Kinds for visualization
Kinds for visualization
(code value)
(code value options)
display-as: a piece syntax highlighted Clojure code example:
(+ 1 2)
display-as: a piece syntax highlighted Clojure code example: ```clj (+ 1 2) ```
(cytoscape value)
(cytoscape value options)
display-as: a graph example:
{:nodes #{1 4 3 2 5}, :edges #{[4 3] [4 2] [1 2] [3 5]}}
docs: json-schema:
display-as: a graph example: ```clj {:nodes #{1 4 3 2 5}, :edges #{[4 3] [4 2] [1 2] [3 5]}} ``` docs: json-schema:
(dataset value)
(dataset value options)
display-as: a table example:
(->> (System/getProperties) (map (fn [[k v]] {:k k, :v (apply str (take 40 (str v)))})) (tech.v3.dataset/->>dataset {:dataset-name "My Truncated System Properties"}))
display-as: a table example: ```clj (->> (System/getProperties) (map (fn [[k v]] {:k k, :v (apply str (take 40 (str v)))})) (tech.v3.dataset/->>dataset {:dataset-name "My Truncated System Properties"})) ``` docs:
(echarts value)
(echarts value options)
display-as: a chart example:
[["a" "b" "c" "d"] [1 2 3 4]]
display-as: a chart example: ```clj [["a" "b" "c" "d"] [1 2 3 4]] ``` docs:
(edn value)
(edn value options)
display-as: a piece syntax highlighted EDN structure example:
{:x [1 2 3]}
display-as: a piece syntax highlighted EDN structure example: ```clj {:x [1 2 3]} ```
(emmy-viewers value)
(emmy-viewers value options)
display-as: A reagent component corresponding to emmy-viewers
display-as: A reagent component corresponding to emmy-viewers
(fn value)
(fn value options)
display-as: the evaluation of the given function and arguments examples:
;; vector form
(kind/fn [+ 2 3]) ; => 5
(kind/fn [(fn [s] (kind/md s))
**hi**: ]) ; => bold hi
;; map form
(kind/fn {:kindly/f (fn [{:keys [x y]}] (+ x y)) :x 1 :y 2}) ; => 3
;; arbitrary value + custom view fn
(kind/fn ["**hi**"] {:kindly/f (fn [[txt]] (kind/md txt))) ; => bold hi
display-as: the evaluation of the given function and arguments examples: ```clj ;; vector form (kind/fn [+ 2 3]) ; => 5 (kind/fn [(fn [s] (kind/md s)) **hi**: ]) ; => bold hi ;; map form (kind/fn {:kindly/f (fn [{:keys [x y]}] (+ x y)) :x 1 :y 2}) ; => 3 ;; arbitrary value + custom view fn (kind/fn ["**hi**"] {:kindly/f (fn [[txt]] (kind/md txt))) ; => bold hi ```
(fragment value)
(fragment value options)
display-as: one toplevel context with a sequential value considered as many toplevel contexts of various kinds example:
[["**hello**"] [:p [:b "hello"]]]
display-as: one toplevel context with a sequential value considered as many toplevel contexts of various kinds example: ```clj [["**hello**"] [:p [:b "hello"]]] ```
(hiccup value)
(hiccup value options)
display-as: HTML example:
[:div [:h3 "Hello " [:em "World"]]]
display-as: HTML example: ```clj [:div [:h3 "Hello " [:em "World"]]] ```
(hidden value)
(hidden value options)
display-as: do not display example:
display-as: do not display example: ```clj ["SECRET"] ```
(highcharts value)
(highcharts value options)
display-as: a chart example:
{:title {:text "Line chart"}, :subtitle {:text "By Job Category"}, :yAxis {:title {:text "Number of Employees"}}, :series [{:name "Installation & Developers", :data [43934 48656 65165 81827 112143 142383 171533 165174 155157 161454 154610]} {:name "Manufacturing", :data [24916 37941 29742 29851 32490 30282 38121 36885 33726 34243 31050]} {:name "Sales & Distribution", :data [11744 30000 16005 19771 20185 24377 32147 30912 29243 29213 25663]} {:name "Operations & Maintenance", :data [nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 11164 11218 10077]} {:name "Other", :data [21908 5548 8105 11248 8989 11816 18274 17300 13053 11906 10073]}], :xAxis {:accessibility {:rangeDescription "Range: 2010 to 2020"}}, :legend {:layout "vertical", :align "right", :verticalAlign "middle"}, :plotOptions {:series {:label {:connectorAllowed false}, :pointStart 2010}}, :responsive {:rules [{:condition {:maxWidth 500}, :chartOptions {:legend {:layout "horizontal", :align "center", :verticalAlign "bottom"}}}]}}
docs: json-schema:
