


(slurp-edn f)

Read the edn file specified by f, a string or File. An empty file will return nil.

Read the edn file specified by f, a string or File.
An empty file will return nil.
sourceraw docstring


(write-file f s)

Write the string s to file f. Creates parent directories for f if they don't exist.

Write the string s to file f. Creates parent directories for f if they don't exist.
sourceraw docstring

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