Disallow non-local connections by default. Gorilla sessions are now safe by default, even when the firewall allows
access to Gorilla's port (thanks to @silasdavis and @foogoof).
Change bracket match highlighting to improve visibility.
Vega data now uses keywords rather than strings as keys (thanks to @cldellow). This will break any functions written
to directly manipulate Vega structures. Value copy of Vega structures from old worksheets will also break.
Change the gorilla-plot.core/histogram option fillOpacity to fill-opacity.
All new renderer. This is the main change. The new renderer is simple and predictable, very flexible, supports
first-class pluggable custom rendering, and really respects the structure of Clojure values. In particular it renders
aggregates of values as you might hope, so you can draw lists of tables, tables of plots, associatives of tables of
tables of plots etc.
You can open multiple tabs on the same REPL. This works really nicely - they each get they own session, but share the
Runs a real nREPL server now, so should work together with things like vim-fireplace that make their own connection
to the REPL server. (I haven't tested this though!)