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Server-side rendering functions for the components declared in the emmy.mathbox.components.plot namespace.

Server-side rendering functions for the components declared in the
raw docstring


(cartesian & children)

Component that renders a mathematical 3d plotting scene into MathBox. Takes any number of children and nests them into a configured emmy.mathbox.components.plot/Cartesian component.

Optional arguments:

  • :range: triple of the form [<x-range> <y-range> <z-range>]. Each range entry is a pair of [<min-value> <max-value>].

    Defaults to [-5 5] in each dimension.

  • :scale: [<x-scale> <y-scale> <z-scale>] for tuning the relative space given to each dimension in the rendering. Each entry defaults to 1.

  • :camera: Camera position in units I don't really understand yet! Defaults to [0.5 -2 0.6].

  • :axes: can be either

    • a vector like [:x :y]
    • a map of {<axis-key> <boolean-or-[[LabeledAxis]]-arguments>}

    Any axis entries missing from :axes won't be rendered.

    See labeled-axis for more detail on allowed configuration values.

  • :grids: either

    • a vector like [:xy :yz]
    • a map of {<axis-key> <boolean-or-[[Grid]]-arguments>}

    Any plane entries missing from :grids won't be rendered.

    See grid for more detail on allowed configuration values.

Component that renders a mathematical 3d plotting scene into MathBox.
Takes any number of children and nests them into a
configured [[emmy.mathbox.components.plot/Cartesian]] component.

Optional arguments:

- `:range`: triple of the form `[<x-range> <y-range> <z-range>]`. Each range
  entry is a pair of `[<min-value> <max-value>]`.

  Defaults to `[-5 5]` in each dimension.

- `:scale`: `[<x-scale> <y-scale> <z-scale>]` for tuning the relative space
  given to each dimension in the rendering. Each entry defaults to 1.

- `:camera`: Camera position in units I don't really understand yet! Defaults
  to `[0.5 -2 0.6]`.

- `:axes`: can be either

  - a vector like `[:x :y]`
  - a map of `{<axis-key> <boolean-or-[[LabeledAxis]]-arguments>}`

  Any axis entries missing from `:axes` won't be rendered.

  See [[labeled-axis]] for more detail on allowed configuration values.

- `:grids`: either

  - a vector like `[:xy :yz]`
  - a map of `{<axis-key> <boolean-or-[[Grid]]-arguments>}`

  Any plane entries missing from `:grids` won't be rendered.

  See [[grid]] for more detail on allowed configuration values.
sourceraw docstring


(grid opts)

Returns a fragment that takes an :axes option equal to :xy, :yz or :xz and renders a grid in the specified plane into the MathBox scene.

Required arguments:

  • :axes: one of :xy, :yz or :xz.

Optional arguments:

  • :snap: either true, false, a single number or a 2-vector of numbers of the form [<snap-x?> <snap-y?>]. A non-vector value becomes a pair with the same value in both slots.

    "snapping" the grid means that gridlines will snap to nice numbers. false by default.

  • :divisions: either true, false, a single number or a 2-vector of numbers of the form [<first-axis-divisions> <second-axis-divisions>]. A non-vector value becomes a pair with the same value in both slots.

    divisions set the number of gridlines that appear in each dimension.

  • :width: width of the lines on the rendered grid.

  • :opacity: opacity of the grid. Defaults to 1.0.

  • :color: color of the grid. This can be a three.js Color object or any valid input to its constructor.

  • :z-order: z-order of the grid.

  • :z-index: zIndex of the grid. Defaults to 0.

  • :z-bias: zBias of the grid. Defaults to 0.

Returns a fragment that takes an `:axes` option equal to `:xy`, `:yz` or `:xz`
and renders a grid in the specified plane into the MathBox scene.

Required arguments:

- `:axes`: one of `:xy`, `:yz` or `:xz`.

Optional arguments:

- `:snap`: either `true`, `false`, a single number or a 2-vector of numbers of
  the form `[<snap-x?> <snap-y?>]`. A non-vector value becomes a pair with the
  same value in both slots.

  "snapping" the grid means that gridlines will snap to nice numbers.
  `false` by default.

- `:divisions`: either `true`, `false`, a single number or a 2-vector of
  numbers of the form `[<first-axis-divisions> <second-axis-divisions>]`. A
  non-vector value becomes a pair with the same value in both slots.

  divisions set the number of gridlines that appear in each dimension.

- `:width`: width of the lines on the rendered grid.

- `:opacity`: opacity of the grid. Defaults to 1.0.

- `:color`: color of the grid. This can be a `three.js` `Color` object or [any
  valid input to its constructor](

- `:z-order`: z-order of the grid.

- `:z-index`: zIndex of the grid. Defaults to 0.

- `:z-bias`: zBias of the grid. Defaults to 0.
sourceraw docstring


(labeled-axis opts)

Returns a fragment that takes an :axis option equal to :x, :y or :z and renders the equivalent axis into the MathBox scene.

Required arguments:

  • :axis: one of :x, :y or :z.

