A Clojure/ClojureScript library for interacting with InterMine's web services.
Add the necessary dependency to your project:
imcljs returns channels so you'll also want to include core.async
[org.clojure/core.async "0.2.395"]
With the exception of the fetch/registry function, all imcljs functions expect a map as their first parameter containing a mandatory :root
key and two semi-optional keys, :token
and :model
(def flymine {:root "https://www.flymine.org/flymine"
:token nil ; Optional parameter for authentication
:model "genomic" ; Required by some functions, such as executing a query
We recommend fetching the model
once and storing it in the above map for re-use across your application.
(let [;fetch all mines except the dev/beta mines
prod-mines (fetch/registry false)
;fetch all mines INCLUDING the dev/beta mines
dev-and-prod-mines (fetch/registry true)]
(let [prod (<! prod-mines )
dev (<! dev-and-prod-mines)]
;; This should print true, so long as the sum of dev+prod mines is
;; greater than the count of prod mines
(.log js/console (< (count (:instances (:body prod)))
(count (:instances (:body dev)))))
; Fetch model (you'll need this for later.)
(go (log (<! (fetch/model flymine)))
; Fetch templates
(go (log (<! (fetch/templates flymine)))
; Fetch lists
(go (log (<! (fetch/lists flymine)))
; Fetch summary fields
(go (log (<! (fetch/summary-fields flymine)))
Most result-fetching functions require that the :model
key be present in their first parameter.
(ns my-app.core
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(:require [imcljs.fetch :as fetch]
[cljs.core.async :refer [<!]]))
(def my-query {:from "Gene"
:select ["Gene.secondaryIdentifier Gene.symbol"]
:where [{:path "Gene.symbol"
:op "="
:value "a*"}]})
; Rows
(go (log (<! (fetch/rows flymine my-query))))
; Records
(go (log (<! (fetch/records flymine my-query {:size 10}))))
; Row Count
(go (log (<! (fetch/row-count flymine my-query))))
Required dependency: phantomjs, to run the tests in a headless javascript engine. You'll need a recent version of node installed, perhaps via nvm. Once node is installed, run npm install -g phantomjs
to install phantomjs.
Local biotestmine: The tests are run against a local biotestmine instance on port 9999 (can be changed in test/cljs/imcljs/env.cljs). If you're not familiar with building InterMine instances, we recommend using intermine_boot.
To run tests in the browser:
lein doo
To run tests in the JVM:
lein test
lein deploy clojars
. Note that you'll need to have a clojars account that is a member of the org.intermine team. Currently (October 2018) this is @yochannah, @sergio, @danielabutano and @julie-sullivan.API docs for IMCLJS are available at intermine.org/imcljs.
These docs are automatically generated by CircleCI when anything is merged to dev.
If you would like to generate them locally, run lein codox
and go to your target/docs folder.
Builds will fail unless your file is formatted correctly. Write code with whatever formatting you like - but before you commit and push, run lein format
to auto-format your file to the required standards. The formatting is managed using the cljfmt package.
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Yo Yehudi, Joshua Heimbach & uoslEdit on GitHub
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