Onyx plugin providing read and write facilities for Kafka. This plugin automatically discovers broker locations from ZooKeeper and updates the consumers when there is a broker failover.
This plugin version is only compatible with Kafka 0.10+. Please use onyx-kafka-0.8 with Kafka 0.8.
In your project file:
[org.onyxplatform/onyx-kafka ""]
In your peer boot-up namespace:
(:require [onyx.plugin.kafka])
Reads segments from a Kafka topic. Peers will automatically be assigned to each
of the topics partitions, balancing the number of partitions over the number of
peers, unless :kafka/partition
is supplied in which case only one partition
will be read from.
Catalog entry:
{:onyx/name :read-messages
:onyx/plugin :onyx.plugin.kafka/read-messages
:onyx/type :input
:onyx/medium :kafka
:kafka/topic "my topic"
:kafka/receive-buffer-bytes 65536
:kafka/zookeeper ""
:kafka/offset-reset :earliest
:kafka/deserializer-fn :my.ns/deserializer-fn
:kafka/wrap-with-metadata? false
;; :kafka/start-offsets {p1 offset1, p2, offset2}
;; :kafka/target-offsets {p1 offset3, p2, offset4}
:onyx/batch-timeout 50
:onyx/batch-size 100
:onyx/doc "Reads messages from a Kafka topic"}
Lifecycle entry:
{:lifecycle/task :read-messages
:lifecycle/calls :onyx.plugin.kafka/read-messages-calls}
key | type | default | description |
:kafka/topic | string | The topic name to connect to | |
:kafka/partition | string | Optional: partition to read or write to from if auto-assignment is not used | |
:kafka/zookeeper | string | The ZooKeeper connection string | |
:kafka/offset-reset | keyword | Offset bound to seek to when not found - :earliest or :latest | |
:kafka/receive-buffer-bytes | integer | 65536 | The size in the receive buffer in the Kafka consumer. |
:kafka/key-deserializer-fn | keyword | A keyword that represents a fully qualified namespaced function to deserialize a record's key. Takes one argument - a byte array. Only used when :kafka/wrap-with-metadata? is true. | |
:kafka/deserializer-fn | keyword | A keyword that represents a fully qualified namespaced function to deserialize a record's value. Takes one argument - a byte array | |
:kafka/wrap-with-metadata? | boolean | false | Wraps message into map with keys :key , :serialized-key-size , :serialized-value-size , :offset , :timestamp , :partition , :topic and :message itself |
:kafka/start-offsets | map | Allows a task to be supplied with the starting offsets for all partitions. Maps partition to offset, e.g. {0 50, 1, 90} will start at offset 50 for partition 0, and offset 90 for partition 1 | |
:kafka/target-offsets | map | Allows a task to be supplied with target offsets for all partitions. The consumer will read up to and including the target offset for each partition. | |
:kafka/consumer-opts | map | A map of arbitrary configuration to merge into the underlying Kafka consumer base configuration. Map should contain strings as keys, and the valid values described in the Kafka Docs. |
Writes segments to a Kafka topic using the Kafka "new" producer.
Catalog entry:
{:onyx/name :write-messages
:onyx/plugin :onyx.plugin.kafka/write-messages
:onyx/type :output
:onyx/medium :kafka
:kafka/topic "topic"
:kafka/zookeeper ""
:kafka/serializer-fn :my.ns/serializer-fn
:kafka/request-size 307200
:onyx/batch-size batch-size
:onyx/doc "Writes messages to a Kafka topic"}
Lifecycle entry:
{:lifecycle/task :write-messages
:lifecycle/calls :onyx.plugin.kafka/write-messages-calls}
Segments supplied to a :onyx.plugin.kafka/write-messages
task should be in in
the following form: {:message message-body}
with optional partition, topic and
key values.
{:message message-body
:key optional-key
:partition optional-partition
:topic optional-topic}
key | type | default | description |
:kafka/topic | string | The topic name to connect to | |
:kafka/zookeeper | string | The ZooKeeper connection string | |
:kafka/key-serializer-fn | keyword | A keyword that represents a fully qualified namespaced function to serialize a record's key. Takes one argument - the segment | |
:kafka/serializer-fn | keyword | A keyword that represents a fully qualified namespaced function to serialize a record's value. Takes one argument - the segment | |
:kafka/request-size | number | 307200 | The maximum size of request messages. Maps to the max.request.size value of the internal kafka producer. |
:kafka/no-seal? | boolean | false | Do not write :done to the topic when task receives the sentinel signal (end of batch job) |
:kafka/producer-opts | map | A map of arbitrary configuration to merge into the underlying Kafka producer base configuration. Map should contain strings as keys, and the valid values described in the Kafka Docs. |
A take-segments utility function is provided for use when testing the results
of jobs with kafka output tasks. take-segments reads from a topic until a :done
is reached, and then returns the results. Note, if a :done
is never written to a
topic, this will hang forever as there is no timeout.
(ns your-ns.a-test
(:require [onyx.kafka.utils :as kpu]))
;; insert code to run a job here
;; retrieve the segments on the topic
(def results
(kpu/take-segments (:zookeeper/address peer-config) "yourtopic" your-decompress-fn))
(last results)
; :done
To benchmark, start a real ZooKeeper instance (at and Kafka instance, and run the following benchmarks.
Write perf, single peer writer:
TIMBRE_LOG_LEVEL=:info lein test onyx.plugin.output-bench-test :benchmark
Read perf, single peer reader:
TIMBRE_LOG_LEVEL=:info lein test onyx.plugin.input-benchmark-test :benchmark
Past results are maintained in dev-resources/benchmarking/results.txt
Pull requests into the master branch are welcomed.
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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
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