Optional arguments:

  • :ticks: either true (default), falsey or a map of [[Ticks]] options. See [[Ticks]] for details on what's allowed.

    true will include default ticks, while false or nil will remove ticks.

  • :label: either true (default) or a map of [[AxisLabel]] options. See [[AxisLabel]] for details on what's allowed.

    true will include the default label, ticks, while false or nil will remove the label.

  • :width: width of the rendered axis line.

  • :opacity: opacity of the axis (not currently passed on to ticks or labels). Defaults to 1.0.

  • :color: color of the axis. This can be a three.js Color object or any valid input to its constructor.

  • :z-order: z-order of the full labeled axis.

  • :z-index: zIndex of the full labeled axis. Defaults to 0.

  • :z-bias: zBias of the full labeled axis. Defaults to 0.

  • :label: either true (default), false, or a map of options.

  • :max: the maximum value reached along this axis. This is used to pass a default :position argument to the [[AxisLabel]] component if one isn't set.

NOTE this is a hack, see the comment above the component for an alternate approach.

Returns a fragment that takes an `:axis` option equal to `:x`, `:y` or `:z` and
renders the equivalent axis into the MathBox scene.

Required arguments:

- `:axis`: one of `:x`, `:y` or `:z`.

Optional arguments:

- `:ticks`: either `true` (default), falsey or a map of [[Ticks]] options.
  See [[Ticks]] for details on what's allowed.

  `true` will include default ticks, while `false` or `nil` will remove ticks.

- `:label`: either `true` (default) or a map of [[AxisLabel]] options.
  See [[AxisLabel]] for details on what's allowed.

  `true` will include the default label, ticks, while `false` or `nil` will
  remove the label.

- `:width`: width of the rendered axis line.

- `:opacity`: opacity of the axis (not currently passed on to ticks or
  labels). Defaults to 1.0.

- `:color`: color of the axis. This can be a `three.js` `Color` object or [any
  valid input to its constructor](

- `:z-order`: z-order of the full labeled axis.

- `:z-index`: zIndex of the full labeled axis. Defaults to 0.

- `:z-bias`: zBias of the full labeled axis. Defaults to 0.

- `:label`: either `true` (default), `false`, or a map of options.

- `:max`: the maximum value reached along this axis. This is used to pass a
default `:position` argument to the [[AxisLabel]] component if one isn't set.

NOTE this is a hack, see the comment above the component for an alternate
sourceraw docstring


(line opts)

Returns a fragment that renders a line segment into the scene as specified by coords.

Required arguments:

  • :coords: a pair of 3-vectors of the form [<x> <y> <z>] specifying the line segment's starting and ending coordinates.

Optional arguments:

  • :label: either:

    • a string label,
    • a map with optional keys :start and :end
    • a vector of the form [<start> <end>]

    specifying the labels to hover over the start and end of the rendered line segment.

  • :width: width of the line. Defaults to 4.

  • :start? if true, renders an arrow at the start of the segment. Defaults to false.

  • :end? if true, renders an arrow at the end of the segment. Defaults to false.

  • :arrow-size: size of the arrows toggled by :start? and :end?. Defaults to 6.

  • :opacity: opacity of the point. Defaults to 1.0.

  • :color: color of the point. This can be a three.js Color object or any valid input to its constructor.

  • :z-order: z-order of the point.

  • :z-index: zIndex of the point. Defaults to 0.

  • :z-bias: zBias of the point. Defaults to 0.

Returns a fragment that renders a line segment into the scene as specified by `coords`.

Required arguments:

- `:coords`: a pair of 3-vectors of the form `[<x> <y> <z>]` specifying the
  line segment's starting and ending coordinates.

Optional arguments:

- `:label`: either:

  - a string label,
  - a map with optional keys `:start` and `:end`
  - a vector of the form `[<start> <end>]`

  specifying the labels to hover over the start and end of the rendered line

- `:width`: width of the line. Defaults to 4.

- `:start?` if `true`, renders an arrow at the start of the segment. Defaults
  to `false`.

- `:end?` if `true`, renders an arrow at the end of the segment. Defaults to

- `:arrow-size`: size of the arrows toggled by `:start?` and `:end?`. Defaults
  to 6.

- `:opacity`: opacity of the point. Defaults to 1.0.

- `:color`: color of the point. This can be a `three.js` `Color` object or [any
  valid input to its constructor](

- `:z-order`: z-order of the point.

- `:z-index`: zIndex of the point. Defaults to 0.

- `:z-bias`: zBias of the point. Defaults to 0.
sourceraw docstring


(of-x opts)

Returns a fragment that plots a function in either the y or z directions as a function of x values.

Required arguments:

  • :y or :z: function of the form (fn [x] <y-or-z>), valid within the scene's x-axis range or the range specified by :range.

    NOTE that you may only supply ONE of these two! Supplying both will trigger an error.

Optional arguments:

  • :samples: the number of points to use to generate the curve. Defaults to 256.

  • :range: 2-vector of the form [<min-x> <max-x>] specifying the range to feed into :y or :z.

  • :start? if true, renders an arrow at the start of the curve. Defaults to false.

  • :end? if true, renders an arrow at the end of the curve. Defaults to false.

