onyx-local-rt is an alternative runtime for Onyx that executes jobs in a pure, deterministic environment. This runtime is local-only, and does not run in a distributed mode. This is an incubating repository, meaning this code will be moved into Onyx core at a later date.
In your project.clj
[org.onyxplatform/onyx-local-rt ""]
First, Require the only file, api.cljc
, and define any functions that will be used.
Next, call init
with your job. You can then add new segments to an input task (new-segment
move the runtime forward (tick
), move the runtime forward until all in-flight segments have
reached their outputs (drain
), or simulate the job shutting down (stop
). All API functions
take and return the runtime.
View the API on GitHub Pages.
As an example for Clojure(Script):
(:require [onyx-local-rt.api :as api])
;; ^:export the function if using in ClojureScript.
(defn ^:export my-inc [segment]
(update-in segment [:n] inc))
(def job
{:workflow [[:in :inc] [:inc :out]]
:catalog [{:onyx/name :in
:onyx/type :input
:onyx/batch-size 20}
{:onyx/name :inc
:onyx/type :function
:onyx/fn ::my-inc
:onyx/batch-size 20}
{:onyx/name :out
:onyx/type :output
:onyx/batch-size 20}]
:lifecycles []})
(-> (api/init job)
(api/new-segment :in {:n 41})
(api/new-segment :in {:n 84})
;; =>
;; {:next-action :lifecycle/start-task?,
;; :tasks
;; {:in {:inbox []},
;; :inc {:inbox []},
;; :out {:inbox [], :outputs [{:n 42} {:n 85}]}}}
Copyright © 2016 Distributed Masonry
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.
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