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(aspect-added? aspect)

Checks if an event corresponds to a repository node that has had specified aspect added.

Checks if an event corresponds to a repository node that has had specified aspect added.
sourceraw docstring


(aspect-removed? aspect)

Checks if an event corresponds to a repository node that has had specified aspect removed.

Checks if an event corresponds to a repository node that has had specified aspect removed.
sourceraw docstring


(assoc-type? assoc-type)

Checks if an event corresponds to a specific association type. This doesn’t distinguish if the event is representing a peer-peer or parent-child association.

Checks if an event corresponds to a specific association type. This doesn’t distinguish if the event is representing a peer-peer or parent-child association.
sourceraw docstring



Checks if an event represents the addition of content (i.e. a file) to an existing cm:content node in the repository.

Checks if an event represents the addition of content (i.e. a file) to an existing *cm:content* node in the repository.
sourceraw docstring



Checks if an event represents a content update (i.e. file updated) of a cm:content node in the repository.

Checks if an event represents a content update (i.e. file updated) of a *cm:content* node in the repository.
sourceraw docstring


(event? event)

Checks if message type is event.

Checks if message type is `event`.
sourceraw docstring



Checks if an event corresponds to a repository node of type cm:content or subtype (i.e. a file).

Checks if an event corresponds to a repository node of type *cm:content* or subtype (i.e. a file).
sourceraw docstring



Checks if an event corresponds to a repository node of type cm:folder or subtype (i.e. a folder).

Checks if an event corresponds to a repository node of type *cm:folder* or subtype (i.e. a folder).
sourceraw docstring


(make-tap mult pred)

Return a filtered tap connected to the mult channel. The returned tap is filtered by predicate pred.

Return a filtered tap connected to the `mult` channel.
The returned tap is filtered by predicate `pred`.
sourceraw docstring


(mime-type? mime-type)

Checks if an event represents a content node (i.e. cm:content) with a specific MIME type.

Checks if an event represents a content node (i.e. *cm:content*) with a specific MIME type.
sourceraw docstring


(node-aspect? aspect)

Checks if an event represents a node with a specific aspect.

Checks if an event represents a node with a specific `aspect`.
sourceraw docstring



Checks if an event represents a node being moved in the repository.

Checks if an event represents a node being moved in the repository.
sourceraw docstring



Checks if an event represents the change of the type of a node in the repository.

Checks if an event represents the change of the type of a node in the repository.
sourceraw docstring


(node-type? type)

Checks if an event represents a node with a specific type.

Checks if an event represents a node with a specific type.
sourceraw docstring


(property-added? prop)

Checks if an event corresponds to the addition of a node property in the repository.

Checks if an event corresponds to the addition of a node property in the repository.
sourceraw docstring


(property-changed? prop)

Checks if an event corresponds to the update of a node property in the repository.

Checks if an event corresponds to the update of a node property in the repository.
sourceraw docstring


(property-current-value? prop value)

Checks if an event represents a node with a specific property with a specific current value.

Checks if an event represents a node with a specific property with a specific current value.
sourceraw docstring


(property-previous-value? prop value)

Checks if an event represents a node with a specific property with a specific previous value.

Checks if an event represents a node with a specific property with a specific previous value.
sourceraw docstring


(property-removed? prop)

Checks if an event corresponds to the removal of a specific property to a node in the repository.

Checks if an event corresponds to the removal of a specific property to a node in the repository.
sourceraw docstring


(property-value? prop value)

Checks if an event represents a node with a specific property with a specific value.

Checks if an event represents a node with a specific property with a specific value.
sourceraw docstring

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