  • :arrow-size: size of the arrows toggled by :start? and :end?. Defaults to 6.

  • :width: width of the curve. Defaults to 4.

  • :opacity: opacity of the curve. Defaults to 1.0.

  • :color: color of the curve. This can be a three.js Color object or any valid input to its constructor.

  • :z-order: z-order of the curve.

  • :z-index: zIndex of the curve. Defaults to 0.

  • :z-bias: zBias of the curve. Defaults to 0.

Returns a fragment that plots a function in either the `y` or `z` directions as
a function of `x` values.

Required arguments:

- `:y` or `:z`: function of the form `(fn [x] <y-or-z>)`, valid within the
  scene's x-axis range or the range specified by `:range`.

  NOTE that you may only supply ONE of these two! Supplying both will trigger
  an error.

Optional arguments:

- `:samples`: the number of points to use to generate the curve. Defaults to

- `:range`: 2-vector of the form `[<min-x> <max-x>]` specifying the range to
  feed into `:y` or `:z`.

- `:start?` if `true`, renders an arrow at the start of the curve. Defaults to

- `:end?` if `true`, renders an arrow at the end of the curve. Defaults to

- `:arrow-size`: size of the arrows toggled by `:start?` and `:end?`. Defaults
  to 6.

- `:width`: width of the curve. Defaults to 4.

- `:opacity`: opacity of the curve. Defaults to 1.0.

- `:color`: color of the curve. This can be a `three.js` `Color` object or [any
  valid input to its constructor](

- `:z-order`: z-order of the curve.

- `:z-index`: zIndex of the curve. Defaults to 0.

- `:z-bias`: zBias of the curve. Defaults to 0.
sourceraw docstring


(of-xy opts)

Returns a fragment that plots an explicit surface defined by :z into the scene along the area specified by :x-range and :y-range.

Required arguments:

  • :z: function of the form (fn [[x y]] [<z>]), valid within the area specified by :x-range and :y-range.

Optional arguments:

  • :x-range: 2-vector of the form [<min-x> <max-x>] specifying the interval of the first input to f. Defaults to the scene's range.

  • :y-range: 2-vector of the form [<min-y> <max-y>] specifying the interval of the second input to f. Defaults to the scene's range.

  • :x-samples: the number of x samples to use to generate the surface. Defaults to 64.

  • :y-samples: the number of y samples to use to generate the surface. Defaults to 64.

  • :shaded? if true (default), MathBox will shade the surface.

  • :opacity: opacity of the surface. Defaults to 0.75.

  • :color: color of the surface. This can be a three.js Color object or any valid input to its constructor.

  • :z-order: z-order of the surface. Defaults to 25.

  • :z-index: zIndex of the surface. Defaults to 0.

  • :z-bias: zBias of the surface. Defaults to 0.

Optional arguments for configuring grid lines:

  • :grid-x: the number of lines of constant x to plot along the surface.

  • :grid-y: the number of lines of constant y to plot along the surface.

  • :grid-opacity: opacity of the grid lines. Defaults to 0.5.

  • :grid-width: width of the grid lines.

  • :grid-color: color of the grid lines. Defaults to a darkened version of :color.

Returns a fragment that plots an explicit surface defined by `:z` into the
scene along the area specified by `:x-range` and `:y-range`.

Required arguments:

- `:z`: function of the form `(fn [[x y]] [<z>])`, valid within the
  area specified by `:x-range` and `:y-range`.

Optional arguments:

- `:x-range`: 2-vector of the form `[<min-x> <max-x>]` specifying the interval
  of the first input to `f`. Defaults to the scene's range.

- `:y-range`: 2-vector of the form `[<min-y> <max-y>]` specifying the interval
  of the second input to `f`. Defaults to the scene's range.

- `:x-samples`: the number of x samples to use to generate the surface.
  Defaults to 64.

- `:y-samples`: the number of y samples to use to generate the surface.
  Defaults to 64.

- `:shaded?` if `true` (default), MathBox will shade the surface.

- `:opacity`: opacity of the surface. Defaults to 0.75.

- `:color`: color of the surface. This can be a `three.js` `Color` object or [any
  valid input to its constructor](

- `:z-order`: z-order of the surface. Defaults to 25.

- `:z-index`: zIndex of the surface. Defaults to 0.

- `:z-bias`: zBias of the surface. Defaults to 0.

Optional arguments for configuring grid lines:

- `:grid-x`: the number of lines of constant `x` to plot along the surface.

- `:grid-y`: the number of lines of constant `y` to plot along the surface.

- `:grid-opacity`: opacity of the grid lines. Defaults to 0.5.

- `:grid-width`: width of the grid lines.

- `:grid-color`: color of the grid lines. Defaults to a darkened version of
sourceraw docstring


(of-xz opts)

Returns a fragment that plots an explicit surface defined by :z into the scene along the area specified by :x-range and :z-range.

Required arguments:

  • :y: function of the form (fn [[x z]] [<y>]), valid within the area specified by :x-range and :z-range.

Optional arguments:

  • :x-range: 2-vector of the form [<min-x> <max-x>] specifying the interval of the first input to f. Defaults to the scene's range.

