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{:title "WildFly" :sequence 5 :description "Deploying your app to WildFly"}

One of the primary goals for Immutant 2.x was the removal of the ancient AS7 fork we lugged around in Immutant 1.x. This eliminates the need to install and deploy your apps into a "container" to use the Immutant libraries.

But here's the trade-off: app server containers can simplify the configuration of features -- e.g. security, monitoring, clustering -- for all the applications deployed to it.

Further, each Immutant library automatically benefits from being clustered. Without any changes to your code, deploying your app to WildFly yields the following enhanced functionality:

  • Web session replication
  • Load-balanced message distribution
  • Highly-available "singleton" scheduled jobs
  • Flexible cache replication
  • Multiple polyglot app deployments

So we wanted to facilitate app server deployment but not actually require it. And we didn't want to require any tweaking of the stock "vanilla" configuration provided by the app server. This meant using the standard deployment protocol for all Java app servers: war files.

Theoretically, this implies you could stick the Immutant jars in any ol' war file and deploy them to any ol' Java app server. Unfortunately, Immutant's ability to work both outside and inside a container requires some "glue code" that must be aware of the container's implementation.

For this reason, Immutant intentionally uses the same services as WildFly, the community-supported upstream project for the next version of the commercially-supported Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) product.

If you are using the current version of EAP (6.4.x), everything here applies, but you'll want to take a look at our EAP guide as well.


There are lots of resources for installing and administering WildFly, and frankly, we love being able to refer you to those rather than write them ourselves. :)

Thankfully, installing WildFly is trivial:

$ wget
$ unzip

Downloading and unpacking it somewhere are all there is to it. Running it is easy, too:

$ wildfly-9.0.2.Final/bin/

Pass it -h to see what options it supports. The main one you'll use is -c which refers to one of its config files beneath standalone/configuration. The default config doesn't include HornetQ, for example, so to use immutant.messaging, you'll need to start WildFly as follows:

$ wildfly-9.0.2.Final/bin/ -c standalone-full.xml

And if you want clustering...

$ wildfly-9.0.2.Final/bin/ -c standalone-full-ha.xml

You can create your own, of course, too.

The lein-immutant plugin

The lein-immutant plugin was fundamental to developing apps for Immutant 1.x. In 2.x, it's only required if you wish to deploy your Clojure apps to WildFly, and its formerly numerous tasks have been reduced to two: immutant war and immutant test. Add the latest version to the :plugins section of your project.clj to install it, e.g.

:plugins [[lein-immutant "2.1.0"]]

Note: If you are a boot user, we have a boot-immutant plugin as well.

Creating a war file

Immutant war files require a bit of special config: a couple of jars of the aforementioned "glue code", a properties file to trigger that code, a couple of tags in web.xml, and a jboss-deployment-structure.xml to link the deployment to the necessary WildFly modules. You'll find copies of the latter two files beneath target/ after you run the war task in your project, along with an uberjar containing your app plus its dependencies, and finally a war file packaging it all up together:

$ lein immutant war

The immutant war task provides a number of configuration options, all of which can be specified both in the [:immutant :war] path of project.clj and as command line arguments, with the latter taking precedence.

For a detailed description of each option:

$ lein help immutant deployment

For a brief listing of just the command line switches:

$ lein help immutant war


Automatically included in an Immutant war file is a library that makes the [[immutant.wildfly]] namespace available to your app. This contains functions that are only relevant when your app is running in the WildFly container. If your app relies on these functions and you need to compile them outside the container, you must explicitly depend on org.immutant/wildfly in your project.clj:

(defproject some-project "1.2.3"
  :dependencies [[org.immutant/immutant "{{version}}"]
                 [org.immutant/wildfly "{{version}}"]]

Running tests in-container

Although you no longer need to run a container to test your applications' use of the Immutant libraries, it is still possible via the immutant test task.

$ lein immutant test -j /srv/wildfly

It will find all the tests (or Midje facts, or Expectations expectations) in a project, fire up the WildFly instance installed at /srv/wildfly, deploy the project to it, connect to its REPL, run all the tests, undeploy the app, shutdown the WildFly process, and display the results, returning success only if all tests pass.

