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Duct Logging Module Build Status

A Duct module that adds logging to a configuration, using the logger.simple library.

This current version is experimental and will only work with the new duct.main tool. The artifact group name has been changed to prevent accidental upgrades.


Add the following dependency to your deps.edn file:

org.duct-framework/module.logging {:mvn/version "0.6.3"}

Or to your Leiningen project file:

[org.duct-framework/module.logging "0.6.3"]


Add the :duct.module/logging key to your Duct configuration:

{:duct.module/logging {}}

This module uses the Integrant expand function to add the :duct.logger/simple logger to the configuration. It will configured differently depending on the active Integrant profile:

  • :repl - write all logs to "logs/dev.log" and :report level logs to STDOUT in brief
  • :test - write all logs to "logs/test.log"
  • :main - write all logs in full to STDOUT


Copyright © 2024 James Reeves

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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