  • :z-range: 2-vector of the form [<min-z> <max-z>] specifying the interval of the second input to f. Defaults to the scene's range.

  • :x-samples: the number of x samples to use to generate the surface. Defaults to 64.

  • :z-samples: the number of z samples to use to generate the surface. Defaults to 64.

  • :shaded? if true (default), MathBox will shade the surface.

  • :opacity: opacity of the surface. Defaults to 0.75.

  • :color: color of the surface. This can be a three.js Color object or any valid input to its constructor.

  • :z-order: z-order of the surface. Defaults to 25.

  • :z-index: zIndex of the surface. Defaults to 0.

  • :z-bias: zBias of the surface. Defaults to 0.

Optional arguments for configuring grid lines:

  • :grid-x: the number of lines of constant x to plot along the surface.

  • :grid-z: the number of lines of constant z to plot along the surface.

  • :grid-opacity: opacity of the grid lines. Defaults to 0.5.

  • :grid-width: width of the grid lines.

  • :grid-color: color of the grid lines. Defaults to a darkened version of :color.

Returns a fragment that plots an explicit surface defined by `:z` into the
scene along the area specified by `:x-range` and `:z-range`.

Required arguments:

- `:y`: function of the form `(fn [[x z]] [<y>])`, valid within the
  area specified by `:x-range` and `:z-range`.

Optional arguments:

- `:x-range`: 2-vector of the form `[<min-x> <max-x>]` specifying the interval
  of the first input to `f`. Defaults to the scene's range.

- `:z-range`: 2-vector of the form `[<min-z> <max-z>]` specifying the interval
  of the second input to `f`. Defaults to the scene's range.

- `:x-samples`: the number of x samples to use to generate the surface.
  Defaults to 64.

- `:z-samples`: the number of z samples to use to generate the surface.
  Defaults to 64.

- `:shaded?` if `true` (default), MathBox will shade the surface.

- `:opacity`: opacity of the surface. Defaults to 0.75.

- `:color`: color of the surface. This can be a `three.js` `Color` object or [any
  valid input to its constructor](

- `:z-order`: z-order of the surface. Defaults to 25.

- `:z-index`: zIndex of the surface. Defaults to 0.

- `:z-bias`: zBias of the surface. Defaults to 0.

Optional arguments for configuring grid lines:

- `:grid-x`: the number of lines of constant `x` to plot along the surface.

- `:grid-z`: the number of lines of constant `z` to plot along the surface.

- `:grid-opacity`: opacity of the grid lines. Defaults to 0.5.

- `:grid-width`: width of the grid lines.

- `:grid-color`: color of the grid lines. Defaults to a darkened version of
sourceraw docstring


(of-y opts)

Returns a fragment that plots a function in either the x or z directions as a function of y values.

Required arguments:

  • :x or :z: function of the form (fn [y] <x-or-z>), valid within the scene's y-axis range or the range specified by :range.

    NOTE that you may only supply ONE of these two! Supplying both will trigger an error.

Optional arguments:

  • :samples: the number of points to use to generate the curve. Defaults to 256.

  • :range: 2-vector of the form [<min-y> <max-y>] specifying the range to feed into :x or :z.

  • :start? if true, renders an arrow at the start of the curve. Defaults to false.

  • :end? if true, renders an arrow at the end of the curve. Defaults to false.

  • :arrow-size: size of the arrows toggled by :start? and :end?. Defaults to 6.

  • :width: width of the curve. Defaults to 4.

  • :opacity: opacity of the curve. Defaults to 1.0.

  • :color: color of the curve. This can be a three.js Color object or any valid input to its constructor.

  • :z-order: z-order of the curve.

  • :z-index: zIndex of the curve. Defaults to 0.

  • :z-bias: zBias of the curve. Defaults to 0.

Returns a fragment that plots a function in either the `x` or `z` directions as
a function of `y` values.

Required arguments:

- `:x` or `:z`: function of the form `(fn [y] <x-or-z>)`, valid within the
  scene's y-axis range or the range specified by `:range`.

  NOTE that you may only supply ONE of these two! Supplying both will trigger
  an error.

Optional arguments:

- `:samples`: the number of points to use to generate the curve. Defaults to

- `:range`: 2-vector of the form `[<min-y> <max-y>]` specifying the range to
  feed into `:x` or `:z`.

- `:start?` if `true`, renders an arrow at the start of the curve. Defaults to

- `:end?` if `true`, renders an arrow at the end of the curve. Defaults to

- `:arrow-size`: size of the arrows toggled by `:start?` and `:end?`. Defaults
  to 6.

- `:width`: width of the curve. Defaults to 4.

- `:opacity`: opacity of the curve. Defaults to 1.0.

- `:color`: color of the curve. This can be a `three.js` `Color` object or [any
  valid input to its constructor](

- `:z-order`: z-order of the curve.

- `:z-index`: zIndex of the curve. Defaults to 0.

- `:z-bias`: zBias of the curve. Defaults to 0.
sourceraw docstring


(of-yz opts)

Returns a fragment that plots an explicit surface defined by :x into the scene along the area specified by :y-range and :z-range.

