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(copy-node ticket node-id body)
(copy-node ticket node-id body query-params & [opts])

Copy the node node-id to the parent folder node target-parent-id. The target-parent-id should be specified in the request body. The new node will have the same name as the source node unless a new name is specified in the request body. If the source node-id is a folder then all of its children are also copied. If the source node-id is a file then its properties, aspects and tags will be copied, its ratings, comments and locks will not.
More info here.

Copy the node `node-id` to the parent folder node **target-parent-id**. The **target-parent-id** should be specified in the request `body`.
The new node will have the same name as the source node unless a new **name** is specified in the request `body`.
If the source `node-id` is a folder then all of its children are also copied.
If the source `node-id` is a file then its properties, aspects and tags will be copied, its ratings, comments and locks will not.\
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(create-node ticket parent-id body)
(create-node ticket parent-id body query-params & [opts])

Create a node and add it as a primary child of node node-id.
More info here.

Create a node and add it as a primary child of node `node-id`.\
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(create-node-assocs ticket node-id body)
(create-node-assocs ticket node-id body query-params & [opts])

Create an association, with the given association type, between the source node-id and a target node.
More info here.

Create an association, with the given association type, between the source `node-id` and a target node.\
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(create-secondary-child ticket node-id body)
(create-secondary-child ticket node-id body query-params & [opts])

Create a secondary child association, with the given association type, between the parent node-id and a child node.
More info here.

Create a secondary child association, with the given association type, between the parent `node-id` and a child node.\
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(delete-node ticket node-id)
(delete-node ticket node-id query-params & [opts])

Delete the node node-id. If node-id is a folder, then its children are also deleted. Deleted nodes are moved to the trashcan unless the permanent query parameter is set to true.
More info here.

Delete the node `node-id`. If **node-id** is a folder, then its children are also deleted.
Deleted nodes are moved to the trashcan unless the **permanent** query parameter is set to **true**.\
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sourceraw docstring


(delete-node-assocs ticket node-id target-id)
(delete-node-assocs ticket node-id target-id query-params & [opts])

Delete an association, or associations, from the source node-id to a target node for the given association type. If the association type is not specified, then all peer associations, of any type, in the direction from source to target, will be deleted.
Note: After removal of the peer association, or associations, from source to target, the two nodes may still have peer associations in the other direction.
More info here.

Delete an association, or associations, from the source `node-id` to a target node for the given association type.
If the association type is not specified, then all peer associations, of any type, in the direction from source to target, will be deleted.\
**Note:** After removal of the peer association, or associations, from source to target, the two nodes may still have peer associations in the other direction.\
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sourceraw docstring


(delete-secondary-child ticket node-id child-id)
(delete-secondary-child ticket node-id child-id query-params & [opts])

Delete secondary child associations between the parent node-id and child nodes for the given association type. If the association type is not specified, then all secondary child associations, of any type in the direction from parent to secondary child, will be deleted. The child will still have a primary parent and may still be associated as a secondary child with other secondary parents.
More info here.

Delete secondary child associations between the parent `node-id` and child nodes for the given association type.
If the association type is not specified, then all secondary child associations, of any type in the direction from parent to secondary child, will be deleted.
The child will still have a primary parent and may still be associated as a secondary child with other secondary parents.\
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sourceraw docstring


(get-node ticket node-id)
(get-node ticket node-id query-params & [opts])

Get information for node node-id. You can use the include parameter in query-params to return additional information.
More info here.

Get information for node `node-id`. You can use the **include** parameter in `query-params` to return additional information.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(get-node-content ticket node-id)
(get-node-content ticket node-id query-params & [opts])

Gets the content of the node with identifier node-id.
More info here.

Gets the content of the node with identifier `node-id`.\
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sourceraw docstring


(list-node-children ticket node-id)
(list-node-children ticket node-id query-params & [opts])

Gets a list of children of the parent node node-id.
More info here.

Gets a list of children of the parent node `node-id`.\
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sourceraw docstring


(list-parents ticket node-id)
(list-parents ticket node-id query-params & [opts])

Gets a list of parent nodes that are associated with the current child node-id. The list includes both the primary parent and any secondary parents.
More info here.

Gets a list of parent nodes that are associated with the current child `node-id`.
The list includes both the primary parent and any secondary parents.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(list-secondary-children ticket node-id)
(list-secondary-children ticket node-id query-params & [opts])

Gets a list of secondary child nodes that are associated with the current parent node-id, via a secondary child association.
More info here.

Gets a list of secondary child nodes that are associated with the current parent `node-id`, via a secondary child association.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(list-source-assocs ticket node-id)
(list-source-assocs ticket node-id query-params & [opts])

Gets a list of source nodes that are associated with the current target node-id.
More info here.

Gets a list of source nodes that are associated with the current target `node-id`.\
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sourceraw docstring


(list-target-assocs ticket node-id)
(list-target-assocs ticket node-id query-params & [opts])

Gets a list of target nodes that are associated with the current source node-id.
More info here.

Gets a list of target nodes that are associated with the current source `node-id`.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(lock-node ticket node-id body)
(lock-node ticket node-id body query-params & [opts])

Places a lock on node node-id.
More info here.

Places a lock on node `node-id`.\
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sourceraw docstring


(move-node ticket node-id body)
(move-node ticket node-id body query-params & [opts])

Move the node node-id to the parent folder node target-parent-id. The target-parent-id is specified in the in request body. The moved node retains its name unless you specify a new name in the request body. If the source node-id is a folder, then its children are also moved. The move will effectively change the primary parent.
More info here.

Move the node `node-id` to the parent folder node **target-parent-id**.
The **target-parent-id** is specified in the in request `body`.
The moved node retains its name unless you specify a new name in the request `body`.
If the source `node-id` is a folder, then its children are also moved.
The move will effectively change the primary parent.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(request-direct-access-url ticket node-id)
(request-direct-access-url ticket node-id body & [opts])

Generate a direct access content url for the given node-id.
More info here.

Generate a direct access content url for the given `node-id`.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring


(unlock-node ticket node-id)
(unlock-node ticket node-id query-params & [opts])

Deletes a lock on node node-id.
More info here.

Deletes a lock on `node node-id`.\
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sourceraw docstring


(update-node ticket node-id body)
(update-node ticket node-id body query-params & [opts])

Update the node node-id.
More info here.

Update the node `node-id`.\
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sourceraw docstring


(update-node-content ticket node-id content)
(update-node-content ticket node-id content query-params & [opts])

Updates the content of the node with identifier node-id. The major-version and comment in query-params can be used to control versioning behaviour. If the content is versionable then a new minor version is created by default. Optionally a new name that must be unique within the parent folder can also be specified in query-params. If specified and valid then this will rename the node. If invalid then an error is returned and the content is not updated.
More info here.

Updates the content of the node with identifier `node-id`.
The **major-version** and **comment** in `query-params` can be used to control versioning behaviour.
If the content is versionable then a new minor version is created by default.
Optionally a new **name** that must be unique within the parent folder can also be specified in `query-params`.
If specified and valid then this will rename the node. If invalid then an error is returned and the content is not updated.\
More info [here](
sourceraw docstring

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