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♫ faccio il tifo per la S.P.A.L. / a tressette gioco al C.R.A.L. ♫

CRAL is a pure Clojure library for consuming Alfresco Content Services public REST API in an idiomatic way.


  • Tuned for GraalVM, can be compiled to native binary

  • Lean and readable code

  • 100% test coverage

☛ Still incomplete and alpha quality, interface subject to changes

Unreleased on Clojars at the moment, install to your local repository with lein install if you want to play with it.


Require the relevant namespaces:

  [cral.alfresco.model :as model]
  [cral.alfresco.core.nodes :as nodes]
  [ :as search]
  [cral.alfresco.auth :as auth])

Default configuration is stored in config atom defined in cral.alfresco.config:

{:scheme "http",
 :host "localhost",
 :port 8080,
 :core-path "alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1",
 :search-path "alfresco/api/-default-/public/search/versions/1",
 :auth-path "alfresco/api/-default-/public/authentication/versions/1"}

and can be overwritten by passing a map with the new values to config/configure fn:

(config/configure {:scheme "https" :port 8983})
{:scheme "https",
 :host "localhost",
 :port 8983,
 :core-path "alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1",
 :search-path "alfresco/api/-default-/public/search/versions/1",
 :auth-path "alfresco/api/-default-/public/authentication/versions/1"}

Results are returned as maps that can be easily handled in Clojure, please note that all map keys are converted to proper kebab-case keywords and query parameters as well as POST bodies JSON keys are automatically converted to camel case before they are sent:

(auth/create-ticket "admin" "admin")
=> {:status 201, :body {:entry {:id "TICKET_5905a2c41cf63c003a2044ebdae69aa48691fdc8", :user-id "admin"}}}

(let [ticket (model/map->Ticket (get-in (auth/create-ticket user pass) [:body :entry]))
      search-request (search/map->SearchRequest {:query (search/map->RequestQuery {:query "PATH:'app:company_home/app:guest_home'"})})]
  (search/search ticket search-request))
{:status 200,
 :body {:list {:pagination {:count 1, :has-more-items false, :total-items 1, :skip-count 0, :max-items 100},
               :context {:consistency {:last-tx-id 277}},
               :entries [{:entry {:is-file false,
                                  :is-folder true,
                                  :created-by-user {:id "System", :display-name "System"},
                                  :name "Guest Home",
                                  :modified-at "2023-05-27T12:33:33.089+0000",
                                  :node-type "cm:folder",
                                  :search {:score 0.0},
                                  :id "443fd8b1-c135-48a2-8c1d-1567777aaa19",
                                  :parent-id "6b4fa714-3a58-411a-8839-179f8e01f728",
                                  :modified-by-user {:id "admin", :display-name "Administrator"},
                                  :created-at "2023-05-21T16:46:55.651+0000",
                                  :location "nodes"}}]}}}

Post bodies and request parameters with well known keys are modeled as records:

(model/map->GetNodeQueryParams {:include ["path" "permissions"]})
=> #cral.alfresco.model.GetNodeQueryParams{:include ["path" "permissions"], :relative-path nil, :fields nil}

(model/map->CreateNodeBody {:name (.toString (UUID/randomUUID)) :node-type "cm:content"})
#cral.alfresco.model.CreateNodeBody{:name "50075900-f0ef-461c-8534-116945f29b58",
                                    :node-type "cm:content",
                                    :properties nil}

but plain maps can be used as well if desired:

(let [ticket (get-in (auth/create-ticket user pass) [:body :entry])
      parent-id (:id (get-guest-home))]
    (get-in (nodes/create-node ticket parent-id {:name "test" :node-type "cm:content"}) [:body :entry])
    [:name :node-type :id :parent-id]))
{:name "test",
 :node-type "cm:content",
 :id "68d9d0e3-8830-427e-b04e-c0109b02a539",
 :parent-id "a29adc70-0639-416a-9660-4ed7f247b5a9"}


Copyright (c) 2023 Saidone

Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0

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