Required arguments:

  • :x: function of the form (fn [[y z]] [<x>]), valid within the area specified by :y-range and :z-range.

Optional arguments:

  • :y-range: 2-vector of the form [<min-y> <max-y>] specifying the interval of the first input to f. Defaults to the scene's range.

  • :z-range: 2-vector of the form [<min-z> <max-z>] specifying the interval of the second input to f. Defaults to the scene's range.

  • :y-samples: the number of y samples to use to generate the surface. Defaults to 64.

  • :z-samples: the number of z samples to use to generate the surface. Defaults to 64.

  • :shaded? if true (default), MathBox will shade the surface.

  • :opacity: opacity of the surface. Defaults to 0.75.

  • :color: color of the surface. This can be a three.js Color object or any valid input to its constructor.

  • :z-order: z-order of the surface. Defaults to 25.

  • :z-index: zIndex of the surface. Defaults to 0.

  • :z-bias: zBias of the surface. Defaults to 0.

Optional arguments for configuring grid lines:

  • :grid-y: the number of lines of constant y to plot along the surface.

  • :grid-z: the number of lines of constant z to plot along the surface.

  • :grid-opacity: opacity of the grid lines. Defaults to 0.5.

  • :grid-width: width of the grid lines.

  • :grid-color: color of the grid lines. Defaults to a darkened version of :color.

Returns a fragment that plots an explicit surface defined by `:x` into the
scene along the area specified by `:y-range` and `:z-range`.

Required arguments:

- `:x`: function of the form `(fn [[y z]] [<x>])`, valid within the
  area specified by `:y-range` and `:z-range`.

Optional arguments:

- `:y-range`: 2-vector of the form `[<min-y> <max-y>]` specifying the interval
  of the first input to `f`. Defaults to the scene's range.

- `:z-range`: 2-vector of the form `[<min-z> <max-z>]` specifying the interval
  of the second input to `f`. Defaults to the scene's range.

- `:y-samples`: the number of y samples to use to generate the surface.
  Defaults to 64.

- `:z-samples`: the number of z samples to use to generate the surface.
  Defaults to 64.

- `:shaded?` if `true` (default), MathBox will shade the surface.

- `:opacity`: opacity of the surface. Defaults to 0.75.

- `:color`: color of the surface. This can be a `three.js` `Color` object or [any
  valid input to its constructor](

- `:z-order`: z-order of the surface. Defaults to 25.

- `:z-index`: zIndex of the surface. Defaults to 0.

- `:z-bias`: zBias of the surface. Defaults to 0.

Optional arguments for configuring grid lines:

- `:grid-y`: the number of lines of constant `y` to plot along the surface.

- `:grid-z`: the number of lines of constant `z` to plot along the surface.

- `:grid-opacity`: opacity of the grid lines. Defaults to 0.5.

- `:grid-width`: width of the grid lines.

- `:grid-color`: color of the grid lines. Defaults to a darkened version of
sourceraw docstring


(of-z opts)

Returns a fragment that plots a function in either the x or y directions as a function of z values.

Required arguments:

  • :x or :y: function of the form (fn [z] <x-or-y>), valid within the scene's z-axis range or the range specified by :range.

    NOTE that you may only supply ONE of these two! Supplying both will trigger an error.

Optional arguments:

  • :samples: the number of points to use to generate the curve. Defaults to 256.

  • :range: 2-vector of the form [<min-z> <max-z>] specifying the range to feed into :x or :y.

  • :start? if true, renders an arrow at the start of the curve. Defaults to false.

  • :end? if true, renders an arrow at the end of the curve. Defaults to false.

  • :arrow-size: size of the arrows toggled by :start? and :end?. Defaults to 6.

  • :width: width of the curve. Defaults to 4.

  • :opacity: opacity of the curve. Defaults to 1.0.

  • :color: color of the curve. This can be a three.js Color object or any valid input to its constructor.

  • :z-order: z-order of the curve.

  • :z-index: zIndex of the curve. Defaults to 0.

  • :z-bias: zBias of the curve. Defaults to 0.

Returns a fragment that plots a function in either the `x` or `y` directions as
a function of `z` values.

Required arguments:

- `:x` or `:y`: function of the form `(fn [z] <x-or-y>)`, valid within the
  scene's z-axis range or the range specified by `:range`.

  NOTE that you may only supply ONE of these two! Supplying both will trigger
  an error.

Optional arguments:

- `:samples`: the number of points to use to generate the curve. Defaults to

- `:range`: 2-vector of the form `[<min-z> <max-z>]` specifying the range to
  feed into `:x` or `:y`.

- `:start?` if `true`, renders an arrow at the start of the curve. Defaults to

- `:end?` if `true`, renders an arrow at the end of the curve. Defaults to

- `:arrow-size`: size of the arrows toggled by `:start?` and `:end?`. Defaults
  to 6.

- `:width`: width of the curve. Defaults to 4.

- `:opacity`: opacity of the curve. Defaults to 1.0.

