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(ns widget.replikativ (:require

[hasch.core :refer [uuid]] [taoensso.timbre :as timbre] [superv.async :refer [S] :as sasync] [cljs.core.async :refer [>! chan timeout]]

[konserve.memory :refer [new-mem-store]] [replikativ.peer :refer [client-peer]] [replikativ.stage :refer [create-stage! connect! subscribe-crdts!]]
[replikativ.crdt.ormap.realize :refer [stream-into-identity!]] [replikativ.crdt.ormap.stage :as s]) (:require-macros [superv.async :refer [go-try <? go-loop-try]] [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go-loop]]))

;; 1. app constants (def user "") (def ormap-id #uuid "7d274663-9396-4247-910b-409ae35fe98d") (def uri ;; test net #"ws://" #"wss://" ;; alternatively use your own peer :) "ws://localhost:31744")

;; Have a look at the replikativ "Get started" tutorial to understand how the ;; replikativ parts work:

;; lets transform the OR-MAP operations to the val-atom (def stream-eval-fns {'assoc (fn [S a new] (swap! a update-in [:posts] conj new) a) 'dissoc (fn [S a new] (swap! a update-in [:posts] disj new) a)})

;; this is our main app state (defonce val-atom (atom {:posts #{} :snackbar {:open false :message ""}}))

;; standard setup (defn setup-replikativ [] (go-try S (let [local-store (<? S (new-mem-store)) local-peer (<? S (client-peer S local-store)) stage (<? S (create-stage! user local-peer)) stream (stream-into-identity! stage [user ormap-id] stream-eval-fns val-atom)] (<? S (s/create-ormap! stage :description "messages" :id ormap-id)) ;; HACK to display OR-Map creation status message for a moment (<? S (timeout 1000)) (connect! stage uri) {:store local-store :stage stage :stream stream :peer local-peer})))

(declare client-state) ;; this is the only state changing function (defn send-message! [app-state msg] (s/assoc! (:stage client-state) [user ormap-id] (uuid msg) [['assoc msg]]))

(defn start-replikativ [& args] (go-try S (def client-state (<? S (setup-replikativ)))))

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