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Project builder for Clojure projects with tools.deps, based on Badigeon, has the following functionality:

  • Compile java sources

  • AOT compile Clojure sources

  • Package a project as a jar file

  • Install jar files to the local maven repository

  • Install jar files to remote maven repository

  • Sign jar files

  • Package a project into a standalone bundle with a start script

  • Package a project as an uberjar file

  • Produce a custom JRE runtime using jlink


Add to :aliases section of deps.edn pbuilder dependency (see latest version above):

     :pbuilder {:extra-deps {org.rssys/pbuilder {:mvn/version "0.1.1"}}
                :jvm-opts   []
                :main-opts  ["--main" "org.rssys.pbuilder.core"]}

Add at root of your project file pbuild.edn. Structure for pbuild.edn see in example. Keys :main and :omit-source? are valid for uberjar project only. Here is an example for this project:

 ;;:java-source-paths "java-src"
 ;;:javac-options     ["-target" "1.8" "-source" "1.8" "-Xlint:-options"]

 :warn-on-resource-conflicts? true

 :deploy-signed?              true
 :deploy-repo                 {:id "clojars" :url ""}
 :deploy-creds                :m2-settings                  ;; :m2-settings or :password-prompt

 :target-folder               "target"
 :group-id                    "org.rssys"
 :artifact-id                 "pbuilder"
 :artifact-version            "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"
 :main                        "org.rssys.pbuilder.core"
 :omit-source?                true
 ;;:uberjar-filename            "pbuilder.jar"
 :description                 "Project builder is a build tool for Clojure projects with tools.deps."
 :url                         ""
 :scm                         {:url ""}
 :license                     {:name "EPL-2.0"
                               :url  ""}

Then run clojure -A:pbuilder <command>.

List of available commands:

  • clean - clear target folder

  • javac - compile java sources

  • compile - compile clojure code

  • jar - build jar file (as library)

  • uberjar - build standalone executable jar file (uberjar)

  • install - install jar file (library) to local .m2

  • deploy - deploy jar file (library) to

  • conflicts - show class conflicts (same name class in multiple jar files)

  • standalone - build standalone bundle uberjar + custom JRE using JDK 9+ jlink.

  • release - release artifact.

  • bump - bump version artifact in build file. E.g: clojure -A:pbuilder bump beta

Release artifact

To release artifact run clojure -A:pbuild release.


Copyright © 2020 Mike Ananev

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License 2.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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