- `:color`: color of the curve. This can be a `three.js` `Color` object or [any
  valid input to its constructor](

- `:z-order`: z-order of the curve.

- `:z-index`: zIndex of the curve. Defaults to 0.

- `:z-bias`: zBias of the curve. Defaults to 0.
sourceraw docstring


(parametric-curve opts)

Returns a fragment that plots a parametric curve f into the scene along the range specified by t.

Required arguments:

  • :f: function of the form (fn [t] [<x> <y> <z>]), valid within the range specified by :t.

  • :t 2-vector of the form [<min-t> <max-t>] specifying the domain of the parametric function f.

Optional arguments:

  • :samples: the number of points to use to generate the curve. Defaults to 256.

  • :start? if true, renders an arrow at the start of the curve. Defaults to false.

  • :end? if true, renders an arrow at the end of the curve. Defaults to false.

  • :arrow-size: size of the arrows toggled by :start? and :end?. Defaults to 6.

  • :width: width of the curve. Defaults to 4.

  • :opacity: opacity of the curve. Defaults to 1.0.

  • :color: color of the curve. This can be a three.js Color object or any valid input to its constructor.

  • :z-order: z-order of the curve.

  • :z-index: zIndex of the curve. Defaults to 0.

  • :z-bias: zBias of the curve. Defaults to 0.

Returns a fragment that plots a parametric curve `f` into the scene along the
range specified by `t`.

Required arguments:

- `:f`: function of the form `(fn [t] [<x> <y> <z>])`, valid within the range
  specified by `:t`.

- `:t` 2-vector of the form `[<min-t> <max-t>]` specifying the domain of the
  parametric function `f`.

Optional arguments:

- `:samples`: the number of points to use to generate the curve. Defaults to

- `:start?` if `true`, renders an arrow at the start of the curve. Defaults to

- `:end?` if `true`, renders an arrow at the end of the curve. Defaults to

- `:arrow-size`: size of the arrows toggled by `:start?` and `:end?`. Defaults
  to 6.

- `:width`: width of the curve. Defaults to 4.

- `:opacity`: opacity of the curve. Defaults to 1.0.

- `:color`: color of the curve. This can be a `three.js` `Color` object or [any
  valid input to its constructor](

- `:z-order`: z-order of the curve.

- `:z-index`: zIndex of the curve. Defaults to 0.

- `:z-bias`: zBias of the curve. Defaults to 0.
sourceraw docstring


(parametric-surface opts)

Returns a fragment that plots a parametric surface defined by f into the scene along the area specified by u and v.

Required arguments:

  • :f: function of the form (fn [[u v]] [<x> <y> <z>]), valid within the area specified by :u and :v.

  • :u 2-vector of the form [<min-u> <max-u>] specifying the interval of the first input to f.

  • :v: 2-vector of the form [<min-v> <max-v>] specifying the interval of the second input to f.

Optional arguments:

  • :u-samples: the number of u samples to use to generate the surface. Defaults to 64.

  • :v-samples: the number of v samples to use to generate the surface. Defaults to 64.

  • :shaded? if true (default), MathBox will shade the surface.

  • :opacity: opacity of the surface. Defaults to 0.75.

  • :color: color of the surface. This can be a three.js Color object or any valid input to its constructor.

  • :z-order: z-order of the surface. Defaults to 25.

  • :z-index: zIndex of the surface. Defaults to 0.

  • :z-bias: zBias of the surface. Defaults to 0.

Optional arguments for configuring grid lines:

  • :grid-u: the number of lines of constant u to plot along the surface.

  • :grid-v: the number of lines of constant v to plot along the surface.

  • :grid-opacity: opacity of the grid lines. Defaults to 0.5.

  • :grid-width: width of the grid lines.

  • :grid-color: color of the grid lines. Defaults to a darkened version of :color.

Returns a fragment that plots a parametric surface defined by `f` into the
scene along the area specified by `u` and `v`.

Required arguments:

- `:f`: function of the form `(fn [[u v]] [<x> <y> <z>])`, valid within the
  area specified by `:u` and `:v`.

- `:u` 2-vector of the form `[<min-u> <max-u>]` specifying the interval of the
  first input to `f`.

- `:v`: 2-vector of the form `[<min-v> <max-v>]` specifying the interval of the
  second input to `f`.

Optional arguments:

- `:u-samples`: the number of u samples to use to generate the surface.
  Defaults to 64.

- `:v-samples`: the number of v samples to use to generate the surface.
  Defaults to 64.

- `:shaded?` if `true` (default), MathBox will shade the surface.

- `:opacity`: opacity of the surface. Defaults to 0.75.

- `:color`: color of the surface. This can be a `three.js` `Color` object or [any
  valid input to its constructor](

- `:z-order`: z-order of the surface. Defaults to 25.

- `:z-index`: zIndex of the surface. Defaults to 0.

- `:z-bias`: zBias of the surface. Defaults to 0.

Optional arguments for configuring grid lines:

- `:grid-u`: the number of lines of constant `u` to plot along the surface.

- `:grid-v`: the number of lines of constant `v` to plot along the surface.