display-as: a chart example: ```clj {:title {:text "Line chart"}, :subtitle {:text "By Job Category"}, :yAxis {:title {:text "Number of Employees"}}, :series [{:name "Installation & Developers", :data [43934 48656 65165 81827 112143 142383 171533 165174 155157 161454 154610]} {:name "Manufacturing", :data [24916 37941 29742 29851 32490 30282 38121 36885 33726 34243 31050]} {:name "Sales & Distribution", :data [11744 30000 16005 19771 20185 24377 32147 30912 29243 29213 25663]} {:name "Operations & Maintenance", :data [nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 11164 11218 10077]} {:name "Other", :data [21908 5548 8105 11248 8989 11816 18274 17300 13053 11906 10073]}], :xAxis {:accessibility {:rangeDescription "Range: 2010 to 2020"}}, :legend {:layout "vertical", :align "right", :verticalAlign "middle"}, :plotOptions {:series {:label {:connectorAllowed false}, :pointStart 2010}}, :responsive {:rules [{:condition {:maxWidth 500}, :chartOptions {:legend {:layout "horizontal", :align "center", :verticalAlign "bottom"}}}]}} ``` docs: json-schema:
(html value)
(html value options)
display-as: HTML example:
<div><h3>Hello ><em>World</em></h3><div>
display-as: HTML example: ```clj <div><h3>Hello ><em>World</em></h3><div> ```
(htmlwidgets-ggplotly value)
(htmlwidgets-ggplotly value options)
display-as: a plot rendered by the JS client side of Plotly R, specifically for a ggplotly plot docs:
display-as: a plot rendered by the JS client side of Plotly R, specifically for a ggplotly plot docs:
(htmlwidgets-plotly value)
(htmlwidgets-plotly value options)
display-as: a plot rendered by the JS client side of Plotly R docs:
display-as: a plot rendered by the JS client side of Plotly R docs:
(image value)
(image value options)
display-as: an image example:
At the moment, java BufferedImage objects are supported.
display-as: an image example: ```clj At the moment, java BufferedImage objects are supported. ```
(map value)
(map value options)
display-as: associated values example:
{:key1 "value1", :key2 "value2"}
display-as: associated values example: ```clj {:key1 "value1", :key2 "value2"} ```
(md value)
(md value options)
display-as: a Markdown string example:
## Hello *World*
display-as: a Markdown string example: ```clj ## Hello *World* ```
(observable value)
(observable value options)
display-as: Observable visualizations docs:
display-as: Observable visualizations docs:
(plotly value)
(plotly value options)
display-as: a plot example:
[{:x [1 2 3 4 5], :y [1 2 4 8 16]}]
docs: json-schema:
display-as: a plot example: ```clj [{:x [1 2 3 4 5], :y [1 2 4 8 16]}] ``` docs: json-schema:
(portal value)
(portal value options)
display-as: portal example:
{:key1 "value1", :key2 [:div [:h3 "Hello " [:em "World"]]]}
display-as: portal example: ```clj {:key1 "value1", :key2 [:div [:h3 "Hello " [:em "World"]]]} ```
(pprint value)
(pprint value options)
display-as: a formatted string example:
{:key1 "value1", :key2 "value2"}
display-as: a formatted string example: ```clj {:key1 "value1", :key2 "value2"} ```
(reagent value)
(reagent value options)
display-as: A reagent component inside HTML example:
[(fn [] [:button {:on-click (fn [ev] (js/alert "You pressed it"))} "Press me"])]
display-as: A reagent component inside HTML example: ```clj [(fn [] [:button {:on-click (fn [ev] (js/alert "You pressed it"))} "Press me"])] ```
(scittle value)
(scittle value options)
display-as: Code to go into a <script type="application/x-scittle"> example:
(println "hello world")
display-as: Code to go into a <script type="application/x-scittle"> example: ```clj (println "hello world") ```
(seq value)
(seq value options)
display-as: a sequence example:
(range 5)
display-as: a sequence example: ```clj (range 5) ```
(set value)
(set value options)
display-as: a bag example:
(set (range 5))
display-as: a bag example: ```clj (set (range 5)) ```
(smile-model value)
(smile-model value options)
display-as: the str
value should be displayesd as code
display-as: the `str` value should be displayesd as code docs:
(table value)
(table value options)
display-as: a table examples:
[{:col1 1, :col2 2} {:col1 3, :col2 4}]
{:col1 [1 3], :col2 [2 4]}
{:column-names [:col1 :col2], :row-vectors [[1 2] [3 4]]}
display-as: a table examples: ```clj [{:col1 1, :col2 2} {:col1 3, :col2 4}] {:col1 [1 3], :col2 [2 4]} {:column-names [:col1 :col2], :row-vectors [[1 2] [3 4]]} ```
(test value)
(test value options)
display-as: success or failure example:
(deftest unity-test (is (= 1 1)))
display-as: success or failure example: ```clj (deftest unity-test (is (= 1 1))) ```
(test-last value)
(test-last value options)
display-as: invisible (both code and value), but generates a test example:
[> 9]
display-as: invisible (both code and value), but generates a test example: ```clj [> 9] ```
(tex value)
(tex value options)
display-as: a TeX formula example:
display-as: a TeX formula example: ```clj x^2 ```
(var value)
