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The interactive docs page is now published to

  • #12:

    • Adds a deps-new template that sets up a basic Clerk project with MathLive.cljs installed as a dependency. The template lives here.

    • Adds a provided dependency on SCI to pom.xml, so that cljdoc builds succeed.

    • Adds mathlive.sci with SCI namespace objects for all namespaces, plus a namespaces map and a config for easy installation into SCI. The namespaces follows the patterns set by the repo.

      • mathlive.sci/install! allows the user to install MathLive.cljs into SCI's shared context with one mutating call.
    • Migrates the project over to clerk-utils and all of its new custom build stuff. This let me simplify development, update the README and DEVELOPING pages and kill my shadow-cljs.edn file. user.clj gets quite a bit simpler too.

    • Adds notes to the interactive docs guide about using the library with SCI and with Clerk

    • Upgrades to Clerk version fad499407d979916d21b33cc7e46e73f7a485e37 for the template and project docs notebook



  • First release!

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