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JSXGraph is a JavaScript library that lets you build 2-dimensional scenes full of geometric objects, function curves and interactive UI elements, potentially with many complex constraints defined between these objects.

JSXGraph.cljs extends JSXGraph with a React / Reagent component that makes it easy to define JSXGraph constructions inside of a user interface built with Clojurescript.


Install jsxgraph.cljs into your Clojurescript project using the instructions at its Clojars page:

Clojars Project

Require jsxgraph.core in your namespace:

(ns my-app
   (:require [jsxgraph.core :as jsx]))

Create your first jsx/JSXGraph board, populated with two points and an arrow between them:

 [jsx/JSXGraph {:boundingbox [-3 3 3 -3] :axis true}
  [jsx/Point {:name "A" :size 1 :parents [-1 1]}]
  [jsx/Point {:id "B" :name "BEE!" :size 1 :parents [2 -1]}]
  [jsx/Arrow {:size 4
              :parents ["A" "B"]}]])

2022-12-08 14 25 32

Here's a more complex example of an interactive vector field, implemented here:

2022-12-08 10 31 18

See the project's interactive documentation notebook for more guides and examples.

Interactive Documentation via Clerk

The project's interactive documentation was generated using Nextjournal's Clerk. If you'd like to edit or play with the documentation, you'll need to install

Once this is done, run this command in one terminal window to build and serve the custom JS required by the notebook:

bb dev-notebook

In another terminal window, run

bb start-clerk

This should open a browser window to http://localhost:7777 with the contents of the documentation notebook. Any edits you make to dev/jsxgraph/notebook.clj will be picked up and displayed in the browser on save.

Thanks and Support

To support this work and my other open source projects, consider sponsoring me via my GitHub Sponsors page. Thank you to my current sponsors!

I'm grateful to Clojurists Together for financial support during this library's creation. Please consider becoming a member to support this work and projects like it.


Copyright © 2022 Sam Ritchie.

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.

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