Because it conveniently runs all your tests inside the app server, a successful run yields a high confidence that your code will run correctly when it counts – in production, when deployed to the same app server. For this reason, it may also be useful to run it on your app's Continuous Integration host whenever any changes are committed.

The server config and log output for the WildFly instance used for the test run can be found beneath your project's target/isolated-wildfly/ directory.

Similar to the immutant war task, configuration of the immutant test task may be specified in either the [:immutant :test] path of project.clj or as command line arguments. For a detailed description of each option:

$ lein help immutant testing

And for a brief listing of just the command line switches:

$ lein help immutant test

Deploying to WildFly

Once you have a war file, it's a simple matter of making it known to your WildFly server. The easiest way to do that is to copy it to a directory that is monitored by WildFly for artifacts to deploy. Assuming you installed WildFly in /srv/wildfly, that path is /srv/wildfly/standalone/deployments. For example:

$ lein immutant war
$ cp target/myapp.war /srv/wildfly/standalone/deployments


$ lein immutant war -o /srv/wildfly

If not already running, fire up WildFly to see your deployed app:

$ /srv/wildfly/bin/ -c standalone-full.xml

Running Ring Handlers in WildFly

When running inside WildFly, the :host and :port options to immutant.web/run are silently ignored since your handlers are mounted on WildFly's internal Undertow server, bound to whatever host/port it's been configured for.

Also, the URL for your handler will include a context path corresponding to the base name of your deployed war file. This context path will prefix whatever :path option you specified. To override this and set your context path to "/" instead, name your war file ROOT.war:

$ lein immutant war -o /srv/wildfly -n ROOT

Initialization Caveats

There are two issues to be aware of with regards to application initialization in WildFly:

  • Your :main function must return when initialization is complete - deployment will not finish until it does. If it doesn't return within 4 minutes, the deployment will be aborted. If you need more than 4 minutes, you can override the default with -Dwunderboss.deployment.timeout=<n seconds>. Note that if you set that to more than 5 minutes, you will also need to increase WildFly's own coarser grained deployment timeout with<m seconds>.

  • Any immutant.web/run calls have to occur before :main returns. A limitation of the JavaEE specification prevents us from registering any servlets after that point.

Logging in WildFly

To learn about how logging works when inside WildFly, along with how to change the default configuration, see our logging guide.

Async Issues with WildFly 8.2

Due to a locking issue around sessions, HTTP streams have a couple of limitations in WildFly 8.2, namely:

  • [[immutant.web.async/send!]] calls to a stream are actually synchronous instead of asynchronous
  • you cannot pass a :timeout to [[immutant.web.async/as-channel]] - doing so will trigger an exception

We recommend you upgrade to WildFly 9.0.0 or newer if you intend to use HTTP streams.

Concurrent Requests When Using Sessions

In order to satisfy the JavaEE spec, WildFly serializes requests that share a session. This means if you are using a session, you can't have concurrent requests - requests will queue up waiting for the previous request to complete. This includes asynchronous requests, which means that a synchronous request may have to wait for a possibly long-running async request to complete.

In order to prevent this, you'll have to adjust the caching settings to allow concurrent access.

If using standalone.xml or standalone-full.xml, change the web cache container to:

<cache-container name="web" default-cache="passivation" module="org.wildfly.clustering.web.infinispan">
  <local-cache name="passivation">
    <locking isolation="READ_COMMITTED"/>
    <transaction mode="BATCH"/>
    <file-store passivation="true" purge="false"/>
  <local-cache name="persistent">
    <locking isolation="READ_COMMITTED"/>
    <transaction mode="BATCH"/>
    <file-store passivation="false" purge="false"/>

Or, for standalone-ha.xml or standalone-ha-full.xml:

<cache-container name="web" default-cache="repl" module="org.wildfly.clustering.web.infinispan">  
  <transport lock-timeout="60000"/>  
  <replicated-cache name="repl" mode="ASYNC" batching="true">  
    <transaction locking="OPTIMISTIC"/>  
    <locking isolation="READ_COMMITTED"/>  

For more details on the plethora of available options, see the Infinispan User Guide.

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