A Clojure library for using the Transit data format over Ring's WebSocket API (currently in beta testing).
Add the following dependency to your deps.edn file:
org.ring-clojure/ring-websocket-transit {:mvn {"0.1.0-beta2"}}
Or to your Leiningen project file:
[org.ring-clojure/ring-websocket-transit "0.1.0-beta2"]
The wrap-websocket-transit
middleware function converts incoming and
outgoing WebSocket text messages to and from the Transit data format.
For example:
(require '[ring.websocket :as ws]
'[ring.websocket.transit :as wst])
(def handler
(fn [_request]
(fn [socket message]
(ws/send socket (update message :counter inc)))}})))
Instead of receiving a text message via the on-message
listener event,
a data structure decoded from Transit formatting is supplied instead.
The socket argument is also wrapped, such that sending a data structure
automatically encodes it.
This also works with libraries like Ring-WebSocket-Async:
(require '[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [<! >!]]
'[ring.websocket.async :as wsa])
(def handler-async
(fn [_request]
(wsa/go-websocket [in out]
(when-let [message (<! in)]
(>! out (update message :counter inc))
Copyright © 2023 James Reeves
Released under the MIT license.
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