- `:grid-opacity`: opacity of the grid lines. Defaults to 0.5.

- `:grid-width`: width of the grid lines.

- `:grid-color`: color of the grid lines. Defaults to a darkened version of
sourceraw docstring


(point opts)

Returns a fragment that renders a point into the scene at coords.

Required arguments:

  • :coords: 3-vector of the form [<x> <y> <z>] specifying the point's coordinates.

Optional arguments:

  • :label: either a string label or an options map input to [[DomLabel]]. If :tex? is true in this map, the component will use katex to render the label.

    NOTE that this is computationally expensive for reasons I don't understand!

  • :size: size of the point. Defaults to 16.

  • :opacity: opacity of the point. Defaults to 1.0.

  • :color: color of the point. This can be a three.js Color object or any valid input to its constructor.

  • :z-order: z-order of the point.

  • :z-index: zIndex of the point. Defaults to 0.

  • :z-bias: zBias of the point. Defaults to 0.

Returns a fragment that renders a point into the scene at `coords`.

Required arguments:

- `:coords`: 3-vector of the form `[<x> <y> <z>]` specifying the point's

Optional arguments:

- `:label`: either a string label or an options map input to [[DomLabel]]. If
  `:tex?` is true in this map, the component will use katex to render the label.

  NOTE that this is computationally expensive for reasons I don't understand!

- `:size`: size of the point. Defaults to 16.

- `:opacity`: opacity of the point. Defaults to 1.0.

- `:color`: color of the point. This can be a `three.js` `Color` object or [any
  valid input to its constructor](

- `:z-order`: z-order of the point.

- `:z-index`: zIndex of the point. Defaults to 0.

- `:z-bias`: zBias of the point. Defaults to 0.
sourceraw docstring


(polar-curve opts)


(polar-surface opts)

Returns a fragment that plots a polar surface defined by :f into the scene along the area specified by :r-range and :theta-range.

Required arguments:

  • :f: function of the form (fn [[r theta]] [<z>]), valid within the area specified by :r-range and :theta-range.

Optional arguments:

  • :r-range: 2-vector of the form [<min-r> <max-r>] specifying the interval of the first input to f. Defaults to [0 3].

  • :theta-range: 2-vector of the form [<min-theta> <max-theta>] specifying the interval of the second input to f. Defaults to [0 (* 2 Math/PI)].

  • :r-samples: the number of r samples to use to generate the surface. Defaults to 64.

  • :theta-samples: the number of theta samples to use to generate the surface. Defaults to 64.

  • :shaded? if true (default), MathBox will shade the surface.

  • :opacity: opacity of the surface. Defaults to 0.75.

  • :color: color of the surface. This can be a three.js Color object or any valid input to its constructor.

  • :z-order: z-order of the surface. Defaults to 25.

  • :z-index: zIndex of the surface. Defaults to 0.

  • :z-bias: zBias of the surface. Defaults to 0.

Optional arguments for configuring grid lines:

  • :grid-r: the number of lines of constant r to plot along the surface.

  • :grid-theta: the number of lines of constant theta to plot along the surface.

  • :grid-opacity: opacity of the grid lines. Defaults to 0.5.

  • :grid-width: width of the grid lines.

  • :grid-color: color of the grid lines. Defaults to a darkened version of :color.

Returns a fragment that plots a polar surface defined by `:f` into the scene
along the area specified by `:r-range` and `:theta-range`.

Required arguments:

- `:f`: function of the form `(fn [[r theta]] [<z>])`, valid within the
  area specified by `:r-range` and `:theta-range`.

Optional arguments:

- `:r-range`: 2-vector of the form `[<min-r> <max-r>]` specifying the interval
  of the first input to `f`. Defaults to `[0 3]`.

- `:theta-range`: 2-vector of the form `[<min-theta> <max-theta>]` specifying
  the interval of the second input to `f`. Defaults to `[0 (* 2 Math/PI)]`.

- `:r-samples`: the number of r samples to use to generate the surface.
  Defaults to 64.

- `:theta-samples`: the number of theta samples to use to generate the
  surface. Defaults to 64.

- `:shaded?` if `true` (default), MathBox will shade the surface.

- `:opacity`: opacity of the surface. Defaults to 0.75.

- `:color`: color of the surface. This can be a `three.js` `Color` object or [any
  valid input to its constructor](

- `:z-order`: z-order of the surface. Defaults to 25.

- `:z-index`: zIndex of the surface. Defaults to 0.

- `:z-bias`: zBias of the surface. Defaults to 0.

Optional arguments for configuring grid lines:

- `:grid-r`: the number of lines of constant `r` to plot along the surface.

- `:grid-theta`: the number of lines of constant `theta` to plot along the surface.

- `:grid-opacity`: opacity of the grid lines. Defaults to 0.5.

- `:grid-width`: width of the grid lines.

- `:grid-color`: color of the grid lines. Defaults to a darkened version of
sourceraw docstring


(scene & children)

Takes an optional options map and any number of children and nests them into a configured emmy.mathbox.components.plot/Cartesian component that renders a mathematical 3d plotting scene into MathBox.

