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Project builder for Clojure projects with tools.deps, based on Badigeon, has the following functionality:

  • Compile java sources

  • AOT compile Clojure sources

  • Package a project as a jar file

  • Install jar files to the local maven repository

  • Install jar files to remote maven repository

  • Sign jar files

  • Package a project into a standalone bundle with a start script

  • Package a project as an uberjar file

  • Produce a custom JRE runtime using jlink



Easy way to use pbuilder is to use templates:

Direct usage

Add to :aliases section of deps.edn pbuilder dependency (see latest version above):

     :pbuilder {:extra-deps {org.rssys/pbuilder {:mvn/version "0.1.4"}}
                :jvm-opts   []
                :main-opts  ["--main" "org.rssys.pbuilder.core"]}

Add at root of your project file pbuild.edn. Structure for pbuild.edn see in example. Keys :main and :omit-source? are valid for uberjar project only. Here is an example for this project:

 ;;:java-source-paths "java-src"
 ;;:javac-options     ["-target" "1.8" "-source" "1.8" "-Xlint:-options"]

 :warn-on-resource-conflicts? true

 :deploy-signed?              true
 :deploy-repo                 {:id "clojars" :url ""}
 :deploy-creds                :m2-settings                  ;; :m2-settings or :password-prompt

 :target-folder               "target"
 :group-id                    "org.rssys"
 :artifact-id                 "pbuilder"
 :artifact-version            "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"
 :main                        "org.rssys.pbuilder.core"
 :omit-source?                true
 ;;:uberjar-filename            "pbuilder.jar"
 :description                 "Project builder is a build tool for Clojure projects with tools.deps."
 :url                         ""
 :scm                         {:url ""}
 :license                     {:name "EPL-2.0"
                               :url  ""}

Then run clojure -A:pbuilder <command>.

List of available commands:

  • clean - clear target folder

  • javac - compile java sources

  • compile - compile clojure code

  • jar - build jar file (as library)

  • uberjar - build standalone executable jar file (uberjar)

  • install - install jar file (library) to local .m2

  • deploy - deploy jar file (library) to

  • conflicts - show class conflicts (same name class in multiple jar files)

  • standalone - build standalone bundle uberjar + custom JRE using JDK 9+ jlink.

  • release - release artifact. To release artifact run clojure -A:pbuild release.

  • bump - bump version artifact in build file. E.g: clojure -A:pbuilder bump beta. Parameter should be one of: major, minor, patch, alpha, beta, rc, qualifier


Copyright © 2020 Mike Ananev

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License 2.0 or (at your option) any later version.

Third party


Project builder uses Badigeon software

Copyright 2019 Ewen Grosjean.

The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 (


Project builder uses some code from Leiningen

Source Copyright © 2009-2018 Phil Hagelberg, Alex Osborne, Dan Larkin, and contributors. Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure uses. See the file COPYING.

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