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A Redis implementation of the Bridges protocols.


What does it do?

Two component implementations of redis clients are included in this project. Carmine ( is the original implementation. However, beginning in Aug 2018 carmine's internal connection pool strategy began to inexplicably fail during high-volume ETL operations, routinely filling up the OS's transient TCP port space with 20k+ connections sitting in TIME_WAIT from both GET and SET operations.

Jedis was explored as an alternative, and it's connection pooling appears to actually work.



  • Supports out-of-the-box nippy encoding for Clojure data structures, but also uses it's own serialization mechanism including custom carmine specific headers. (Not good)

  • Optimistic locking in swap-in by using WATCH

  • Automatic retries of failed commands (e.g. swap-in)

  • A whole host of other Redis features which we don't use.


Jedis is fully featured, but only a small portion is wrapped. Current implementation is bare-bones and not considered production ready except for high-volume ETLs which only use GET, SET and DEL.


  • Optimistic locking with WATCH

  • Automatic retries of failed commands (e.g. swap-in)

  • Everything is stringly typed.


  • Decide on serialization strategy.
    • Similar to lebowski with declarative namespaces and encoding in the config?
    • Something at runtime like carmine but not as bad?


You can interact with the library in the REPL by typing in Emacs:

M-x cider-jack-in

Initialize the components by:

user> (dev)
dev> (reset)


First, setup your GPG credentials and Leiningen environment.

See these for details:


To release a snapshot:

$ lein release :patch

To release a minor version:

$ lein release :minor

To release a major version:

$ lein release :major

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