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Natural language processing in Clojure based on the Stanford-CoreNLP parser.

NOTE a work in progress, currently in the POC phase.



(use 'org.clojurenlp.core)
(def text "This is a simple sentence.")
(tokenize text)

Part-of-Speech Tagging

To get a list of TaggedWord objects:

(use 'org.clojurenlp.core)
;;  use any of these:
(-> "Short and sweet." tokenize pos-tag)
(-> "Short and sweet." split-sentences first pos-tag)
(-> ["Short" "and" "sweet" "."] pos-tag)
(-> "Short and sweet." pos-tag)

;; => [#<TaggedWord Short/JJ> #<TaggedWord and/CC> ...]

To return a tag string from TaggedWord object:

(->> "Short and sweet." tokenize pos-tag first .tag)
;; => JJ
(->> "Short and sweet." tokenize pos-tag (map #(.tag %)))
;; => ("JJ" "CC" "JJ" ".")

For more information, see the relevant Javadoc

Named Entity Recognition

To tag named entities utilizing standard Stanford NER model:

(use 'org.clojurenlp.core)
(def pipeline (initialize-pipeline))
(def text "The United States of America will be tagged as a location")
(tag-ner pipeline text)

Training your own model How to Train Your Own Model

To tag named entities utilizing custom trained model:

(use 'org.clojurenlp.core)
(def pipeline (initialize-pipeline "path-to-serialized-model"))
(def text "The United States of America will be tagged as a location")
(tag-ner pipeline text)

Utilizing either NER tagging strategy, a map containing the original text, sentences, tokens, and ner tags will be returned.


To parse a sentence:

(use 'org.clojurenlp.core)
(parse (tokenize text))

You will get back a LabeledScoredTreeNode which you can plug in to other Stanford CoreNLP functions or can convert to a standard Treebank string with:

(str (parse (tokenize text)))

Stanford Dependencies

(dependency-graph "I like cheese.")

will parse the sentence and return the dependency graph as a loom graph, which you can then traverse with standard graph algorithms like shortest path, etc. You can also view it:

(def graph (dependency-graph "I like cheese."))
(use '
(view graph)

This requires GraphViz to be installed.


Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Contributors (Clojure code only)

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


  • Cory Giles
  • Hans Engel
  • Damien Stanton
  • Andrew McLoud
  • Leon Talbot

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Cory Giles, Damien Stanton, Andrew McLoud, λD, (#_), Leon Talbot, ಠ_ರೃ & Hans Engel
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