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Pink Gorilla Renderable GitHub Actions status |pink-gorilla/gorilla-renderableClojars Project

  • This project is part of PinkGorilla Notebook
  • Data structures from clojure/clojurescript have to be converted to some kind of visual repesentation so that the notebook can render them
  • For all clojure/clojurescript datatypes default renderers are defined here
  • Custom data-types can implement the renderable protocol
  • The notebook receives the render-datastructure and renders it to the notebook cell.
(defprotocol Renderable
  (render [self]))

Clojure/Clojurescript Data => (render) => Renderable DataStructure => (render) => Notebook

Unit Tests


lein test



This code is licensed to you under the MIT licence. See LICENCE.txt for details.

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
awb99, Andreas Steffan & JonyEpsilon
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