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Change Log for tools.namespace

0.3.x series

Version 0.3.0

  • Released as non-alpha, still some known issues to fix in future.

Version 0.3.0-alpha4 on 25-Apr-2017

  • Fix TNS-47: Always use canonical directory paths when searching for files.

Version 0.3.0-alpha3 on 5-Jan-2016

  • Ignore :require-macros and :use-macros when parsing namespace dependencies. This is a change in behavior from previous 0.3 alphas and is a more robust fix for TNS-38. tools.namespace currently only models one dependency graph at a time, so it treats Clojure and ClojureScript as separate worlds and will not attempt to analyze dependency relationships which cross that boundary.

  • Fix TNS-40: do not catch exceptions in c.t.n.file. Instead, catch and ignore only syntax exceptions (identified by ex-data from tools.reader). This is a change in behavior from 0.3.0-alpha2 and 0.2. It should have minimal impact on users but make some errors (such as an incompatible version of tools.reader) more obvious.

  • Known bugs not yet fixed: TNS-42 When the same namespace is defined in both .clj and .cljc files, dependencies may be read from either, when it should prefer the .clj file.

Version 0.3.0-alpha2 on 13-Nov-2015

  • Fix TNS-38: ignore circular dependency from .cljs file to .clj file in :require-macros

  • tools.reader version 0.10.0

  • java.classpath version 0.2.3

  • Add

Version 0.3.0-alpha1 on 14-Aug-2015

  • Partial ClojureScript Support TNS-35

    • Platform-neutral namespaces were converted to conditional-read (.cljc) files: c.t.n.dependency, c.t.n.track, and c.t.n.parse. These namespaces can be used in ClojureScript programs.

    • Added support for finding, parsing, and analyzing ClojureScript source files (.cljs and .cljc) in c.t.n.file, c.t.n.parse, c.t.n.dir, and c.t.n.find with optional "platform" arguments. These namespaces still only run on the Clojure(JVM) platform.

    • Reloading and interactive features remain Clojure(JVM) only for now: c.t.n.move, c.t.n.reload, and c.t.n.repl

    • Uses tools.reader for platform-independent parsing and conditional-reader support.

  • Minimum Clojure version is 1.7.0

  • Breaking change: c.t.n.parse/read-ns-decl no longer returns nil on syntax errors. Instead, exceptions are allowed to propagate up from tools.reader. This change only affects code which calls read-ns-decl directly. c.t.n.file and c.t.n.find will catch and ignore reader exeptions when trying to read namespace declarations.

  • Enhancement TNS-36: Use java.classpath for better JVM classpath resolution

  • Possible breaking change: parse/read-ns-decl does not capture reader errors

  • Some definitions deprecated; see source code or Var metadata for details.

  • Adds dependency on java.classpath

0.2.x series

Version 0.2.11 on 19-Jun-2015

  • TNS-34 Allow reader conditionals in parsed source files

Version 0.2.10 on 26-Feb-2015

  • Widen existing functions to handle both clj and cljc files in advance of reader conditional support in Clojure 1.7.

Version 0.2.9 on 31-Jan-2015

  • Fix TNS-20: Undefined 'unload' order after namespaces are first added to an new, empty tracker.

  • Improvement TNS-21: Support ns clauses which use vectors instead of lists for clauses, contrary to docs.

  • Improvement TNS-32: Support ns clauses which use symbols as clause heads instead of keywords, contrary to docs.

Version 0.2.8 on 19-Dec-2014

  • Improvement TNS-31: Specific error message when :after symbol passed to refresh cannot be resolved.

  • Fix TNS-26: namespace alias recovery after failed reload did not work due to local binding shadowing global Var

Version 0.2.7 on 19-Sept-2014

  • Revert bad commit mistakenly included in 0.2.6 which could cause the tracker's 'unload' order to be incorrect. See discussion at TNS-20.

BROKEN Version 0.2.6 on 7-Sept-2014 DO NOT USE

  • asserts that its argument is a PushbackReader, instead of silently returning nil

  • Fix TNS-22: broken clojure.string/replace with Windows path separator

Version 0.2.5 on 15-Jul-2014

  • New empties the state of the REPL dependency tracker. This can help repair the dependency tracker after a failed load or a circular dependency error.

  • Enhancement TNS-19: deps-from-ns-decl should return an empty set instead of nil. This may be a breaking change for some but is consistent with the original docstring.

  • Enhancement TNS-18: Compute transitive dependencies in linear time.

  • Enhancement TNS-17: The ns form doesn't need to be the first top-level form in a file.

  • Fix TNS-16: Don't depend on specific hash ordering in tests. Exposed by new hash functions in Clojure 1.6.0.

  • Fix TNS-15: Handle spaces in classpath directories (old

  • Fix TNS-12: Duplicate definition of jar-file?

Version 0.2.4 on 19-Jul-2013

  • Fix TNS-10: Forbid circular dependency when a namespace depends on itself

  • Fix TNS-9 and TNS-11: support other prefix-list forms

  • Fix TNS-8: In move-ns, do not modify files whose contents does not change

Version 0.2.3 on 01-Apr-2013

  • New: Attempt recovery of aliases/refers in REPL after error

Version 0.2.2 on 14-Dec-2012

  • New: Add :after option to refresh

  • New: Add

  • Fix TNS-4, reflection warnings

Version 0.2.1 on 26-Oct-2012

  • Fix: Restore deprecated 0.1.x APIs in

  • Fix TNS-3, actually use refresh-dirs

BROKEN Version 0.2.0 on 05-Oct-2012 DO NOT USE

  • Not recommended for use: this release introduced breaking API changes (renaming core namespaces and functions) without backwards-compatibility. Applications with dependencies on both the 0.2.x and 0.1.x APIs cannot use this version.

  • New dependency tracking & reloading features

  • Eliminate dependency on java.classpath

0.1.x series

Version 0.1.3 on 24-Apr-2012

  • Fix TNS-1 Workaround for Clojure 1.2 reader bug

Version 0.1.2 on 10-Feb-2012

  • Fix: Eliminate reflection warnings

Version 0.1.1 on 18-May-2011

Version 0.1.0 on 24-Apr-2011

  • Source-compatible with clojure.contrib.find-namespaces in old clojure-contrib 1.2.0

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