Any option supported by emmy.mathbox/mathbox is removed and passed along to that function.

See cartesian for all other supported options.

Takes an optional options map and any number of children and nests them into a
configured [[emmy.mathbox.components.plot/Cartesian]] component that renders a
mathematical 3d plotting scene into MathBox.

Any option supported by [[emmy.mathbox/mathbox]] is removed and passed along
to that function.

See [[cartesian]] for all other supported options.
sourceraw docstring


(vector opts)

Returns a fragment that renders a vector into the scene with the specified tip and tail.

Required arguments:

  • :tip: 3-vector of the form [<x> <y> <z>] specifying the tip of the vector.

Optional arguments:

  • :tail: 3-vector of the form [<x> <y> <z>] specifying the tail of the vector. Defaults to [0 0 0].

See line for all other supported options. All defaults are identical, except :end? defaults to true.

Returns a fragment that renders a vector into the scene with the specified
`tip` and `tail`.

Required arguments:

- `:tip`: 3-vector of the form `[<x> <y> <z>]` specifying the tip of the

Optional arguments:

- `:tail`: 3-vector of the form `[<x> <y> <z>]` specifying the tail of the
  vector. Defaults to `[0 0 0]`.

See [[line]] for all other supported options. All defaults are identical,
except `:end?` defaults to `true`.
sourceraw docstring


(vector-field opts)

Returns a fragment that plots a vector field defined by :f into the scene along the volume specified by :x-range, :y-range and :z-range.

Required arguments:

  • :f: function of the form (fn [[x y z]] [<x> <y> <z>]), valid within the area specified by :x-range, :y-range and :z-range.

    The function should return the coordinates of the tip of a vector with origin at [0 0 0]; [[VectorField]] will translate each vector to start at [x y z].

Optional arguments:

  • :scale: Optional scale factor to apply to each vector's magnitude. Defaults to 1.0.

  • :x-range: 2-vector of the form [<min-x> <max-x>] specifying the interval of the first input to f. Defaults to the scene's range.

  • :y-range: 2-vector of the form [<min-y> <max-y>] specifying the interval of the first input to f. Defaults to the scene's range.

  • :z-range: 2-vector of the form [<min-z> <max-z>] specifying the interval of the second input to f. Defaults to the scene's range.

  • :x-samples: the number of vectors to plot in the x direction. Defaults to 10.

  • :y-samples: the number of vectors to plot in the y direction. Defaults to 10.

  • :z-samples: the number of vectors to plot in the z direction. Defaults to 10.

  • :start? if true, renders an arrow at the start of each vector. Defaults to false.

  • :end? if true, renders an arrow at the end of each vector. Defaults to true.

  • :arrow-size: size of the arrows toggled by :start? and :end?. Defaults to 6.

  • :width: width of each vector. Defaults to 2.

  • :opacity: opacity of each vector. Defaults to 1.0.

  • :color: color of each vector. This can be a three.js Color object or any valid input to its constructor.

  • :z-order: z-order of the vector field.

  • :z-index: zIndex of the vector field. Defaults to 0.

  • :z-bias: zBias of the vector field. Defaults to 0.

Returns a fragment that plots a vector field defined by `:f` into the scene
along the volume specified by `:x-range`, `:y-range` and `:z-range`.

Required arguments:

- `:f`: function of the form `(fn [[x y z]] [<x> <y> <z>])`, valid within the
  area specified by `:x-range`, `:y-range` and `:z-range`.

  The function should return the coordinates of the tip of a vector with
  origin at `[0 0 0]`; [[VectorField]] will translate each vector to start at
  `[x y z]`.

Optional arguments:

- `:scale`: Optional scale factor to apply to each vector's magnitude.
  Defaults to 1.0.

- `:x-range`: 2-vector of the form `[<min-x> <max-x>]` specifying the interval
  of the first input to `f`. Defaults to the scene's range.

- `:y-range`: 2-vector of the form `[<min-y> <max-y>]` specifying the interval
  of the first input to `f`. Defaults to the scene's range.

- `:z-range`: 2-vector of the form `[<min-z> <max-z>]` specifying the interval
  of the second input to `f`. Defaults to the scene's range.

- `:x-samples`: the number of vectors to plot in the `x` direction. Defaults
  to 10.

- `:y-samples`: the number of vectors to plot in the `y` direction. Defaults
  to 10.

- `:z-samples`: the number of vectors to plot in the `z` direction. Defaults
  to 10.

- `:start?` if `true`, renders an arrow at the start of each vector. Defaults
  to `false`.

- `:end?` if `true`, renders an arrow at the end of each vector. Defaults to

- `:arrow-size`: size of the arrows toggled by `:start?` and `:end?`. Defaults
  to 6.

- `:width`: width of each vector. Defaults to 2.

- `:opacity`: opacity of each vector. Defaults to 1.0.

- `:color`: color of each vector. This can be a `three.js` `Color` object
  or [any valid input to its

- `:z-order`: z-order of the vector field.

- `:z-index`: zIndex of the vector field. Defaults to 0.

- `:z-bias`: zBias of the vector field. Defaults to 0.
sourceraw docstring

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