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Generates a jar file containing metadata about the current project and its dependencies in a form that container vulnerability scanning tools such as grype recognise.

This is useful if, for example, if you are creating uberjars, graalvm native images or some other lossy repackaging tooling.


Put [org.kipz/lein-metabom "0.1.0"] into the :plugins vector of your :user profile or in the :plugins of your poject.clj:

Then run

lein metabom

Which will generate a jar file named <project-name>-metabom.jar containing only metadata about the project and its dependencies e.g.

$ lein metabom
Creating metabom:  /home/kipz/scm/kipz/lein-meta-bom/test-projects/target/test-project-metabom-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Found 13 dependencies
Adding metabom entry:  META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Adding metabom entry:  META-INF/maven/org.kipz/test-project-metabom/pom.xml
Adding metabom entry:  META-INF/maven/org.kipz/test-project-metabom/
Adding metabom entry:  META-INF/maven/cc.qbits/knit/pom.xml
Adding metabom entry:  META-INF/maven/cc.qbits/knit/
Adding metabom entry:  META-INF/maven/cc.qbits/commons/pom.xml
Adding metabom entry:  META-INF/maven/cc.qbits/commons/
Adding metabom entry:  META-INF/maven/org.clojure/clojure/pom.xml

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