(var value options)
display-as: the name of a var example:
(def testvar 100)
display-as: the name of a var example: ```clj (def testvar 100) ```
(vector value)
(vector value options)
display-as: a sequence example:
(vec (range 5))
display-as: a sequence example: ```clj (vec (range 5)) ```
(vega value)
(vega value options)
display-as: a chart example:
{:description "A basic bar chart example, with value labels shown upon pointer hover.", :axes [{:orient "bottom", :scale "xscale"} {:orient "left", :scale "yscale"}], :width 400, :scales [{:name "xscale", :type "band", :domain {:data "table", :field "category"}, :range "width", :padding 0.05, :round true} {:name "yscale", :domain {:data "table", :field "amount"}, :nice true, :range "height"}], :padding 5, :marks [{:type "rect", :from {:data "table"}, :encode {:enter {:x {:scale "xscale", :field "category"}, :width {:scale "xscale", :band 1}, :y {:scale "yscale", :field "amount"}, :y2 {:scale "yscale", :value 0}}, :update {:fill {:value "steelblue"}}, :hover {:fill {:value "red"}}}} {:type "text", :encode {:enter {:align {:value "center"}, :baseline {:value "bottom"}, :fill {:value "#333"}}, :update {:x {:scale "xscale", :signal "tooltip.category", :band 0.5}, :y {:scale "yscale", :signal "tooltip.amount", :offset -2}, :text {:signal "tooltip.amount"}, :fillOpacity [{:test "datum === tooltip", :value 0} {:value 1}]}}}], :signals [{:name "tooltip", :value {}, :on [{:events "rect:pointerover", :update "datum"} {:events "rect:pointerout", :update "{}"}]}], :height 200, :data [{:name "table", :values [{:category "A", :amount 28} {:category "B", :amount 55} {:category "C", :amount 43} {:category "D", :amount 91} {:category "E", :amount 81} {:category "F", :amount 53} {:category "G", :amount 19} {:category "H", :amount 87}]}]}
docs: json-schema:
display-as: a chart example: ```clj {:description "A basic bar chart example, with value labels shown upon pointer hover.", :axes [{:orient "bottom", :scale "xscale"} {:orient "left", :scale "yscale"}], :width 400, :scales [{:name "xscale", :type "band", :domain {:data "table", :field "category"}, :range "width", :padding 0.05, :round true} {:name "yscale", :domain {:data "table", :field "amount"}, :nice true, :range "height"}], :padding 5, :marks [{:type "rect", :from {:data "table"}, :encode {:enter {:x {:scale "xscale", :field "category"}, :width {:scale "xscale", :band 1}, :y {:scale "yscale", :field "amount"}, :y2 {:scale "yscale", :value 0}}, :update {:fill {:value "steelblue"}}, :hover {:fill {:value "red"}}}} {:type "text", :encode {:enter {:align {:value "center"}, :baseline {:value "bottom"}, :fill {:value "#333"}}, :update {:x {:scale "xscale", :signal "tooltip.category", :band 0.5}, :y {:scale "yscale", :signal "tooltip.amount", :offset -2}, :text {:signal "tooltip.amount"}, :fillOpacity [{:test "datum === tooltip", :value 0} {:value 1}]}}}], :signals [{:name "tooltip", :value {}, :on [{:events "rect:pointerover", :update "datum"} {:events "rect:pointerout", :update "{}"}]}], :height 200, :data [{:name "table", :values [{:category "A", :amount 28} {:category "B", :amount 55} {:category "C", :amount 43} {:category "D", :amount 91} {:category "E", :amount 81} {:category "F", :amount 53} {:category "G", :amount 19} {:category "H", :amount 87}]}]} ``` docs: json-schema:
(vega-lite value)
(vega-lite value options)
display-as: VegaLite chart example:
{:description "A simple bar chart with embedded data.", :data {:values [{"a" "A", "b" 28} {"a" "B", "b" 55} {"a" "C", "b" 43} {"a" "D", "b" 91} {"a" "E", "b" 81} {"a" "F", "b" 53} {"a" "G", "b" 19} {"a" "H", "b" 87} {"a" "I", "b" 52}]}, :mark "bar", :encoding {"x" {"field" "a", "type" "nominal", "axis" {"labelAngle" 0}}, "y" {"field" "b", "type" "quantitative"}}}
docs: json-schema:
display-as: VegaLite chart example: ```clj {:description "A simple bar chart with embedded data.", :data {:values [{"a" "A", "b" 28} {"a" "B", "b" 55} {"a" "C", "b" 43} {"a" "D", "b" 91} {"a" "E", "b" 81} {"a" "F", "b" 53} {"a" "G", "b" 19} {"a" "H", "b" 87} {"a" "I", "b" 52}]}, :mark "bar", :encoding {"x" {"field" "a", "type" "nominal", "axis" {"labelAngle" 0}}, "y" {"field" "b", "type" "quantitative"}}} ``` docs: json-schema:
(video value)
(video value options)
display-as: an embedded video examples:
{:youtube-id "MXHI4mgfVk8"}
display-as: an embedded video examples: ```clj {:youtube-id "MXHI4mgfVk8"} "file:///path/to/vid.mp4" ```
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