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modular GitHub Actions status |pink-gorilla/modularClojars Project

Modular helps building modular applications. Applications that can be extended with modules.


  • config management (allow multiple modules to share a common configuration) writes currently used config to a file (which gets updated whenever the config changes) config files are edn files OR a clojure datastructure (in the repl) edn config files can contain symbols supports cprop style app configuration

    since we support symbols in edn files, we have a way to load namespaces

    config state edn fils are HUMAN readable.

  • persistence (save txt/edn/json) we add serialization for java/localdatetime

  • exploration filesystem exploration watch for changes in folders

  • id uuid

webly/goldly integration

webly uses modular to send the entire configuration to the browser. This works with dynamic config changes.

Goldly provides sci functions to access the configuration.

unit test

clj -M:test

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